Ensuring your family survive and thrive during the next financial crisis

in #financial7 years ago (edited)

Before I begin... This blog assumes that you're of the view and belief that there is an upcoming financial crisis on the horizon. If not, then please exit stage left. I'm not here to convert anybody and it would make it much easier for all involved if you don't read on.

Now then, for everybody else, let's get started.

You don't need to have a huge budget to prepare for this, just the willingness to be prepared (and where there is a will, there is a way). As with anything in life, the more money you have, the more resources you can allocate to preparing for what seems an inevitable outcome.

I felt compelled to write this piece because for me, the scariest part of being alive right now is the complete loss of control in regards to your personal wealth. Through government and central bank intervention, our currency, no matter where you live in this big bad world is slowly but surely being inflated away. This is no secret as central banks have an annual inflation target (i.e. the money you own this year, will be worth less next year).

Please let me also state that I don't want a financial crisis, I'm not a doomsday fan. I want the current government and officials to take us out of the financial mess we're in, the problem is, I think there is too much vested interest in maintaining the current system.

If global governments collectively start tackling annual deficits then please completely disregard this article, keep your money in the bank and move on with your life. I'm waiting for that day but in the meantime, I'm taking some preemptive steps should we continue on our current tradjectory.

After spending a significant amount of my time researching this topic, I've put together a strategy which I want to share with you all so that we can survive as brothers (and sisters) in arms for what is about to go down.

I've created a "survival portfolio" with both long term and short term views on what will happen when the system finally take that emergency landing. Nobody knows whether this will be a soft or hard landing. In either case, we should be prepared for all eventualities.

And without further ado, here are the 5 steps I've taken to ensure my family and I survive this crisis.

If you don't have a huge budget, then I would focus heavily on food and water.
Please also bear in mind that additional food supplies are never a bad thing to have. Especially if like myself, there is the possibility of major earthquakes and other natural disasters in your geographical location. Better to be over than under prepared.

  • Water. I bought a ceramic filter which I keep at home rather than storing massive amounts of water (which you can't carry very far and take up a lot of space). The water filter can use pool or river water and make unclean water clean.
  • Grains (Rice, beans, oats etc) stored in Meyler bags which last up to 25 years once sealed. This is the majority of my food.
  • Stock (Beef, chicken etc) to help flavor your food.
  • Pasta.
  • Tinned food (tomatoes, fruits, coconut milk)
  • Toilet roll.
  • Seeds. Got a years supply of food? Better get sowing for the year after your supply runs out. Some seeds mature quickly (like sprouts) whilst other take much longer but are worth the wait because of the carb content (pumpkins, potatoes etc). This is an area where I would spend a significant amount of time studying. Give a man a fish and feed him for a day....
  • Supplies. My daughter is a diabetic. My wife and I have built up a large stock of insulin which we keep at home. Don't forget to stock up on medical supplies, especially essential medics supplies.

I believe cash on hand is always a good idea. Should there be any disruption to the global credit market or banks decide to limit the amount of cash you can withdraw (India, Cyprus, Argentina anybody?) then you still have something in your possesion with which to purchase goods.

Precious metals are a good store of wealth and are definitely underpriced right now, especially if you factor in inflation adjustments. Please keep in mind your exit strategy at all times. There will definitely come a time to sell.

Silver. There are many reasons why the price of silver is going to the moon but the most obvious reason is because we are consuming more than we are mining. Above ground supplies have been heavily diminished and while the silver price has been hovering sub $20 USD mark for years now, this cannot and will not last forever. Silver is 50 times more in demand than gold with around the same above ground supply.

Gold. I would have said put all your money in silver as it's a sure thing however, gold is a lot more portable than silver. For significant amounts of silver will weight 10's or 100's of kilos which may not be practical to lug around. There will be a lot more upside in silvers day of reckoning however, if you need to get out of dodge and can only take a kilos of metal with you, it needs to be your gold stash. Right now 1 kilo of gold is equivelant to 70 kilos of silver. Think about it...

3 years ago I never would have envisioned crypto currencies having a strong future however, they do look like they have legs.
You can make a lot of money in this space with almost any kind of investment strategy whether you're into ICO's, buying on the dips or taking a longer term.
Bitcoin The most established storage of wealth in the crypto currency arena. Other crypto's may have far more upside (I take positions in these alt coins all the time but it's not for the faint hearted) however you should look to bitcoin for stability. It will preserve your wealth and let's be honest, it would be difficult to go back to bartering gold or silver coins for goods and services, especially in our modern era of global trade.

No man (or woman) is an island and you're going to need a diverse set of skillset to get through adversity together. If there are people you get on well with, start tapping them up about your plans. I've focused on people with brains, resources or a useful skill set.

I hope this was an enjoyable read for you. It is my first ever blog!

Just to set the record straight, I don't have a affiliation with a food, precious metals or crypto currency company. I have two successful companies that I run as my full time job. I don't give financial advise, I purely want to share with you my thoughts on how I see the world. I hope it will in someway help you protect your family and loved ones for what lies ahead!


Only correction is 91% of silver ever minded is gone. There is far less above ground than gold, which we have most of.

Thanks that was interesting...

You're most welcome Tanjun. Apologies for the late reply, still getting used to Steemit.