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RE: The King (film): Almost a great movie

in #films5 years ago

I’ll be watching it for sure, not because of your review, just because I like old stuff. Just on the the size thing...A clear indication as to the size of a knight or soldier from any era is the size of the armour. There’s plenty of evidence to show that knights were generally not huge, great man-mountains. In fact, much to the contrary. The University of Oxford also did extensive research on skeletal remains tracking the height of the average englishman over 2000 years. Around the 1300’s it seems 170-175cm was about the average.

I was amazed to see full suits of armour that my 5’11” frame would never fit into - In fact most seemed made for men sub 5’6”. I have a picture of me holding a chain mail hauberk up (an adult sized one) and it was very small, but also very heavy. Don’t know how they made it work.

Anyway, I’ll be watching the movie at some stage. Thanks for the good review.

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Hey that's good to know man about the skeletal remains and what not. I think I would be less judgemental about their size in the lineup if it weren't for the fact that virtually everyone else in the battle is significantly larger than the king, or the people that he eventually squares up against.

I took at anthropology course in college, but i remembered almost none of it except for when she brought in the genuine skeletal remain sample replicas. I of course being a perpetual man-child made the skulls talk.

Lol! "Perpetual man-child!"

I love history so read and watch a lot of stuff about it. The size of them old buggers (lack of size) amazed me. Had a lot to do with diet, famine and plague apparently.

Edit: I watched the movie just now @gooddream - Loved it. I thought Henry V felt believable. Liked the score and the Agincourt battle; Felt real, believable. Set design and costing was good too. Overall I liked it a lot but then give me knights, battles and history and I'll pretty much like anything.