Challenge #04393-L009: Fluffy Puffy Omnicidal Vengeance

in #fiction2 months ago


A human brings two very fluffy, but small, dogs with them. These dogs become the pirates' worst nightmare when they attack the ship. -- Anon Guest

On first impressions, they looked like amorphous blobs of fuzz. One black and one white. Only when they woke did they seem to sprout feet and, in the case of the white one, little beady eyes. Portions of the floof oscillated as Human Ela called their names.

"Mune? Nux? Heel."

The snuffling fuzzballs were no bigger than a Terran basketball, and almost entirely spherical. They looked soft and harmless, as well as being the last thing anyone might pick as 'dog' in Dog or Not?[1]. According to Ela, they were dogs. Pomeranians, to be precise.

Lap dogs. Canids made to be soft and comforting companions for the more sedentary folk. Mostly harmless, like a lot of Terrans. And, a lot like Terrans, there was a predator lurking under that harmless facade.

None of the crew of the Enterprising Weasel were at all shocked at the inevitable results when the raiders knocked Ela to the floorplates with a well-aimed stunner.

The little dogs, previously mild as milk,sprang up on the raider and embodied the spirits of their lupine ancestors. Replete with going for the throat. Black and white dogs together became a grey blur of violence around Ela's attacker, and then the attacker's friends.

By the time they were done, and the raiders retreated to the safety of their ship, Mune was bright red with the shed blood and Nux was... well... significantly darker. And they were both far more recognisable as dogs without all the floof obfuscating their forms.

They returned to Ela, little tails wagging, to be overjoyed that their Human was recovering from the stun.

Everyone agreed that they were very good dogs.

[1] A popular networked guessing game in the Galactic Alliance. As well as a source of great controversy in the same territory.

[Photo by Pegah Mostafavizadeh on Unsplash]

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What's interesting, is that small dogs are FAR more likely to bite than big ones, in the long run. Because people are less apt to be as diligent about training them than they are with their larger counterparts.

It's just sad that some large dog breeds, like pitties, are hated. Sure a big dog DOES do more damage when they bite, this is true, but some breeds, it seems, sadly, are more apt to be reported if they bite, and splashed all over the news, than others.

Sounds like something a pom would be capable of despite all appearances to the contrary XD

A blur of violence is such an anime description, love it.

I kind of really want one but I wouldn't be able to cope with the grooming so if we ever get around to getting a small dog (we have a big one now but liked the big dog small dog combo we had before so thinking about doing it again) it's probably going to be some kind of JRT cross.

I have a corgi mix. I love that she doesn't have the long fur that requires constant brushing, but she sheds like crazy, and definitely has the high energy of the corgi.

That's such a thing with some of the short hairs. We have a short haired dog (who seems like barely has any hair at the moment, apparently her coat thins out a LOT in summer), a medium haired cat and a short haired cat and guess whose fur is everywhere the most.

Sounds adorable :D

Personally, if I had to have a dog, I'd pick a small Heinz Hound [57 varieties. Genuine mutt] from a rescue shelter. They're less likely to have gene-related issues than a thoroughbred.

She's a sweet mutt, and I love her very much.

Aaaaaahhhhh sooooooooo cuuuuuuuuuuuuute XD

All our dogs have been bitzas or some kind of cross, current one and last one were rescues. Purebreds and the more "designer" crosses are out of our price range. We generally prefer bigger dogs (especially in our area x_x) but small ones are sooooooooo cuuuuuuuute too XD