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RE: Edward Scissorhands (film): an odd, but wonderful film

in #films7 years ago

I watched this movie long time ago, not long after it was filmed, when I had about 10 years, and I loved it. But of course at that time I liked many movies and cartoons, that I don't like anymore at all. So recently I decided to watch this movie again, even though I was expecting disappointment. But it didn't happen. This is one of the rare movies that I liked then, and I still love now - I only have forgotten how good it really was - to me maybe even better now then it was before. It's just a beautiful story. Some people said that this is totally unrealistic film. Of course it is! What did you expect? It's not supposed to be realistic. Why should it be explained how exactly was he created? Does The lord of the rings explain where exactly is middle earth supposed to be? It's also not supposed to be a comedy or horror, it is just supposed to be a story, a story so touching that my eyes got wet many times in the film. It's also a moral film that teaches you shouldn't judge others by the way they look. But most of all it is a love story - pure and innocent love that happens so rarely. He couldn't even touch her, but he would do anything for her - even let her go... When Edward says that he knew it was Bill's house all along and then Kim asked; "so why did you do it then?" and he answers: "because you said so". This part of movie really blew me away. If you haven't watched this film yet, then what are you waiting for?