
Banks bankruptcy - Bail -in is coming

Thank you so much for this video. If you examine the history of the presidencies of Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, and John F Kennedy, you will see how they perceived the threats of centralized banking, The economy of this country was sold to special interests many years ago. There is a book, "The Creature from Jekyll Island " that explains how our money and national currency has been manipulated to benefit a few special interests. That being said, a bail in is simply the government giving power and legal protection to banks to reach into private savings accounts and take money that is not their money. The problem is that once your money becomes part of a centralized banks fractional reserve -- they can do this. These are the type of things that happen while the news media ie the fourth arm of the government seduces the American public with an unbalance in the amount of time given to something like the Olympics without a balance on real world news. Ron

Thanks for your time and comments. It's so true that we are all slaves of central banks. Time to wake up!

Agreed, just look at Cypress and Greece.

I hope Italy won't be the next Greece.

Don't know but I know Greece is not the last.