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RE: Rich Dad, Poor Dad Book Club

in #finance7 years ago

To be honest, I think I’m more of a donkey;) I’m working on that, though. I’ve always been happy just doing the jobs that need to be done and doing them well. Now that I see that doesn’t lead anywhere but circles, though, I’m interested in doing things a bit differently.

I agree that positivity is immensely important, no matter what you do.


you know what? I dont think there is anything wrong with being a donkey. Or the safe investor. For some of us, security is everything and can find happiness at whatever level of secure they make for themselves. being proud of your job is rare nowadays, so its really nice you were able to find happiness in doing your job well. its only when the donkey figures out that he is being led in circles, going nowhere that the feelings of needing change or something better comes up. Pretty American, Id say. Grass is always greener, so I need to have both sides instead of just appreciating what youve got. That being said - I was raised in America, so that need for more is pretty much engrained in me. Im trying to shed that now, but still keep my finances in tact. LOL.

That’s true. I guess there isn’t anything wrong with being a donkey. It would be nice to be able to choose the carrot you want to follow though, or maybe be a carrot and have a few carriages for the drivers to rent.

now theres thinking outside the box! maybe we could be both the donkey AND the carrot? or get with 2018 and buy a tesla, and the car drives for us...LOL. but no. in the carrot/donkey analogy the donkey never gets the carrot. in real life, if you dont at least get a piece of the carrot, youll wonder why you keep following it. i guess if youre going to be a donkey, you better find a carrot that believes in donkey rights. :P