How to master your personal finance

in #financial7 years ago

I believe the wealthiest of the world are not the ones who earn the most, but those who know how to manage their money prudently, no matter how much or how little they earn. It is said that “if we take all the money in this world and divide it equally among everyone, it will still go back to those same pockets it was picked from”
Does a day ever go by without one thinking about money? For many of us, the lack of money is a major source of stress in our lives and relationships. The real problem however is not the lack of money, but our understanding of it, our attitudes towards money and our management or mismanagement of it. For most of us, money is our master but, rather, we have to learn how to master it.
At this point one may ask, what is financial success? According Professor Stephen Addai (The Former Rector of the Ghana institute of Management and Public Administration), financial independence means “to sustain one’s lifestyle if one chooses not to work to earn wages of salary.” He defines financial success as “financial independence coupled with success in other realms of one’s life”. This is a good definition. However, I will go further to define financial success as “the financial independence coupled with fulfilling your purpose on earth and leaving a good legacy for generations to come”
The subject of financial success always generates arguments. While some believe wealth creation and financial success lie with hitting a high paying job. Others also believe that, there is no way one can make it if one does not travel outside the continent especially, we Africans. It is interesting to note that some even believe that financial success lies in going into politics. Others believe that all of us cannot be rich hence some will always be rich and some, poor.
Another interesting debate on the subject of wealth creation and financial success emanates from religious circles. While some Christians see money as the root of all evil and will go every length to condemn the subject of wealth creation, other Christians believe that one’s knowledge or hard work cannot make one successful; rather , they believe in praying and claiming everything they need through prayers while sitting idle
Thank God for prayers and fasting, but they are not substitute for the information you need for your financial success. Some Christians tend to be so religious that, they lose touch with reality. It is important to note that if you have not planted anything and it rains, you should not expect a harvest.
I will conclude for today with this Bible verses. “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest time will never cease” (Genesis 8:22).” My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge”(Hosea 4:6)
Please stay in touch for the continuation of this interesting and real lives principles about financial success.