Challenge #04314-K296: Down in the Sundered Lands Mall

in #fiction3 days ago


The lands were hot, the deserts, created from centuries of war that destroyed the land above, scorching. The kobolds were the first to dig this underground city, but many races soon called it home, though the kobolds ruled this domain. -- Anon Guest

Neighbouring the Veldrys Deserts is an area the maps labled as the Scorchlands. A rocky waste hot enough to melt some metals unlucky enough to be on the surface. Even the Lizardfolk don't go there.

Well. Not overland.

Underneath... the Lizardfolk correctly surmised that the Scorchlands might have easily-obtained veins of refined metal, just waiting to be taken. After all, there had once been an advanced civilisation there before some extreme action of the Xenophobia Wars ruined it forever. Well. Ruined the surface.

Underneath the baking stone, rendered glassy by heat both ancient and modern... trickling down through the cracks and crevices... metal and alloys trickle down and set. And also underneath, the warrens of ancient tunnels, bunkers, and buildings still stand firm.

There was only one problem.

The Kobolds had had the very same idea. They were faster tunnelers than the Lizardfolk. In fact, they'd not only just taken advantage of the situation, but had also moved in and made it a city of their own.

Welcome to Trove. Low ceilings. Watch your head.

The Goanataur and Sserith[1] had an easier time in Kobold-sized spaces. It was a relatively simple negotiation to make the shared spaces a bit less... intimate. They had a perfect place for a market, too.

The ancient writings called it a Mega-Mall, but they did so to people who could not read the ancient texts.

The entire Kobold city fit well into the food court, and the neighbouring market used to be a pokey little game store when it was new. There were other spaces, full of relics of a bygone era. With varying degrees of inherent danger.

Kobold methods of testing unknown ancient artefacts are not recommended to intelligent creatures who are not capable of instant reincarnation.

For the record, the Lizardfolk leave such things to the Kobolds. They witnessed their world being warped and ruined by magic. Therefore, they shun it.

[1] Less educated folk call them 'Naga'.

[Photo by Catgirlmutant on Unsplash]

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