A prolonged Post

in #fiction6 years ago

The Land of Non reality
Passage #1 (These are fictional Passages i will be submitting every day)

           rough Beginnings

Starting life out happy as does everyone, not a worry in the world; enjoying life to its fullest. The majority of my memory from that time in my life is of a small farm I lived on with my mother and, seemingly Father and my Older sister.

Abstract fam house.PNG
When you’re so young you take everything for granted; feelings, food and most of all family, you don't realize that in this world some people don't have these things... These necessities in life, the very things that keep a child innocent and pure... It is only when you lose these necessities that life becomes a struggle.

I remember the first time I heard my Parents fight. I was sitting outside in my play area, creating the world’s biggest construction site driving the world biggest machines; running with zebra’s and giraffes and lions and giant grass-hoppers... wait grass-hoppers. At that point I ran away realizing there was a bug on me. I'm not sure if you have ever seen a grass-hopper, they are small brown and spikey. Now to a five year old kid that’s the equivalent of seeing a demon and trust me I wasn't hanging around to see if it was friendly, I ran as fast as could to the back door and RIPPED... the handle off; it was locked.

This was among other firsts was the first time I felt anxious, I was angst wondering when that Monster was going to jump over and eat me... the last thing I could think of was to scream and hope someone would save me; I took a deep breath and... and didn't scream, instead I listened to my mother. I had never heard so many cusses in my life, and she was yelling, louder than the time I stole her shoes, only because I knew how much the dog like them. I didn’t understand what exactly she was saying something about money; but that made no sense to me, if she was missing her money why doesn’t she get more from her purse? It’s always there.
Sad boy.PNG
After sitting on the back step for well over 5 minutes I was bored out of my brains, if I had to sit there for another second I could have had a fit. I got up and walked around the side of the house to the front I climbed the steps and met my Mum sitting on the patio with black streaks going down her cheeks. That was the first time I had ever seen her cry, “Why were her tears black and my where see through?” I thought to myself as i stared in confusion.