Top Five Cult Movies of all times

in #filmmaking9 years ago

Here are the top ten cult movies of all times which changed perceptions around the world. Though they may not have earned big on the boxoffice but still now they are cherished by many and have influenced modern cinema to great deal.

Easy Rider
Movie from 60s counter-culture era about motorcycle riders, hippie culture and living off-grid is still very much popular and relevant. This movie is focused on cultural wars between small town communities and people opting to live in alternative new ways. Overall it had great impact on general American thinking.

Blade Runner
Science fiction from early 80s is still considered very much futuristic with young Harrison Ford acting as ‘Blade Runner’ assigned to kill ‘replicants’. Darkness of future Los Angles due to urban decay is much evident throughout the movie. This movie has influenced cinema and cinematography in a way no other movie has done.

Pulp Fiction
Star-studded movie with a screenplay second to none this movie is one of the most famous movies of American history. Though small budget it went on to earn much more due its nonlinear story and natural dialogues. Some of the scenes have been parodied by multiple shows and still never stop to amuse viewers around the world. Quentin Tarantino’s career as a director/actor picked up from this movie.

The BreakFast Club
Nobody understood young mind like John Hughes. The Breakfast club is a movie about a group of young students who are spending their Saturday in school detention. Mutual bonding these students develop after finding out commonalities of life is mind blowing. Coming-of-Age genre never got this better and youngsters of even present age are very much fascinated by this movie. Motto of the movie is that deep down we are all the same no matter how different we look or act.

The Matrix
Another Sci-Fi of late 90s with its futuristic outlook and theme has been a cult for many years. Concepts of ‘dark net’, artificial intelligence, Messiah (protector) and other worlds is the foundation of idea behind this movie. Keanu Rives will always be memorable in this movie not just because he was some lame programmer who went on to save the world but because he struggled hard to reach his destiny. People have always been inspired with the thoughts of using their minds to maximum levels in order to achieve impossible. This movie surely hits the nail hard.

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
Another John Hughes masterpiece focused on coming-of-age genre is full of satire and deep thoughts related to problems of younsters. Movie is about a high school student Ferris Beuller using all his schemes to avoid school and taking his girlfriend and best friend for a day out. Various scenes like those shot in museum, during parade, and in restaurant are nothing short of cult. Overall it’s full of escapism describing an ideal day spent well with your girlfriend and best friend. Matthew Broderick playing the lead role became a popular icon during 80s for his coolness and charm.