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RE: The Regent's Maid. (A 2 sided story Part 2 )

in #fiction7 years ago

If you would like to join in, here is how it works.

Write your side of the story on your own blog, include the link to my stories and leave the link to yours in the comments below.
Include 'A 2 sided story' in your title and use the tag 'a-2sidedstory'. That way all the stories will be kept together.
If you like someone else's addition continue on from theirs. ( add their link to your story and leave the link to your in their comments)
My hope the story will grow like a tree. It may end up going in many different directions and we might end up writing parallel stories. That is actually interesting and exciting. (Sliding Doors).
Anyway have fun and look forward to reading your 'side' of the story.