This book by Robert Kiyosaki is a famous book.
I do not want to feel disturbed even in what kind of financial condition. However, it may take more time to achieve that goal. For me, the planning of @boxcarblue this time is interesting.
I believe that if I can live with money that is available outside the work done in the workplace, the options will expand.
For example, I think that "If I can live with steem and steem dollars obtained by steemit".
If so, I think that it is not necessary to quit the work done in the workplace. It is because workers doing in the workplace think that there is a case where there is a painful thing and there is a case where you can polish humanity.
私は、どのような金銭状態であっても気持ちが乱れないようになりたいです。しかし、その目標を達成するには、まだまだ時間が必要かもしれません。そんな私にとって、今回の @boxcarblueさんの企画は興味深いものです。
職場で行う労働以外で得られるお金で生活していけると思えると、選択肢が広がると思っています。たとえば、私は「steemitにより得られるsteemとsteem dollarsで生活していけたら」と思います。