Films to Watch Before You Die #10: Fight Club by David Fincher

in #film8 years ago

Fight Club.jpg

Fight Club is an incredibly difficult film to describe without drastically spoiling its plot, it's a film that flows beautifully throughout but once you have to tell another about it, you can't really find the right words to describe it without simply saying it is one of the best films of all time.

Fight Club is a film that captures the post-millennium depression within general city office workers perfectly; you clock in, you clock out, you do as your boss says. But what can life be like if you decide to search for adventure? Edward Norton's character suffers from insomnia but spends his nights joining clubs for those who are suffering from various physical and mental illnesses. It's a strange habit, but it leads to a series of strange events throughout the film.

Edward Norton's character meets Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt), a peculiar live-in-the-moment type of guy that starts an undergound fight club with him, but there are always rules that every member must follow: one being the famous "Do not talk about fight club." The events of their fight club spirals out of control and ultimately leads to a cult, and that is about as far as I can go into the story without spoiling it.

Fight Club's incredible writing and unexpected twists are what make it such a masterpiece in film, it's one that I personally could watch numerous times without getting bored. It's a film of nihilism, but remembering that each minute alive is a step closer to death, so you should enjoy it.


ya that's closer to #1 on my list. it came out around the same time as american beauty and between the two of them they really did a number on my perception of reality, my world view and directly led to my complete disgust with "the establishment" it really bothered me for a long time that it didn't have such a profound effect on the rest of the population, i used to wonder how anyone could watch fight club and then go back to their 9-5 life. of course i get it now. the establishment is a very well oiled organization and the masses, just aren't that bright.

Ya know, I always wondered how movies like "Fight Club" and "Boondock Saints" didn't have a larger impact on the masses. But like you said

"The masses, just aren't that bright"

boondock saints? i would not really put that in the same category as fight club and i would be interested to know why you do? I like boondock saints but for none of the same reasons i like fight club. i mean ok there was a general theme of "the indifference of good men" but it felt far lighter, far more about entertainment, albeit well executed (no pun intended) entertainment but none the less it was a "fun" movie. where as with fight club at the end you were just like WTF just happened, and then like a week later you were like OMG what have i been doing with my life, and then several months later you've quit your corporate job and you're growing pot with the hippies in colorado (before it was legal) of course that's just my opinion. very interested in yours. holy crap i almost forgot about "The Matrix" that's another one that had me baffled for the longest time as to how everyone didn't see the correlation to how things actually are right now, again around the same time. those are the big three well for fictional. american beauty, the matrix, and fight club, are in my mind all about the illusion under which we all live

Wow! I hadn't put that much thought into it. The other title just kinda popped into my head. I just meant that I was surprised that there wasn't a sudden rise "vigilante justice" inspired by the "Saints". After the first time I saw "Boondock Saints" I thought for sure there would be people trying to do that in the real world. So I guess I was just thinking in terms of "movies that made people do stuff" in real life and the stupidity of the masses. You made me have to think about that one. The other movie just kinda popped out. Had to think about why!

ya it's that question i just can not stop asking no matter how far from the herd it takes me. not a good thing, not a bad thing, just a thing.

Also the "well executed" part was a fantastic pun! (intended or not)

ya i get lucky sometimes in my choice of words

I completely agree with you there. I've always felt as if I have this heightened perception of just how much of a facade reality is compared to most. Fight Club showed exactly how I had always felt, and I absolutely fucking love it.

I just want the whole list now.
Damn you!!

I have a whole lot left! Trying to pace them out and ensure each article isn't too similar to the last.

A little spoiler: quite a few future ones are by Wes Anderson.

"Fight Club" IS a fantastic movie! I actually just made my girlfriend watch it for the first time a couple weeks ago! She said "it wasn't what I expected" but she enjoyed it. Have you seen "A Scanner Darkly"? It's another one of those "really hard to describe" type of movies.

It looks awfully familiar, but I can't say I do fully remember it. I'll definitely check it out, though. Keanu Reeves is an actor that is very talented under the right conditions.

Great cast. In addition to Keanu, it has Robert Downy Junior, Woody Harrelson and Winona Rider. Definitely worth the watch!

Thanks for the recommendation. It's one of my favourite things about doing these film recommendations: there's always another that is similar that someone brings to your attention.

Thanks for the conversation! One of my favorite things on Steemit! is the community engagement!

here's my list of recommended non-fiction. I used to call it the "red pill" but eventually decided rabbits were more inviting - The Rabbit Hole

I'm glad we got to watch one of my most favorite films together, especially with everything that has been happening recently.