Black and Silver Chapter 17

in #fiction7 years ago


A weaponized virus has surfaced on US soil, planned to be used against American citizens. Former federal agent Adam Black was brought back from prison to help the anti-terrorist agency ATC to locate and secure the virus from the market. This attempt was successful, and the virus ended up in the hands an unknown terrorist who is now using it as leverage against the President, who he appears to have a personal grudge with. It's been a long day with no end in sight.

November 1st, 2023. 8:05pm Los Angeles, California

ATC Parking Lot

Adam is holding Hermann at gunpoint in his car, a knife on the other hand. Adam has a look in his eyes he hasn't had yet today, which is a look that makes Hermann scared for his life.

"You'll decide when the pain stops. Tell me what I want to know, and I'll let you go."

"You- you can't do this, I know you can't! You're a federal agent!"

"No. I'm not."

As Hermann refuses to respond, Adam decides to make good on his threat.


The events of the day have now forced Adam to visit a very dark place that he's not proud of, but he knows is there. It's the part of him that's willing to go to whatever lengths necessary to get the job done. It's both a blessing and curse. Adam can shut everything out and be the most ruthless, vicious machine imaginable, but he knows full well that if he spends too much time in that dark place, there's not much separating him from the people he's fighting against.

Adam drills his knife right through Hermann's shoulder, and as he lets out a scream, punches him in the face to shut him up.

"Now tell me where the virus is!"

*"You can't do this!"

"Yes I can! And I'm gonna keep doing it until you tell me what I want to know!"

Hermann is almost unconscious out of shock at this point, but Adam keeps elbowing him to keep him in his senses.

"I can't! I can't tell you! He's gonna kill me!"

"Who! Who is going to kill you! Give me a name!"

Adam twists the knife in Hermann's shoulder, and the pain is finally enough to break Hermann, as he screams out what Adam wants to hear.

"Schneider! His name is Dietrich Schneider! Just stop! Please! I'll tell you!"

Finally having broken Hermann to the point of talking, Adam removes the knife from his shoulder and reaches to the glove compartment for bandages.

"Use this."

He's not done with the interrogation, however, even though he eases up a little.

"What you've been complicit with today has lead to the deaths of an entire high school of students. Young students. So, don't think for a second that I won't hurt you even more if you choose not to cooperate with me. You understand?"

Hermann is in too much pain to give a response.

"Do you understand?"

All Adam has to do is show off the knife, and Hermann is cooperating again.

"Yes! Yes, I understand."


ATC Headquarters

A staff member finds Richard unconscious on the ground in the holding cell where Adam was, and as he slaps Richards awake, Richard hopes that Adam had enough time to break Hermann, as he now needs to pretend this wasn't all part of their plan.

"Richard, what the hell happened?"

"Adam escaped."


The staff member then gets out his communicator.

"I need a 20 on Adam Black. I repeat: I need a 20 on Adam Black. He has attempted to escape the facility."

Simmons then orders everybody in ATC to work on capturing Adam.

Paul and Maria are arguing about what took place between Maria and Adam in the holding cell, as the alarm sounds, and they both go to the main hall to find out what is going on. Paul goes directly to Simmons.

"What's going on?"

"Adam's escaped! Don't let him go far!"

Paul rushes out of the HQ, leaving Maria confused. She hopes Adam doesn't get himself into a bigger mess than he's already in. But at the same time, she knows Adam, and she knows he will. This is just how Adam gets. Her father's words about how Adam always ends up finding his way into the game echo in her head. Adam simply can't help himself; this is who and what he is.

Parking Lot

Paul looks for Adam and notices that Hermann's vehicle is still parked, and then sees Adam inside of it.

He extends his gun and yells out at him.

"Adam! Step out of the car!"

Adam notices this but doesn't comply.

"Son of a bitch."

Hermann begins to look hopeful, but Adam is quick to shut down any false hope.

"Don't you even think you're getting out of this. Stay put."

Adam opens the door and aims his own gun at Paul in response.

"He talked! I have a name! If you take him into custody now, he won't talk!"

"Step out of the car, Adam! Hands behind your head, interlock your fingers, slowly."

Instead of doing what he's told, Adam shuts the door, trusting Paul won't shoot and risk losing the lead. Adam aims the gun back at Hermann.

"Start the car!"

"M-my shoulder..."

"Damn it, start the car!"

Hermann starts the car and grabs the wheel.

"Step on it, you're taking me to your boss."

"He's gonna shoot you!"

"Just do it!"

Paul realizes Adam is not interested in doing what he's asked to do and contemplates pulling the trigger on him, but Maria steps outside of the HQ to the parking lot, and gives Paul a worried look - and he's unable to pull the trigger.

The car leaves the parking lot, and Paul quickly takes another vehicle to go after him.


Maria goes back inside the HQ to talk with Simmons.

"Adam made Hermann talk, call off the search! You can deal with Adam later, just let him do his job!"

Simmons is not at all interested in hearing any of this.

"Adam doesn't even work here! And neither will you soon if you keep defying me!"

"Hermann wasn't talking, Adam was able to get a name out of him! Doesn't that mean anything to you?"

"Adam is breaking the law! He was not allowed to torture a prisoner physically, it is not legal, Maria!"

"Adam did what he needed to you. Something you have been unable to do all day. Trust me, I know him. He will deal with the consequences later. Just let him do this. Or you can just fire me."

Simmons calls Maria's bluff from a mile away.

"You're fired, Maria."

"You're unreasonable."

"Fired. I've had it with you. I don't care if you're Bruce Miller's daughter, you no longer work here."

As Simmons leaves Maria contemplating what just took place, Simmons uses her as an example to all other employees.

"And that goes for all of you! If you decide to sympathize with Adam Black and defy my orders, while we're in the middle of a crisis, you can follow Maria Douglas' example, and leave your post right now. Am I making myself clear?"

Outside of ATC

Adam dials Paul's number on his phone.

"Listen to me, Paul. I know you have your orders, but you're gonna have to let me do this. I promise you after this done, I'll give myself in."

"Adam, the entire ATC will be after you in a minute. Stop, and we'll work this out."

"If the entire ATC rushes in, this guy is going to know, and you have to know he's not just going to give himself in, he's going to launch another attack, he has the leverage."

"I can't change that, Adam! It's Simmons' call."

Adam hangs up and dials Simmons' number. Before Adam can say anything, Simmons is already yelling at him.

"What the hell do you think-"

Shut up! Right now, I'm heading to the man in possession of the virus, and you're screwing it up! I need to make a covert approach; we can't risk him threatening with another attack. I'll give myself in after this is over. I promise you."

"I will not be negotiating with you."

Adam hangs up. Hermann looks to him as if to ask what is going to happen next.

"You just keep driving."

As Hermann continues to drive, Adam makes one more phone call, this time to Maria.

"It's me. I need you to get through to Paul. Try to get him to invoke Section 29. Simmons is getting in the way."

"I was fired."


"I told Simmons to either let you do your job or fire me. And well."

"Son of a bitch. Call Paul. Section 29 can overrule that decision."

"I'm not sure I can get through to him."

"Why not?"

"Paul was watching. When we were in the holding cell together. He doesn't want to talk to me."

"Damn it, this isn't about you and me. This about all those people who are going to die unless we catch this guy. Call Paul!"

Maria could hear it in Adam's voice that he was in that zone now. Adam never raises his voice against Maria, but when he goes into that dark place, he becomes a different man. It's a man who Maria has always found scary.

In the car, Adam sees Paul's car in the rearview mirror and tells Hermann to try and lose him.

"Hit the gas. We need to lose ATC before we get there."

Dietrich's Hideout

Gwen is becoming more and more impatient, since, in her eyes, Dietrich is wasting time toying with the President instead of proceeding with their plan.

"Are you actually going to make our demand to the President?"

Dietrich, on the other hand, is growing a little impatient with Gwen's constant pressuring.

"I told you. In due time."

"We may not have time, Dietrich. They already prevented the attack at the mall; they're looking for us. We won't get another shot. Don't forget that this about the SG-6."

Dietrich stands up and grabs his gun from the table.

"You think I don't know what this about? You think I don't know? I lost everything I've ever loved because of those people! Do not question-"

Before Dietrich can aim his gun at Gwen, Gwen kicks it out of his hands, slams his head on the table and presses it down with her own gun, showcasing how skilled she is.

"I'm with you on this, but don't you ever pull your gun on me again. I won't warn you a second time."

The events of the day have now forced Adam to visit a very dark place that he's not proud of, but he knows is there.

Been there done that, amirite.

great story you are awesome :)

Thanks. :)

notice me

with a flag?

this my first time on steemit but i like it :)

This is my 63,874th time and I'm still not sure.

I sure remember my first time. It was awkward, uncomfortable and over before you knew it. What?

WOAH. Really futuristic.. LOVE it

nice story. carry on

Reminds me of 24 and Jack Bauer

Oh, for sure. Jack was one of the inspirations for the character. Then there's a bit of Solid Snake in there, too, from MGS.

The main inspiration, however, was Spider-Man, a childhood favorite. Although that's a lot less obvious at first glance. But creating a reluctant hero who happens to be very good at his job, at the cost of everything else - like Spider-Man - was the biggest reason for me wanting to write this character.

Thanks for reading. :)