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RE: The Last Stand (film): Arnie's first leading role in 10 years

in #films6 years ago

Following the results of viewing, there is practically nothing to remember. Well, except that the mad race of Corvette and Camaro through the cornfield, where in reality they would have driven no more than a meter. Moreover, for the final - a special thank you. Ray is dragging Cortez tied to a bumper on a rope for five kilometers, with a leg broken in the drug baron and he is jumping on one leg. Five kilometers away. These guys - they are such entertainers.
I must say that they put the excellent actor Forest Whitaker in the role of this head of the FBI in vain. Forest Whitaker is a dramatic actor, he tries to play the role very seriously, and his character behaves like a complete idiot. Moreover, Forest is frankly sorry: well, how did it bring it to this project?