My First Hive Post @natepowers

in #firstpost4 years ago


I'm extremely disorganized and having blockchain accounts for someone like me is an adventure. I can't believe I never locked myself out of my Steemit Account losing track of keys, and now I finally have another account on Hive, so God help me.

This past year in the U.S. has been a dystopic nightmare, another reason I'm late getting here to Hive. Instead of writing as an activist I have been on fire in research mode only, not wanting to report on the most obvious of truths, that I shouldn't need to even link up and defend a position such as Murder, Human Trafficking, Censorship, Scamdemic, Plandemic, any subject with Bill Gates involved. All these truths have gone viral and mainstream, don't be fooled into believing we are still a small minority.
Historically we have a majority who know the absolute truth in all subjects the Establishment has once deemed conspiracy theories.

America is in such a fucked up state of Tyranny, the collusion between Corporate America, Wall Street, All levels of American Government from the Supreme Court to local prosecutors, The Mocking Bird Media, every fabric of mainstream society is interwoven into a fictitious narrative that screams
Pissing on your head and calling it Rain. There is no simpler way to describe 2020-2021.

The Mainstream Narrative is no longer an illusion for us to live our lives by. The Narrative is filled with such outright twisted Orwellian double talk weaponizing an agenda that barely puts a layer of frosting on a birthday cake made of virtual Shit. You taste shit so foul it's not an option to even swallow it, and everyone know it's a Shit Cake, the thin layer of frosting isn't even enough to disguise the shit smell from 10 foot across the room. In horror you are watching people eat shit while the Tyrants who baked this abomination round up and punish anybody who won't lower their dignity to a shit eating standard.

The rule of law in 2020 has been thoroughly destroyed without almost a fight. There is an obvious class of Nobility that is above the law and our Nations Constitution that has run amok unabated destroying the vehicle of true freedom in the U.S., your monetary ability to provide , if you have no money in the U.S. you are a virtual prisoner in your home, a permanent form of house arrests. The Plandemic has turned our homes into Techno Concentration Camps!

I am currently writing a serial novel consisting of short episodes, I couldn't get myself to write and out of nowhere with no struggle the words just flowed out with ease. It's called "the confessor" and it ties in the dark part of everything I have researched into short fictional tales. I hope to import those stories off my Steemit Account onto Hive soon.

Other than that hoping for the deep dive bug to bite, Hopefully Hive is much more alive and vibrant than Steemit. With so much censorship the Block Chain is where the future is at!


Happy to be your first follower. Im not sure if this post is past the payout window, so I'll upvote a different one.

Second 😀


Ha! This is awesome. Thanks, guys.

Thanks for the warm welcme


Thanks Moe! LOL it truly means alot! Thanks!

No problem. Also, you might want to check out the inkwell community for posting your fiction. They usually do a good job of taking care of each other in there.

HIVE is very much alive : )
...Some of us are just 10 days late in welcoming greatness
Please accept my apology and a Hearty Cheers!

Welcome, Nate! a bunch of us hang out on mspwaves feel free to drop in sometime! 😀

Welcome to Hive! Hope you enjoy your stay. It can sometimes be quiet but there are times you'll meet wonderful people too. So just enjoy the journey.

Thank You Zord, the Hive is unique, i felt more community in 1 day on Hive than the last 6 months of my life!

Welcome to Hive - finally :)

Good to see you here. There is lots going on with hive when you look underneath the covers.
Blogging is just the top layer.

Thanks Niallon for the nice welcome
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Thanks Everyone I'm overwhelmed by your kindness! This really made my day, I have had more incredible experiences on Hive in a short couple days than a whole years on steemit, Incredible! Thanks!

What up homeboy! Enjoy your stay :)

Thanks Boss! Appreciate it!

Thanks for all the upvotes and warm welcomes everyone! Excuse my sense of humor😃

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@natepowers , you finally made it over... welcome (back)!
DD20 just wrapped up but feel free to add your latest to #deepdives.
Looking forward to checking out your short fiction.
Glad your survive 2020 in one piece and happy to see you here!

I have been living in a raw, blue collar, punk rock dystopic nightmare! The only thing missing was hard drugs and a bad ending, I have plans to escape this Amerikan nightmare this year in someway!, The Economy is Fuuuuuuucked!! I didn't write but I observed and went on information overload, i like deep dives because it's the most challenging thing I could have to write, and unless you post the challenge I most likely wouldn't try to do it myself. Thanks for everything V4vapid!

I haven't been writing much but I have been observing much in 2020... the decline of empire, the economy in constant crisis, it's certainly dystopic and the average person feels under siege on all fronts. It's an intense time, a rough time but we soldier on...
Hope you can get out of there and get to higher ground.
The feeling is mutual as you've made some great contributions to #deepdives over the years. All good. Will make you a certified member of the community asap.

(*If you want your posts to show up in the community feed, I'd b happy to send you a brief tutorial on how to do that)

I wish we could compare notes on the last year especially being in different countries. In Europe people hit the streets in force! Hell in India the Farmers have hit the street. In the U.S. not a peep unless it's orchestrated. and where I live it's is very docile mainstream. I watch Documentaries on the Vikings and Ancient Rome so I can remind myself what real men use to do when confronted with conflict! God I hope my forefathers are not looking down upon us for not giving Tyranny an old school kick in the Ass! Sure I could use a tutorial. Thanks V4vapid!


PS. I forgot to mention. If you still have your Steem keys they work the same here for you @natepower account. Same keys. You should be able to recover it quite easily. Probably have some tokens in your wallet as well ;)