Great story. Short, sweet, punchy, evocative without over explaining everything. You also did a good job revealing more about the world as it needed to happen instead of infodumping and expositing. A lot of traditional authors could take notes from this kind of story.
I can't wait to read your next one!
Great verb!
It almost sounds...obscene. Which too much exposition is. Ha!
Jim, I look forward to reading more PulpRev, soon. I'm behind, as always, with fiction piling up in my Kindle queue. Still a fan of PulpRev, no matter how much time I spend in assorted other places!
Glad you liked it. It was a re-work of something I wrote a long time ago.
There's definitely more of that setting on the way.
Glad to hear it. This world is way too interesting to leave at a one-shot imo.