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RE: Superstitious (An Original Short Story)

in #fiction14 days ago

That was a great short story! We are indeed, the author of our own story. If the rigid routines of daily living never change, well, neither will we. I see people falter and stagnate all the time, mostly out of fear, I suspect.


Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I worry sometimes people won't have the attention span for these anymore. I wrote this several years ago but was never satisfied with it. I ended up putting some hours into it this morning and it finally feels finished. Fear is epidemic and the ultimate barrier to happiness.

I agree that fear is epidemic, either created by our own mind or instilled in us by government, criminal gangs, peers or what have is no less a ball and chain, than bars that keep us imprisoned.

Glad you finished the story.

Absolutely, the ultimate form of imprisonment is the self-imposed variety. Thank you!