The fiction novel I'm currently working on, I will submit here to gauge interest...

in #fiction8 years ago (edited)

A book that I have been working on for quite some time I thought would be something worthy of sharing here on Steemit. I will submit the first chapter right here and see how you all like it. The title is currently to be determined.

Chapter 1

Voices.... Voices were the first thing that he could remember. What were they talking about? He couldn't really make it out. Some sort of dialect that he couldn't understand perhaps. Realization...He was in some sort of dark, dank room. The only light shone from the ceiling through some hole that did not appear as though it was intended to be a window. Where the fuck was he at? The voices were coming from down the corridor. Sounding as though some sort of situation was escalating. He was alone. Did anyone even know he was here? And just where in the fuck was here anyways? He suddenly realized that not only did he have no recollection of how he came to be here, but even his own identity was currently escaping him. These were both serious problems and to top it off, the voices seemed to be drawing closer to his position. He could hear them laughing and yelling excitedly as they came down the corridor. These next few moments were going to require some quick thinking. He glanced around the room, scanning for anything that might be of use. A small rusted piece of metal caught his eye. It seemed to be the only thing within reach at this point. The sources of the voices finally turned the corner to reveal themselves as three very grimy individuals very obviously deciding on how to fillet him up and cook him. As the first bum reached for one of his arms, he suddenly flew into action, grabbing the first bum's arm, he broke it in three places. The other two, obviously shocked at the sight of this, could not react in time as he grabbed the rusty metal spike and drove it straight into the second man's throat. As blood began to flow, he quickly slipped his arms in a chokehold around the last one's neck and violently wrenched until he heard several sharp cracks, obviously snapping his neck in several places. He turned again to the first assailant who was still holding his limply hanging arm very gingerly. He utilized his jagged, rusty piece of metal once again and with a final stroke, brought it down straight on top of the bum's head, penetrating the skull rather more easily than he had figured it would. The last bum collapsed onto the ground and finally he was alone again. He listened intently but there were no other sounds reaching his ears, only dead silence. Having averted disaster for the time being, questions began to flood back to his mind. Where am I? How the hell did I get here? Who the fuck were those guys? And most importantly, who the fuck am I?
He examined his surroundings. No answers to be found in here, he thought. He finally began contemplating his next move, which at this moment involved getting the hell out of this shithole and getting some goddamn answers. He didn't hear anything else as he moved along and headed for light. Near a door on a table he found what looked to be a large quantity of medication in a bag. Just at a glance he could see several different pills inside. Also a small knife and a canteen were stashed nearby on a shelf. He grabbed everything and headed for what looked like the door out of there. As he opened it, he was blinded by sunlight and choked by dust. The terrain outside looked like a warzone. Desolate and barren, wherever he was at, it did not appear too inviting of an environment. He wondered where he might find the nearest civilization. All he had for supplies were what he had just grabbed and what he was wearing, which consisted of a tan t-shirt and worn, dirty khaki pants. Not entirely suitable for a journey through lands suchs as these. No way he was going back in that awful dungeon though so away he went into the wasteland. He had no idea whatsoever as to what direction to actually go so he just started walking, any direction would do. He realized he had little energy and so began to take swigs from the canteen from time to time to sustain himself. After a time of seeing no signs of life, he stumbled on to what seemed to be a beaten down path or seldom used road of some sort. Looking better than any other option he had seen so far, he began to follow it.