It was Judgement Day and we, dead men from all nations and tongues of the earth, now stood before the great white throne of judgement - ready to accept our fate, ready for judgement. We knew the two possible outcomes - heaven or hell.
Those who are lucky enough to make heaven, the radiant-looking winged angels had already hinted us, would enjoy eternal bliss. They would play with lions, walk on the streets of gold, eat fresh fruits and sing hallelujah forever.
Whereas, the unfortunate ones would roast like cashew nuts in hell, where there would be gnashing of teeth and wicked worms to torment the damned.
Soon, a stern-looking angel stepped forward carrying the biggest book I have seen. Book of life? Not sure what it was, although we had been told that the book would play an important role in the judgement process.
Shortly afterwards, a handsome, longhaired man, whose body glowed like gold, climbed down the great white throne and turned his back at us. He was the Messiah - those directed to his right, once the book is opened, would go to heaven while those on his left would be condemned to hell. He was mighty and all powerful.
Consequently, we waited breathlessly for a little while before the great book was opened and names were called, one after the other. In a few hours, our fate had become known. A third of the crowd was directed to stand in the Messiah's right while the rest of us were told to stand on his left.
My heart melted and I wept bitterly. So I did not do enough good in my life to take me to heaven? I could not imagine myself in a dark tunnel where I would be flogged and everlastingly tormented with wild worms for the bad things I have done. It was now too late.
While I lamented, the Messiah suddenly made a U-turn, now facing us, such that those who were on his right hand now found themselves on his left and vice versa. That was how good luck took me and several others to heaven before the alarm clock woke me up.

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I am @gandhibaba, the young man who goes about carrying his magical pen, not his gun, in his pockets.
Gif courtesy of @artzanolino
Finely constructed story with a superb surprise ending.
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