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RE: The Last Stand (film): Arnie's first leading role in 10 years

in #films6 years ago

Arnold Schwarzeneggar has clearly left his prime - probably a good 20 years ago. He could never win an Oscar for his acting ability and his many great films, for which I am certainly a fan, were realistically, in part, an admiration for his Mr Olimpia physique - films like the terminator could not be the same without him.

Having reached the age of 65, he is not the same and with no real acting ability, this could really have been an embarrassing flop. However, the movie have a good plot, some absolutely fantastic action driving sequences which ultimately result in a pretty enjoyable movie to watch.

It is not going to watch this for the old Arnie (you need to get the old dvds out for that), but its a good action movie and well worth a watch.


pulled from a review off of IMDB word for word.