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RE: The Search for Snow (Part 1 of 9)

in #fiction7 years ago

Since I couldn't hang with the big boys or the cool crowd in fiction, might as well go crazy with the experiments :D "No! That isn't how it should go" was meant to signal to the reader that something was amiss. The whole reverse thing is sort of a commentary about looking at things with different perspectives. While we can dismiss that something is wrong because it goes against the norm, doesn't mean that it doesn't have a reason for being that way. I hope that translated well in the piece.

This story was inspired by the conflict between North Korea and South Korea. As to who of the brothers they were, I'll leave it for the readers to decide. I'm glad you liked the idea, mate! Nice to see you back after you took a few days away :D


I'm still waiting for my invite to the big boys or cool crowd brigade. Maybe it got lost in the mail? Anyway, I like your handling of the situation - go unique, be different. It really was out there in its approach. And I mean that as a compliment. The more I thought through what you had achieved, the more I realised the difficulty of getting something like that to work. To have people read past the initial not quite right feeling before either getting it, or like me having it explained to them. And then the aha moment!

The North and South thing is great. The squabbling brothers idea works, especially for that situation.

Thanks, mate! You're just piling on the compliments, aren't you? I appreciate the analysis, and I fully agree with it haha!

Didn't you send an application not too long ago? Haven't heard back?

That application was for a medium sized club :) - and one thing I have noticed with some of them is that just because you're invited in doesn't mean you actually are in, if you know what I mean. Favouritism exists everywhere. Still I persist, because well, that's what I do.

Haha I totally get you. That's why I feel most groups are quite useless for me. Even if I'm a member on paper, I don't ever feel like a member for real. Persist we shall. This is, after all, a year of resilience!

From the start I set out with an agenda of my own. Still trying to apply it. But with all things, especially crypto related, things change quickly - so I'll adjust as need be. But ultimately it is about getting noticed. Writer's need audiences. I'm sure you understand.

For sure! That's what I've been struggling with the most. With many new writers coming in every day, it's getting harder and harder to get noticed.

I mentioned this post in this week edition of The Library