Challenge #04246-K228: Critical Perception Failure

in #fiction2 months ago


They'd come to inspect the dragons forge. Everyone said the dragon was working there of their own will. Everyone said the main smiths were dragons. They didn't believe it. Even when the dragons showed them, they refused to believe it. Why else would they allow HUMANS to work here too? Or make things for others besides other dragons?
There's always ONE of those beings to show up from time to time. That needs a solid kick in the pants before they are willing to listen, and actually SEE what's right in front of them. -- Anon Guest

They marched into Featherforge with placards and chants. They made a huge amount of noise, and disrupted a lot of work in progress. White hot metal had to be urgently quenched. Flames had to be quelled. Tools had to be put down in a hurry. Guard rails had to be placed in a rush.

"Two, four, six, eight! Dragons must in-cin-er-ate! One, two, three, four! Let these Dragons out to soar!"

One of them ran straight up to the Dragon on duty, making shoo-ing motions like she thought the Dragon would act like a bird. "Fly! Fly, be free!" She capered about right in front of a head the size of a small hut. "You are no longer a slave to these violent oppressors!"

Hyndarmon, the on-duty Dragon, made herself comfortable and produced an irritated growl that the protestors could feel in their bones. This failed to make an impression.

Several protestors had household hammers. "Were are here to break the chains of slavery holding these noble creatures from the freedom they deserve," said the spokesprotestor. "Anyone who opposes us shall be similarly smashed!"

The rest of them cheered. The smiths exchanged expressive Looks that said, Can you believe this horseshit? They made certain the forges were safe, put their hands on their heads, and filed out to the much larger hall.

One remained long enough to say, "If you can find any chains holding us, you're welcome to try smashing them with those toys. Once you've tired yourselves out, we have something to show you in the big hall."

Like most people with a bug in their brains, they missed the subtle clues. They missed the overt ones, too. They spent hours searching the entire forge for Dragon shackles, to the point where even the most enthusiastic ones had run out of impetus.

They finally shuffled into the big hall to witness the assembled smiths transform, one by one, into fully-grown Dragons.

"We're here because we want to be," said Eldrad. "Now please leave us to our work?"

[Photo by Elimende Inagella on Unsplash]

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LOL I can almost hear through the words, exasperation in their tones.

Somewhere in the forge there's a plaque that's like:

[X] Days Since Our Last Encounter With Self-Appointed Heroes.

B...b...but...that's not what they actually want, that's just what they've been brainwashed to believe by The Oppressors! But it's okay because the liberators will help them realise that their ACTUAL desire is to be FREE to do whatever they want (except work in a forge because that clashes with how they want things to be) XD

At that point, it's perfectly okay for the Dragons to firkin eat them.

It's what they want to do after all XD

or perhaps brainwashed because not what the "liberators" wanted/were expecting