Maintaining the Purity of Love

in #fiction11 months ago (edited)


It was already 16.40, which meant it wouldn't be long before breaking the fast, I rushed to the kitchen to help Mum prepare the fast breaking meal.
When I arrived in the kitchen I was surprised, because the number of dishes for breaking the fast this time was more than usual.

"You have prepared so much to break the fast this time, wouldn't it be a waste if you don't finish it, Mom?" I asked Mum
, "of course it would be a waste if you don't finish a meal."
"Then why did you prepare so much?"
"Today Abi's friend wants to come to break the fast with Abi, so I prepared more for today."
"Which friend is Abi Mi?"
"There's no need to ask too many questions. When you come, you'll know for yourself. Hurry up and help Mum, the guests will come soon." Umi said in a teasing tone.
"Yes, my dear umi" responded to umi's teasing.
Umi and I continued preparing dishes for breaking the fast

Suddenly a greeting was heard from the front of the house
, "Assalamualaikum!"
"Excuse me Mr Farhan!"

Umi and I, who were in the kitchen, were stunned when we heard the greeting, and I hurriedly told Abi that the guests had arrived.
"Come in, Mr. Habib"

While waiting for the time to break the fast, Abi chatted casually with his friend.
"Where's your daughter, Han?" Mr. Habib asked Abi
"normally, I'm helping his mother in the kitchen to break the fast"
"Masyallah, your son is an adult, Han."
"Oh yes! How was your study, Firdan, in Cairo?"
It turned out that Abi's friend brought his son who was studying in Cairo
, "Thank God it went well, uncle."
"Thank God if it goes well, those who are diligent will study."
"Yes, God willing, uncle"

"Mum and I have finished preparing the menu for breaking the fast, all we have to do is take it to the living room"
"Ade, please umi take the food to the living room, okay?"
"Yes Mi, I want to go to my room first, I want to wear the hijab first"
I rushed to the room and put on my pashmina hijab which was on the chair. After tidying up, I went to the kitchen and immediately took it to the living room.

"The Maghrib call to prayer will be coming soon, please enjoy uncle, auntie" I said smiling faintly.
At the corner of my eye I saw a boy, who looked at me deeply and smiled at me, he had a polite and soft voice.

"Oh yes, Ade, this is Abi's friend Mr. Habib and his wife, Mrs. Azmina, this is also Mr. Habib's son, his name is Fir and he studies in Cairo."
"This is the youngest, my only daughter is Naisya Almira," said Abi, introducing myself.
I smiled while greeting, and rushed back to the kitchen.

The Maghrib call to prayer has sounded, and it's time to break the fast.
In the midst of enjoying breaking the fast, for some reason my heart suddenly said to itself,
"That boy looks good and smart."
"He must be very famous among girls on campus," I said to the high school girl.
"Why is he looking at me so deeply?"
"Smile again, use all your sweet smiles, I really like it."
"Oh, what was I thinking, asstagfirullah, but it's okay, God, if you're my soul mate," I said, laughing amusedly.

Starting from there I was always curious about him.
As people say, curiosity will turn into observation and ultimately become a struggle, fighting for love, and it's true that I, who was curious, fell into a feeling called love for a long time.

I'm just a high school girl who fell in love with a man who has a lot of knowledge and good morals, there's not much I can do so that he has the same feelings for me apart from praying, and asking Allah to bring us together in time, if indeed we are soul mates. .

But apart from that, it is not easy for me to maintain the purity of this love, love can also be unlawful if the love in question leads two people to adultery, especially now that there are so many people dating at my age, which is a disgraceful act, which Allah Himself has It is strictly forbidden in the Qur'an, Al-Isra' verse 32.
Moreover, now that we have entered the month of Ramadan, it is impossible for me to fall into disgraceful actions and distance myself from Allah.
Where other people keep themselves busy in this month of Ramadan, by increasing good deeds and asking for forgiveness, so that they are always close to Allah and get His blessing.

I was reminded of the love story of one of Rasulullah's phenomenal friends, the love story between Ali bin Abi Talib and the youngest daughter of Rasulullah, Fatimah Az-Zahra. The love story between the two of them is
extraordinarily beautiful, a love that is always kept secret in attitudes, words and expressions. The devil is so secretive that he doesn't know anything about the love affair between the two.

From this story I will use it as a reference, in trying to maintain the purity of this love, and will always put my trust in the third of my beautiful nights, where only Allah knows how much hope my love has for you.

Short story essay: Kayana Rafa T

The short story Maintaining the Purity of Love is a short story written by Kayana Rafa T , you can visit the author's special page to read her latest short stories.

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