Recently I myself have just seemed to find about 90 % pure idiots. My own circumstances are not like yours, my issues are about trying to find quality tradespeople or noteworthy service industry people.
It is simply amazing the quality of incompetence I am seeing today , people no longer seem to have much respect for others nor respect in how they themselves perform their supposed functions.
If society is going to improve we need more laws. Yes I apologize but the only way to change things is to sue people, ringing or writing has no effect. Simply if a government worker brushes you off people should sue that individual as the problem.
When workers have issues of incompetent or disrespectful supervisors it would improve the system to sue their boss or supervisor individually instead of the company.
People sue the employer seeking the m money from a settlement , I myself ring up and ask telemarketers what sort of car they drive. When they inquire why I would ask ; I simply say I wish to see if their car is worth suing them over by asking the Judge to award me their car as settlement for damages . . .
This is the system your leaders have given society, so next time you go to vote simply say to your elected Representatives " You're Fired ! ! ! "... Only when we remove the vermin Professional Politicians can humanity seek to reclaim representative democracy.
Once the rich stop thinking there more important than the rest of us taking everything leaving us nothing, standing up for what we believe in. Time to change