Getting Back To The Brush - Decades of Ink Drawings

in #fineartnow7 years ago (edited)


Much of my illustration work through the 1990's was in ink, rendered with a fine brush dipped in india ink. Much of the reason I used this medium primarily was because most of my clients at the time were print magazines across the world who mostly used offset printing, and sharp ink lines translated best in that format.

Above is my first improvisation after two decades of working mostly with a combination of pencil drawings and digital post-production. I'll most likely look to work on how best to incorporate ink drawings with me digital work. Could be interesting.


This one and the images below are early works, some I have on hand, some have long since been sold.


I'm really having fun with it, and I'll be back soon to show how I'm using this technique to create decorative elements for some books I'm editing.

crimson-awakening - Copy.jpg

The Pulse Of The Lingering Spirit.jpg

