Registering FIO Address and Connecting to a Wallet
I hear about the QTUM FIO Daily Giveaway from the FIO Twitter account.
I read the tweet, think, "Okay, that sounds good; I'll try it," read the blog post, and watch two of the videos on that page, the FIO Address Registration w/ Edge and Qtum and the full flow FIO + Edge + Qtum Giveway Video.
Following the full flow video, I easily and successfully register for an @qtum
FIO Address. So far, easy-peasy!
Until 0:59 in the full flow Video, everything proceeds as expected. At that point, what I see deviates from the video. I don't see a QTUM wallet. Let's find it!
Creating and Connecting the QTUM Wallet
Tapping the hamburger menu in the upper right, I see an item FIO Address and tap it. Ah, there I find the new @qtum
address, along with my existing @edge
address. Now, I think I need to connect the address to one or more wallets in the Edge app.
Wallets and FIO Addresses are not automatically linked; this gives you choice as to which address goes with which wallets, and I think you can have multiple FIO addresses associated with multiple wallets. Tapping my @edge
FIO address, then Connect to Wallets, then tapping Show connected shows me this address is connected to the USDC token in my Ether wallet.
Tapping the back arrow in the upper left three times takes me back to the list of FIO Addresses. I tap the new @qtum
address, and Connect to Wallets. I've learned that ETH is used to pay for FIO addresses, so I'll add ETH/Ether and tap Continue.
The next screen asks to confirm I understand that once connected, one address from each connected wallet will become public. The whole point is to make it clear who we're sending money to and receiving money from - to avoid the fear and financial consequences of using the wrong addresses - so this makes sense. Others need to know my address if they're to use it, right?
But what does "one address from each connected wallet" mean? Does that mean the long inscrutable addresses? If so, which one? Does it meant the FIO Address? I do not know; I'll have to think that through.
I tap the acknowledgement circle and slide to confirm. I didn't grab a screenshot quickly enough to see a brief message essentially saying "you're now connected." Let's see what we have.
I tap back arrow a couple of times to see my balance and list of wallets. Nothing looks different, but that's okay. I have to add the Qtum token, and make a request in the off-chance I'm selected for the drawing. Note: the giveaway isn't my primary concern; I'm testing out usability, connecting with a growing financial network, and learning.
I scroll down on the main screen until I reach Add Token and tap it, scroll down on the next screen until I find QTUM, which I don't, because it isn't there. How to add QTUM?
Adding QTUM Token
Maybe wallets can't hold any type of token, only subsets of tokens, so maybe I need to add a new wallet. I tap back arrow to get to the main screen again, scroll to and tap Add Wallet. Sure enough, under Choose a wallet type, I see QTUM available, and tap it.
I select USD as my fiat currency, edit the proposed New Wallet Name to Qtum Wallet - just because I want to - and tap Next.
After double-checking the wallet info summary, and tapping Create Wallet, a few seconds pass, and the Qtum wallet appears in the list of Wallets.
I tap the Qtum wallet and Request. I realize a few moments later I need to first tap the verticle double-arrows to select QTUM as the currency. Duh! Type in 5 for the amount, then tap FIO Request in the lower left.
I then type fiodaily@qtum
for the address, Qtum daily
for the memo, tap Done, then tap Next.
I messed up though, because only now, as the request is processing, do I notice that the request came from my @edge
FIO address, not my new @qtum
Can I make this right? Can I cancel a request, and send it properly? Let's see.
I tap the hamburger menu and FIO Requests. Sent requests appear at the bottom, where I see it pending. Tapping it for more details, I see the amount, the FIO Address to whom I made the request, the date - but no time, I observe - and the memo. I don't see proof of my goof!
Nor do I see a way to cancel the request. I tap back arrow to the list of requests, and discover that swiping either left or right also displays the details.
I wonder, "Why does the top part of the screen show Pending Requests, the bottom show Sent Requests, while the status of the my last sent request (under Sent Requests) shows as pending? Why doesn't the pending request appear under the Pending list?" Does "pending" mean pending leaving my phone and being accepted by the network, while also meaning pending receipt of payment? Could be. Maybe two different names would help.
I think I know what I was supposed to do, and will now try it.
Make another Request?
Back to the list of FIO Addresses, I tap the @qtum
address, connect to wallets, QTUM Wallet, and Continue. I accept the acknowledgement, and slide to confirm. I want to make a new request, but I'm not certain how to specify the FIO Address I wish to make the request from.
I tap the Qtum wallet, Request, select QTUM as the currency, type in 5 for the amount, then tap FIO Request. The next steps would be to enter in the same request-from and memo details as before, tap Done, then Next. So, I don't see how to indicate the Requesting FIO Address.
I don't want to appear to the QTUM FIO Domain to be sticking my finger in their eye, by making a request from my @edge
FIO Address, and not the @qtum
address I just obtained (and not at my own expense). It looks like I don't know how to do it, and looking through Edge wallet documentation, I don't see it.
Connect Address to the Right Wallet
I should probably view the other videos from the FIO Blog post that I didn't view. Perhaps it was a mistake to associate the @qtum
FIO Address to the ETH/Ether wallet first. I've triple-checked, and am certain I have the qtum FIO Address connected to only the Qtum Wallet, and the Qtum wallet knows only about Qtum token. I'm stuck for now, but will contact Edge, possibly Qtum, and ask where I goofed, and what to do, if anything. Again, it's not about any potential token giveaway or free-for-a-year FIO Address.
The only "expense" I can claim to have made is taking the time to write up my experience and share it, in case it provides useful feedback or guidance for anyone else.
Why Am I Doing This Now?
My mother-in-law will pass away soon. Today or tomorrow, most likely. Why on earth am I taking the time NOW to fool around with digital currency wallets, take a bunch of screenshots (which you note are not in this article yet), and write about my experience, when I've got other very important and timely things to think about and take care of (the most important being my wife, clearly)?
Because the whole point of FIO and it's participants is to ease the use and safety of using digital currencies. When is a person more stressed and distracted and vulnerable than when facing the imminent death of a loved one? The means by which one makes a financial transaction should not cause additional strain on a person already burdened by the pain of imminent or recent loss.
When all of you digital currency proponents, wallet makers, token issuers, and blockhchain builders find people using your technologies without friction, when they are in the middle of difficult situations, then you will all know you've truly "arrived" for the masses.
I know you will!
I'm going to tend to my wife now, and wish you all well.
I did not look for an appropriate community in which to post this at the time, but will always do so in future. Perhaps it will be of use to someone.
My wife's mother did pass away that very morning, while we were in the car, on our way to see her.
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