
I don't have a answer for you. But photography need well trained eyes, beside the technical part of photography you need to learn the right way to see the things around you. Most of the time it helps do read /view good photo books. Then try to copy some of the captures with your own camera, compare the results, try to find out why there a differences, what makes the diffrence and how you can improve you captures.
Forget zoom lenses, start with a prime and let your feet be the zoom (this force you to look at the subject from differend position). Capture with differend settings and figure out which is the best own.
Sure photography need also creativity.
May be I could help a little bit.

Thank you so much, Sir. It was a new knowledge for me. That very helped me. "Forget zoom lenses" is the new tips. I wish I could learn more and more.

You will learn more and more. As more you shoot as more you learn. ;)