Challenge #03913-J261: The Function of Finance

in #fiction2 years ago


"You could be making eons!!"
"Why would I? I make enough already, and the elderly are safe, and end their days, here, in peace."
"These are resorts trillionaires would pay through the nose for!"
"You're letting plebians and leeches use it!"
"They're living, cognisant, beings."
"I just don't get it!"
"You're a Deregger CEO, you never have."
"Okay then Smart Guy, teach me how you're rich but doing this??"
"Alright, no problem." -- Anon Guest

"Look around at everything I have. What do I really need?" said Alik. "I already have a life of luxury. I have comfort. I have every flavour at my fingertips. I have all the companionship I want. What do I really need?"

Deregger CEO Matramsyn sneered at the surroundings. Everything was... reliable. It wasn't conspicuous. It wasn't brand. It was serviceable. "You need to update your brand," he said. "Synergise the message you're sending to the world. What are you trying to say with all this... stuff?"

"I'm not saying anything. People who come here go because they're my friends. They know my style. As for an update... If you think I need it, would you give it to me?"

Matramsyn's reaction was reflexive. "What? No! I don't give anything to anyone unless it gets me something."

"And that's where we're different," said Alik. "Finances do nothing when they're hoarded. They do their best when they're moving. And not just moving out and back again into my accounts. It's gotta move around the universe. And take a long trip on the way."

"But if I let it go that far, I can't control it," objected Matramsyn.

"Why's that much control so important to you?"

Matramsyn couldn't find a single answer that satisfied Alik.

[Photo by Allison Saeng on Unsplash]

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Are people actually that lacking in self awareness that they would legitimately say stuff like that? XD

Given how frequently the right-wingers say the quiet part out loud.... Yeah I reckon they would.

Sadly.... my dear friend... Yes, they really are that lacking in self-awareness enough to say stuff like that. Individuals like that will even say things like "I don't care if you and your family dies!" when confronted about how something they're determined "doesn't exist" becasue they don't want to acknowledge what it's doing to people.

Oof wtaf. This makes me glad that I don't really talk to people x_x

I'm in completely the wrong line of work for that but the people I deal with are generally pretty cool