Challenge #04310-K292: Little Surprises

in #fictionyesterday


A mixed band of older adventurers came to the glade seeking aid for a comrade who had been badly wounded, lest the person, their dear friend, die. Due to their advanced ages, they asked if they could help by setting up a nearby hospital, so she didn't have to do all of this work alone. A peaceful life of aiding others in their golden years. -- Anon Guest

In the world of Adventuring, thirty is old. Many start in their youth, and most of them don't make it a decade past their majority. This crew, approaching Pax's grove, were fifty. Bearing one of their number on a stretcher, as carefully and as quickly as they could do so.

"There it is. Just like the Fae said. The demon dragon living in the home of an ancient enemy," the Warlock grinned. "I told you it was a good idea to have one on our side."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, so clever," said the Fighter. "Here's hoping we're in enough need to enter."

They held their Bard close to the ground, in case the four of them were suddenly teleported back to the border. They had faith that their friend was in great need. They weren't sure about themselves. Adventurers, after all, commit a great many sins while they're trying to do good.

They crossed the boundary with no trouble while the D'varuh on the stretcher moaned in their torpor.

"Not long now, buddy," soothed the Wizard. "Just hang on."

Their Ranger, well out of their depth, asked, "How do we summon this healer?"

"I'm already here," said Pax, stepping out from the background like an optical illusion come to life. They lifted up the patient as easily as if the D'varuh weighed less than a feather. "You are free to roam my gardens. I will tend to what must be done."

The Wizard, the Fighter, the Ranger and the Warlock didn't see which way Pax went, so they roamed around aimlessly outside the immense Ygdrassi tree until they found an ornamental glade with a restful and peaceful aura. Peaceful enough to evaporate their tension to the point where slumber threatened them with their dreams.

They had a peaceful rest there, all the same, and when they woke at the next dawn, Pax was waiting for them.

"All is well," said Pax. "Parent and twins are sleeping peacefully."

"Oh good," said the Ranger.

"What?" said the Wizard.

The Fighter and the Warlock were attempting arithmetic in their heads.

"When?" said the Fighter.

"How?" said the Warlock.

"When two people love each other very much," began the Wizard. The talk took two hours. There were helpful hand gestures. The rest of the crew were covering their ears and immolating on the spot from sheer mortification.

It was the Ranger who first broke their trance and followed Pax to see the babies.

They didn't look like anyone from the party.

[Photo by John Royle on Unsplash]

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