How absolutely lovely. What a delightful outcome of being a freewrite participant. It sure fills me with hope and motivation.
I think it was just the other day, I read and commented on your 5 minute freewrite on lists, and now I find out I was interacting with a fully-fledged, published author. Who knew?
Thank you!! :)
Yes, you did comment on that list freewrite :D but I wouldn't call myself fully-fledged just yet :) At 6am this morning I was still an aspiring author, at 7am I became a self-published author, and I think I'll consider myself full-fledged when I have several books out there.
more!This first step was the hardest. I've been writing and re-writing a couple of books for years now and never deemed them good enough. Then thanks to the @freewritehouse I just wrote and didn't have time for all that inner-critic stuff! It's fantastic. Now that I have one out, I want more out --
I am glad to have given you hope and motivation! :D