Challenge #04297-K279: Hottest Singles...

in #fiction14 days ago


::smacking computer:: Stop showing me nsfw ads! I know there’s desperate [SLURS] in my area!
I HAVE A MIRROR! -- Anon Guest

Techie Darins opened the latest alert from Systems Advertising Systems (inc), specifically a complaint from the Social Video subsidiary.

Dear content creator, the forwarded automail said, Your uploaded video has been demonetised owing to issues with your script text file. Our automatic systems have detected problematic phraseology. While this remains an issue, you will not be receiving financial income from your video, "Herbal Consciousness Aid". Please remove, review, and re-upload this content for maximum efficacy immediately.

Of course, Systems Advertising Systems had to upload their advertising to the Social Video site just to have them run on other people's content. The automatic filters should not be running on the internal advertising channel.

Darins loaded up the website to check, scrolling through reams and reams of bare and partially-clothed derrieres as well as exposed breasts and body parts to finally unearth the disputed video. Uploaded an hour and a half ago. It was tagged for the system to ignore it, but someone had flagged it via Social Video's ad reporting system.

Which meant that Darins had to watch it. And pay attention to it. Ugh.

Five minutes of stultifying idiocy later, including three re-watches to be certain they had it right, Darins had the answer to the issue.

Rescript and re-voice the video, was the solution. Including, Add all variations of 'wake' to the list of forbidden words, as it's a dog-whistle for "woke politics" and therefore objectionable.

Honestly, earning an income from the horseshit herbal supplements section was becoming more of a problem, these days. Perhaps Systems Advertising Systems might drop the contract in the near future.

Darins loaded a random video on their own private feed, more for the noise than anything. Another advert for virtual sex dolls played before the real content. "Deesh, no thank you," they murmured. "I have my own hands and a lot of lotion."

[Photo by Eric Krull on Unsplash]

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They've tried to put ads on my content that's not even monetized. Needless to say, I make sure they can't

I have a Pi Hole so their ads don't even reach me :3