Artwork by @marty-art on Steemit... With many thanks!
Lena knocked on Senator Ashby's office door at the Senate Office Building...
"Are you busy Sir?" she asked.
"No Sweetie," he said, "I've got a vote in about an hour or so, but I've always got time for you, my dear... I can't tell you how good it is to have you back. Is anything wrong?"
"No Sir," she said uncertainly. "Not really, it's..."
"Lena," Ashby broke in, "I've known you practically since you were a child. You've been with me since you were an intern in college. This leave of absence... I know when something's not right. Now are you going to tell me, or do I have to keep on guessing?"
"Ok," Lena laughed. "You win... I never could fool you. That girl that was killed in front of the campaign office..."
"Melissa Womack," the Senator said. "You don't think it was an accident, right? Neither do I... too coincidental. She worked for Denning- now she's dead. Do you think he was behind it?"
"Yes," Lena said, I'm sure of it. So do her parents. They have a letter she wrote her mother- Denning raped her... he beat her up badly and raped her the night before she was killed. She had an appointment to talk to me when she was hit."
"Why didn't you tell me then?" Ashby asked. Lena could see the concern in his face.
"The primary was going on, I didn't want to distract you. I didn't want you involved until I was sure... I guess I was afraid for you." Lena felt like she was going to start crying.
"Lena, I appreciate that." Senator Ashby looked into her eyes. "And you know me well enough that I value that girl's life more than any election. What else haven't you told me?"
Lena broke down and told him everything... the calls from Walsh, everything. Senator Ashby listened carefully holding both of her hands in his, his eyes full of compassion. When she finished he said: "I've got to go vote now. Why don't you walk with me. When I'm done, we'll talk to your friends. Why don't you call them so we don't take them by surprise."
Lena called Dick and gave him the news... he was pleasantly surprised.
"That wasn't so bad was it?" the Senator said. "Now when is the wedding going to be?"
Lena almost jumped out of her skin. She looked into Ashby's grinning face: "Well?" he asked.
"He hasn't asked me yet... not officially. We talked about it, but nothing is set."
"Well, he''' ask officially... he'd be crazy not to. How could he pass up a swell chick like you?" The Senator smiled and winked.
Lena's eyes opened wide with surprise, "swell chick?"
The Senator winked again: "I've got to go in and vote. You tell your friends they have a new recruit. And Lena... don't worry so- everything is going to be alright. If Denning is behind these deaths, we'll find the evidence- he's not that smart."
"Yes, I know Senator, but he has powerful friends... and he is the president now," Lena warned.
"I have a few powerful friends of my own," the Senator said reassuringly. "I've been in Washington a long time and I know a little about how the game is played... You take the rest of the day off- make a nice dinner for you and Bret and then- who knows. And tell your friends I'll be over after the vote- I'm looking forward to meeting them."
Lena could barely wait to tell Bret what had happened with Senator Ashby. When she got to Dick's house she found her co-conspirators hard at work. After coffee with Ann she ascended the stairs to the office where she found David and Dick watching videos of Denning's speeches.
"What are you doing?" she asked.
"Looking for the weakest link," David replied turning around.
Dick explained: "It's too early in his administration for any of his cabinet level appointees to have become disaffected yet. So we're looking at people from his inner circle that have been there awhile, but aren't necessarily 'true believers'."
"But how can you tell, there's no sound?" she asked puzzled.
"Body language," Dick said stopping the film. "That's why there's no sound... sound distracts. Ever watched old silent movies?"
"Some," she was more puzzled than before.
Dick laughed at her confusion: "Let me explain... in the old movies there was no dialogue, so to follow the stories you had to watch movements and facial expressions."
"So you're looking for people that shy away from Denning, or something like that?" it was becoming clearer now.
"Exactly like that... and I think we have a winner- watch." Dick turned the film back on and pointed to a figure.''That's Sean Welbourne, I know him well," Lena said. "He's a really nice guy- I could never figure out why he got mixed up with someone like Denning. He comes from a really good family, his father was an ambassador or something."
"Can you talk to him without arousing suspicion?" Dick asked.
"Probably... I'm sure I can," Lena replied. "We used to have coffee together quite a bit during the primary. I could just sort of run into him, he lives in NW Washington. I know the coffee shop he goes to every morning... I'll just stop by for coffee."
"Good, feel him out. Don't say anything overt... just ask how it's going, stuff like that. Watch his reaction."
"Ok," Lena said. Then she told them the details of her meeting with the Senator.
"Ladies and gentlemen," Dick pronounced, "I think we may not only have found the weakest link... it looks like we also just gained a powerful new ally. I love it when a plan comes together."
The meeting with the Senator went very well, he was a stalwart defender of liberty... and Lena. After receiving an encrypted phone, he went to work on Bret pushing for a wedding between him and Lena. Lena had to tell him he was embarrassing her to get him to stop. He even stayed for dinner commenting on what a wonderful cook Ann was. Everyone in the Crew was impressed.
It wasn't difficult for Lena to track down Sean Welbourne, he had coffee at practically the same time every morning.
"Sean, is that you?" Lena asked.
"Lena, how are you?" he replied.
"I'm fine," she said casually. "Do you have a couple of minutes? I hate to drink alone." She laughed.
Sean looked at his watch. "Sure, I've got plenty of time."
They sat sipping coffee and chit chatting. When she thought the time was right she asked: "How do you like working for the President? That's quite a step up."
"I hate it Lena," he said miserably. "He's an asshole. I don't mean to come off like a snob, but the guy's a troglodyte... less than an animal. I probably shouldn't be telling you this- you working for the Senator and all, but I just don't care anymore- I fucking hate him."
Lena couldn't wait to get home and tell Dick and the Crew. She was tempted to say something to Sean, but thought better of it. To say something prematurely might blow the whole thing. Finding the weak link in Denning's armor was good enough... For now.
GIF by @papa-pepper
click here!This post received a 3.8% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @richq11! For more information,
I just got a mental image of Hannibal from the A-Team when Dick said "I love it when a plan comes together" lol. Great to see that the Senator joined the good guys and they gained another useful ally in Sean. Let's see if they're enough to take down Denning and Lockhart. Happy birthday Rich!
One thing about my stories... never try to guess what will happen- I might just be setting them all up to get killed!
Uh oh I just hope all the good guys make it out alive! And now you have me even more excited for the next chapter!
It's called The Boogeyman!
Ooooo can't wait! :)
Excellent, and ominous chapter, still enjoying the read!
Thank you! Next chapter Fri!
another chapter well done, dear friend! Have a nice B-day ^_^
Thank you my dear Silvia... I've been watching my favorite movie- Kingdom of Heaven. I think I'll write a review tomorrow.
It's great that you have a pan outlet for your writing! Well done @richq11
Thank you my friend... I haven't seen you in awhile, I thought you had abandoned me!
good art!I just upvoted you! Upvote this comment and follow me! i will upvote your future posts! To any other visitor, upvote this post also to receive free UpVotes from me! Happy SteemIt!
nice art i its a different art like others @richq11
Check out his blog... he's very talented.
good work on art marty art
He's very talented... I'm honored he lets me use his picture.