Mystery swing take me away 5/5

in #fiction3 years ago (edited)


Part 1

Hi, I'm Lina, it was summer, the sky is blue, the grass are green, the flowers are blooming and a wonderful big tree to rest in. I can smell the breeze flowing from the grass through my face, I can feel the pebbles behind my back as I lay down under the big old tree that my great-great-grandfather planted. As I am resting, I am looking at the branches of the tree, I am thinking of pud a swing so that I have something to ride on. I stood up and ran to the house I told my father about my plan.

Me: Dad, can you make me a swing?
Dad: Where will you put that swing?
Me: I put it on great grandpa's tree, please can you make me one? I hug and kissed dad to please him.

We have a big area planted with corn and wheat, it was given by my grandparents to my father, my father is the one doing all the work on the farm and for some time he has somebody to help when it is harvest time. Mom and I are helping each other in the house, from cleaning up to cooking, and sometimes come with her to the market. We live a simple life, I attended school in a nearby High School, I just have my bicycle to ride on, I am happy where we live because the neighborhood is quiet and friendly, I have few friends only the ones that I can trust. I am so excited about the swing that Dad is going to make, I told him to make it simple but with a thick and strong rope. Summer is a season to play and relax because no pressure on studies and homework and I love staying under that big old tree.

Me: Dad! are you done? I want to try it now!
Dad: take it, easy dear, I just put a little bit of finishing polish, you can not use it now, maybe tomorrow.
Me: let me see it, Dad.

I was stunned when I saw the swing seat, it was colorful made out of an oak tree like the thee that my great grandfather planted, my dad painted it and design it with different colorful flowers, he said it was my grandma's seat and it was designed that way he just painted it back. I was so excited for tomorrow but Dad still have to buy a rope and I needed to wait for a while. I was daydreaming, I'm in my room sitting by the window and holding my drawing book while looking outside to the oak tree. The shape of the tree is really beautiful and the leaves are so green. I was thinking of something to draw and there you are Mr. Oak Tree, you will be my guest for today in my drawing book.


Part 2

I fell asleep holding my drawing book, well I didn't finish my drawing, what time is it? oh! it's 7 in the morning, I hop out of my bed and went downstairs, mom is preparing breakfast.

Me: Mom, where is Dad?
Mom: he's outside dear, can you call him and let's have breakfast.
Me: Okay Mom

I ran outside and look for Dad, he was at the back of the house preparing my swing seat, he attached the rope on the seat and I'm so excited to try it.

Me: Good morning Dad, can I try it now?
Dad: Your so excited dear, let's eat breakfast first then we will put it on the tree.
Me: well I'm so excited Dad, come on let's eat!

We eat our breakfast and we headed to the Oak tree. The trunk of the tree is a little bit high, Dad needed a long ladder to put the rope, putting the rope is not easy Dad makes sure that the swing is balanced and it would fit me and would not be difficult for me to sit on and off. Dad took an hour adjusting the swing he was so careful about everything, and I want to swing it all the way lol.

Me: Dad are you done? I want to try it now.
Dad: okay dear let's try it.

I sat on the seat carefully holding the rope side by side while Dad is on my back supporting me, Dad gently pushed me and sway me a little bit harder. Dad just stayed aside watching me sway a little harder. I sway my legs to lift me higher, I feel my hair flying from the wind, and the adrenaline feels good. I didn't notice that Dad telling me to stop, he just grab me and stopped.

Dad: dear don't go too high, you might fall, and don't lean your back too much, just be careful always Lina.
Me: okay Dad, I will be careful don't worry.

Dad kissed me and left, he went back into the house, and I stayed for a while sitting on the swing. I just sway it slowly feeling the morning breeze it is 10 am and the sun is just at the right temperature. I can sit here all day, looking at the fields, listening to the birds chirping, the smell of the morning grass incorporating the scent of the food that mom is cooking, I love living here on the farm. I feel like I'm a fairy sitting in my beautiful swing throne full of flowers and lots of butterflies surrounding me.

Mom: Lina! come over its lunchtime!

Mom calling me, well I am daydreaming again and how time flies, I just felt that I just sit here a few seconds ago.

Me: I'm coming, Mom!

In my mind, I can't wait another time sitting in my swing it was so beautiful and I can't help it, it's like temptation calling on me, but I need to help Mom in the house and by tomorrow morning we are going to the market. Maybe by afternoon, I can swing my heart out lol.


Part 3

I and Mom woke up early, we are going to the market to buy food and things to use for the farm. Before we go, I look at the tree if the swing is still there, well it was there hanging lol. In my mind, I said, "I will be back soon just hang in there." Then off we go.

In the market, mom was so busy she have this long list of the things she should buy, because we only do it twice a month and if ever some supplies are out mom just buy to the local store near us. I, just looking around if there is something that I would like to buy. Mom called me, and she showed me something.

Mom: Lina, come over, I think you might like this.

She smiled and show me a beautiful scarf, it was pink and the design is more on flowers.

Me: Mom I love it! can you buy me that?
Mom: Well I already bought it for you dear, I know that you love it.
Me: Thank you, Mom! You're the best!

I hug and kissed mom and after she finished her shopping and we went home. We arrived at 3 in the afternoon, I feel tired, Dad already prepared a snack for us, I was hungry, then I eat the whole sandwich that Dad prepared, I showed Dad the scarf Mom bought me and he also like it on me, he said I look like a fairy, it was just right on me with my long curly hair. I know my parents love me, they would give me whatever I wanted, but I'm not that child who always demands, I am happy with whatever they gave me and sometimes I told them it is too much. We have enough but we are not rich, I know they wanted the best for me because I'm the only child, as long as I felt the love from them that's enough for me.

Me: Mom, Dad thank you for your love and the care that you always give me, I love you both.
I hug and kissed them
Me: Can I go to the swing? just call me if you need me.

Then I went off, I brought my drawing book and the scarf. I just sited for a while under the tree and finish some of my drawings, I look around and thinking what else to draw, then something caught my eye then vanished. It was there somewhere the hay, I know that I saw something but well never mind, I just continued my drawing. To relax my hands and mind I hop on the swing, I slowly move the swing back and forth, then I started to lift higher, then that something that I saw earlier was someone. I still go on swinging while looking at the person, I can see now that she is about my age, I can barely see her face because she is far but I know she has long hair like mine. I didn't mind stopping, I was thinking that she's maybe a relative of a neighbor who just passing by. I just enjoy my swinging and she is there just looking at me. I overheard that mom is calling and then I slowly stopped. When I'm about to go, the girl wasn't there anymore. I get my things and went inside the house.

Me: Mom, I'm here! where are you?
Dad? where are you two?

The house was empty, they left without telling me? how come? I went out looking, the truck wasn't there either. It starts to get dark and I'm a little bit worried, I went back inside and went to my room. I just sited beside the window and looked outside waiting and asking myself where did mom and dad go? I felt tired, I get my pillow and leaned my back, the couch beside the window is just right for me to fit in, I just stayed there so that I could notice someone might arrive. I fell asleep.

Me: Oh! it's already morning! Did Mom and Dad come over last night?

I jumped off and run to the kitchen, there I saw Mom and Dad sitting.

Me: Dad, where have you been last night? Mom?

They just sit there and no words come out from their mouth. I look at both of them and I can tell they are tired and worried. I didn't force them to tell me what's going on, I let them be, I just grab the sandwich at the table and they just look at me then I went out to the swing. I just sit there, biting my sandwich bit by bit while swaying slowly. I was wondering, I feel so strange ever since I saw that girl. As I am about to finish my sandwich I saw a few butterflies circling the tree it's so strange, I seldom see them here and only one or two butterflies are flying and it doesn't stay that long. But I felt special and my imagination started again. Are these butterflies for me? maybe the girl that I saw was a fairy, then the butterflies starting to circle me go over and under the swing, they look so happy seeing me. I started to sway gently and it seems that the butterflies join me swinging.

After a while, the girl that I saw yesterday was there but she is a little bit closer now I can see her face clearly, and now I stopped and stood up and went to her. It seems that she is waiting for me, she never moved from where she stands and as I get closer she smiled at me and I smiled back and she greeted me "hi Lina", in my mind why did she know my name?


Part 4

Who is this girl, I haven't seen her in school or town, and does she know my name? and she is on our property, maybe she is a lookout and the robbers are just outside waiting. But she is pretty, her face seems kind she can't be a thief.

Me: Hello there, are you lost?
Girl: No I'm not lost, I used to come over here when I'm sad and alone.
Me: How come I didn't see you, and why did you know my name?
Girl: I always heard your Dad call you Lina, that is why. And this time I dare to show up to you. You have a lovely swing there, can I try it?
Me: Ah well, it's my grandma's swing, come with me let's play with it.

I invited her to play with me, I didn't notice the time I was happy to have a playmate.

Me: hay! it's almost dusk aren't you going home?
Girl: oh yha.. I didn't notice the time, well thank you for playing with me.
Me: well me too, bye and take care.

She went off, and I turned around then I forgot to ask her name, then I turned around again and she is gone (I think she's a runner, she's gone so quick) maybe next time I ask her. I run inside the house and again mom and dad are nowhere to find. What's the matter with them? it was the 2nd time they have done this to me. I will talk to them when they come back, I will be here on the couch.

I fell asleep again, I heard their voice, now I'm angry they didn't manage to notice that I'm only here. I went to the kitchen and I'm standing through the door.

Me: Mom, Dad! have I done wrong? why are you so cold at me? you never told me your living and where you are going?!

Mom and Dad seem not listening to what I am saying, they are busy preparing breakfast and some things in the big bag. In my anger, I slammed the door in front of me and they stopped and look at me, but they just stared at me without any words. My tears fell and I ran to my room and cried. There's a lot of questions in my mind I cried and cried until I'm tired of crying. It's been hours staying in my room Mom used to call me but no one does even Dad. I went downstairs and they are gone again.

I just went to the swing and sited for a while and thinking, I didn't notice that the Girl is behind me. I was startled, and she looks at me with a smile.

Me: Don't do that again!
Girl: You look so serious and sad, what is it?
Me: I don't know what's going on with my partner, they suddenly change.
Girl: Maybe they are just busy on something. Don't worry let's play with the swing.
Me: Wait, I still don't know your name?
Girl: I'm Marylin, I forgot to tell you yesterday.

I and Marylin enjoyed the day, we never mind the time we just talk and swing the whole day. Every day is still the same sometimes mom and dad didn't come home it's been a month my only happiness is to swing and chat with Marylin she is always there with me we talked about so many things until one day she was crying.

Me: hey, what happened?
Marylin: I'm sad because I am leaving soon.
Me: why? where are you going?
Marylin: Mom is taking me somewhere, a place that is good for both of us.
Me: Don't be sad you can visit me anytime.

I comfort Marylin, I was sad too because she is the only person I can rely on these days because mom and dad weren't there for me. I cried also and we both cried. And then a sudden noise stung my ears and I can't help it, it was too loud I covered my ears but it won't stop it already hurts my head and then I fainted.


Part 5 (finale)

I heard noises, there was a beeping sound, different voices of a person, I heard Mom and dad's voice, my back is heavy and warm, I can hardly move, I opened my eyes slowly it feels like I overslept and it's difficult to open, my throat is dry and it hurts and something in it, I am starting to panic I call Mom but I can't talk, I can do is just murmur. I move my arm, there's something on my finger I slowly lift my left arm I saw some wires attached to my wrist and now I panicked.

Mom: Lina stop! don't move! Oh my God, darling your awake.
Dad: Darling do you recognize us?
Doctor: Let me check Sir, let's give her a sedative to calm her down.

What am I doing here? what happened to me? I can't remember, my whole body is heavy. I feel weak and I'm sleepy.

I'm already awake, I saw mom beside me holding my hand, the thing in my throat was gone but it was dry. I look at mom and she was smiling and some tears falling on her eyes, she hold my hand with a little grip.

Me: Mom... it hurts..
Mom: What hurts darling? tell mom, I call the Doctor right now.
Me: No, Mom.. my hand your holding..
Mom: I'm sorry dear, I'm used to holding your hand a little bit tight to wake you up.
Me: I'm awake now Mom, what happened? where is Dad?
Mom: Your Dad went home to grab some stuff and buy food. Darling, just calm yourself okay, I tell you what happened.
Me: What is it, mom? I'm really confused, you left me at home without telling me where you going, I was there but it seems you didn't notice me..

Then Dad arrived and he kissed and hug me tight

Dad: Darling I missed you so much.
Me: Wait, I was never away.. wait, wait, you both scaring me.
Dad: Lina, you were comatose for a month after you fell from the swing, your mother saw you from a distance that afternoon you let go from holding the rope while it is going upward she shouted to you but it's too late you already fall and your head hit the big roots of the tree.
Mom: Yes dear I was so scared that day, I thought I already lost you, can't you remember what happened before you fell?

My tears fall and I didn't remember that I fall from the swing.

Me: I only remember, I am with this girl, she is always there with me when you left me at home.
Mom: We never left you dear, we are always here beside you.
Me: Mom, Dad don't you remember that I stand through the door and ask you and you didn't listen I was so angry then I slammed the door.
Mom: My God, it was you? I am right that you are in the house all the time, your spirit is walking around.
Dad: do you remember the name of the girl you are saying?
Me: It's Marylin Dad, she is about my age and she is kind she was always there playing with me in the swing.

Mom and Dad look at each other with surprise and worry.

Dad: Lina, Marylin is my oldest sister, I was 3 years old when she died. She is sickly and it was late that mom and dad knew that she had a brain tumor, she died there while swinging, and that swing seat is her's.
Mom: That's right dear, your grandma named you after her, your grandma used to call Marylin as Lina.

I can't believe what I've heard, Marylin was my aunt? I am a little bit scared and happy, I known my aunt for a while it feels like it was real. I feel sad because I don't know when will I see her again. My tears fell, I am thankful that I am alive and happy to be with my parents who love me very much. It was a sad and happy moment in my life, the swing was still hanging on the oak tree and I still do swing with it but I am careful now, I haven't seen Marylin since then one day when mom is cleaning the basement (I also help her) I saw a box of old pictures as I scanned it I saw the picture of Marylin sitting on the swing.



Hope you like my story, I just post it one time because I already written it a few weeks ago😅. Thank you for the time reading. Have a nice Sunday and happy Halloween 🎃.


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