Nathan March Investigations - Book Three: The Take Down - episode two

in #fiction7 years ago

episode one

Episode Two

“Normally I don’t believe in coincidence, but the fact that in Edinburg, Afghanistan, General Clayton Pierce is the commanding officer of the 2nd Battalion, 4th Marine Regiment, says to me we’re moving in the right direction,” said Nathan to the whole team, while each was enjoying a drink before dinner.

Milton Pierce could only smile with pride in his older brother, as he slowly sipped his merlot and listened intently to the full discussion just getting underway, in Nathan’s large den.

“For a legend in military circles, my brother’s a down to earth marine who loves all the troops he commands, and hurts plenty when he has to send some home in body bags. After a long conversation, in which I did all the talking, he immediately contacted Col. Avery, Mike Dempsey’s immediate commanding officer. He got Michael Dempsey booked on a military transport to Germany which will load up some wounded tomorrow, and arrive at Lackland AFB tomorrow afternoon around dinner time,’ said Milt.

“Nathan if I can I’d like to confirm arrangements with Lt. Abe Sanchez, a helicopter pilot friend from Iraq now flying a MD500E helicopter as a sworn police officer for the Houston PD Air Support Division. He and I discussed picking Mickey up at Lackland AFB and bringing him back to Houston,” said John Barry.

“It might make it easier if you let me contact our friend Captain John McArdle, who we worked with us a few times before. We need to find out what he knows about the Dempsey case in general and specifically the climate at Headquarters after the deaths of Albert and Tameka Merrick,” said Nathan.

“He’s right John, we don’t want your friend in trouble with his bosses because he used a police helicopter to pick up someone who is going to reinvestigate a capital case that somehow went terribly wrong, not once but twice,” said Guilford’s Chief of Police, Milton Pierce.

“Sending someone from HPD to bring Mickey to Houston could go a long way to giving Houston PD some good press for being open to checking into the Dempsey case, and soften some of the judgment sure to be harsh, when we blow this case wide open,” said John.

“How about we charter a copter for you to fly John?” said Nathan.

“Well my license is in order and I’m insured, so I’d like that. Before doing that I need to fill you in on Abe’s comments on the case, which will blow your mind. He told me that the two detectives who handled the Solomon murder investigation and Mr. Dempsey’s arrest in 1987 and re-arrest in 1993, died only one month apart last year,” said John.

“That’s weird for sure,” said George.

“No, that’s not the weird part. Their deaths were both ruled suicide, that’s the weird part,” said John.

“Before Dempsey’s execution, I’m guessing,” said Nathan.

“Yes sir, one deliberately crashed his car into a tree, and the other hung himself. Abe told me that both men were Catholic and that both widows refused to accept the coroner’s cause of death,” said John.

“The church still isn’t fond of burying suicides on consecrated ground, but exceptions have been made for the mentally ill,” said Nathan.

“Yeah, Abe says that wasn’t the case this time. Both are buried in state owned cemeteries. The Houston PD took a lot of flak about losing four police officers, two in suicides, all within six months,” said John.

“Who were the other two officers?” asked Milton Pierce.

“One was the patrolman who found Detective Barney McKenzie hanging, and the other was the cop who came on the scene of the Detective Joseph Schultz’s car wreck,” said John.

“Both patrolmen are dead too?” asked Nathan.

“That’s correct Nathan,” said John.

“Those two died how?” asked Milton Pierce.

“Let’s see in April Richard Nunez who found Schultz, was shot dead trying to stop a convenient store robbery, in which the perp got away. Then in June, patrolman Barry O’Connell who found McKenzie hanging was killed on duty weekend with the National Guard. He was repelling down a mountain when he fell.

“Didn’t your friend Abe think this was curious, attending four funerals for four Houston policemen, all involved somehow in the Dempsey case months apart?” asked Mickey.

“Oh yeah that’s why he was happy to join me in picking up Mike Dempsey, because he felt for some reason the case smelled to high heaven and don’t forget he’s a cop first and a pilot second,” said John.

“Good luck on this one Nathan. Someone with lots of power is behind the mess you and your team are into, so you’d all had better keep an eye out for each other,” said Milt.

“The safety of my team is always a top priority, but you’re right this time we will be particularly aware of each other’s whereabouts and functions until we break this case, which we will,” said Nathan.

“That means I only need to make reservations for five to Houston?” asked Dennis Cleary.

“Five it is at the moment,” said Nathan.

“Hey Dennis, think Dina will cook her baked macaroni for a good luck dinner?” asked Sam.

“Nope, don’t think so,” said Dennis.

“Oh, okay then,” said Sam a little disappointed.

“Sam, she’s already fixed it as a side dish with dinner tonight, especially for you,” said a smiling Dennis as he left the den to book the air flight to Houston and rooms at the Hyatt Suites in Houston, for Dempsey and the entire team.

“I am one happy camper now,” said Sam, handing each person including Milton Pierce, a copy of all the printouts he’d put together about the other parties up to their necks in the Dempsey debacle.

The long antique door that was refinished years ago, served as a kitchen table in March Manor, comfortably seating the nine for dinner, making setting up the dining room unnecessary.

“Dina my mac and cheese is heaven,” said Sam hurling the food into his mouth.

“Wait until you see desert,” said Dennis.

“He won’t have room for any desert the way he’s chowing,” said George.

“My large friend, you’re not doing so badly yourself,” said Dina with a wink.

“Bet you’re happy we’ll be gone before breakfast Dina,” said Mickey as he dove into the ample roast beef dinner in front of him.

“Not really, I love having a house full of handsome men,” said Dina watching the younger men stuff themselves with hot bread pudding topped with whipped cream.

Within minutes they were headed for the brick shed now refurbished as a state of the art work out facility with sauna and whirlpool and a large glass enclosed heated swimming pool, just steps away.

The larger more rustic visitor’s quarters a few years earlier had undergone transition into a multi-room haven which the PTA enjoyed on each of its visits. The place was an excellent refuge as it easily competed with better hotels in layout, decoration and the amenities in each room including 47 inch flat-screen TVs, oversized laptops, printers and scanners, with waist-high refrigerators teaming with healthy drinks and snacks, sofas that fully reclined, bathrooms with king-size glass enclosed showers, and king-size beds equipped to massage one’s body to sleep.

Although visitors used cell phones only, the intercom system in each room worked both ways to keep everyone in communication with the manor house itself.

Once again Chief Pierce admonished Nathan to stay alert once they arrived in Houston because he felt certain that this case was dangerous for anyone looking too hard at it. Afterwards he said his good nights and soon after he had left, Nathan’s lack of sleep caused him to drift off to sleep on his recliner in the den, while Dennis headed to the guard shack out front, and Dina finished loading the dishwasher.

Dennis on his cell phone, was about to handle the airline and hotel reservations when Mickey came into the guard shack advising him to hold off and come into the main house instead.

The sight of three massive bodies, moving like agile hinds toward the main house, told Dennis how serious the matter at hand had to be.

Once the men were together, Nathan began the process of sharing some very disquieting news.

“The C-17 military transport took three and a half hours to travel from Afghanistan, to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, at Ramstein Air Base Air Force Headquarters in Europe, arriving on time. Our client Lance Cpl. Michael Dempsey even assisted in the transfer of the wounded at the Medical Center.

“Unfortunately he wasn’t available to help load the wounded returning stateside one hour later, and then he missed getting on the transport’s last leg from Germany to Lackland in San Antonio, as planned.

“A search was immediately commenced and Mike was found two hours after he landed in Germany. His body was just outside the base’s West gate. It seems he was struck with what is believed to be the butt of a rifle and rendered unconscious by several blows received while he was still on the ground. They are not holding out much hope that he’ll survive his wounds,” said Nathan.

“Someone didn’t want him stirring things up, so they tried to take him out,” said Mickey.

“He’s a jarhead, he’s going to make it, I just know it,” said John.

“That’s my opinion as well,” said Nathan.

“Head injuries are the worst, I sure hope you guys are right,” said George getting to his feet and leaving the den.

“His Uncle, who was George’s godfather, was beaten to death by two men in his army unit, the same exact way. He never regained consciousness and the two men are still AWOL to this day. George lost two months of school because he couldn’t concentrate on his school work, and he’s never really gotten passed it,” said John.

“We need the names of the crew that travelled with Mike Dempsey from Afghanistan in case one or more were his actual assailants in Germany. My guess is that we’ll find out that they were,” said Sam angry but focused.

“What makes you think that?” asked Dennis.

“The plan to get him home was put together at the last minute, Mike’s C.O. and the chaplain, knew he was aboard but someone else besides those two also knew he was aboard and why,” said Sam.

“I’ll have Fr. Quinlan get us the list of names of those aboard the transport right away. I’m also going to have Colonel Avery give me a list of all of his staff who knew about Mike’s situation,” said Nathan taking his cell with him to his office.

“Make sure you include all the names of the wounded. Could be there was a Houston resident who was wounded aboard the flight who talked with or recognized Mike from back home and dropped a dime to an interested party by cell phone. And then again his assailants could even be members of the military police aboard Mike’s flight, if they had been promised a very large payday from someone in Houston, for taking him out,” said John.

“Dennis, now you can make reservations for a flight to Houston for the six to arrive for dinnertime tomorrow. Then put us all in separate suites in the Hyatt for at least a week. I want to stir the pot plenty so Sam, take all the hardware you need. Let’s make someone worry plenty, once we’ve arrived in Texas,” said Nathan.

“Mickey, we need our gal Abby Carter on this one now,” Nathan added.

“Really Nathan, I mean are you sure?” asked Mickey.

“I’m positive. Have you known any guy who could resist her when Abby has decided to make his acquaintance?” asked Nathan.

“God boss I want this one resolved, but Abby’s a stretch,” said Mickey.

“Abby’s the best at pulling out information from Presidents to street cleaners and we need her Mickey, or I wouldn’t ask you to get her for us,” said Nathan.

Chaplain Fr. Quinlan was in shock at the news Nathan gave him regarding Michael Dempsey and said he would offer his morning Mass as a prayer for Mike’s healing. The sweetness of his friend’s son came through over and over again as he offered Nathan consolation and encouragement before ending their call with a promise to have the list of those aboard Mike’s military flight, forwarded to him in an email within hours.

Colonel Donald Avery was anything but cooperative and quite belligerent about the character of any of his office staff being suspect of such an act of violence against a marine. Nathan’s calm demeanor made no impact on the man. Only when he alerted the Colonel that General Pierce might see things differently, did the Colonel acquiesce. The email Nathan was to receive in response to his request listed the Colonel’s entire staff which included one female who had requested emergency leave and obtained it, that same day.

After packing his bags early the next morning, Mickey sat pouring over the three lists, one from Fr. Quinlan which was the passenger list of the C-17 Medical transport from Afghanistan, and second a list of Colonel Avery’s entire staff, any of which would have known about Michael Dempsey’s presence aboard that transport.

A third list which he’d produced himself held the names Gillian Solomon, the murder victim’s mother, and Montgomery Frost, the very ambitious D.A. who prosecuted Dempsey both times. Solomon and Frost were still very much alive. Not so alive were the four HPD police officers who died over an unusually short span of time, just weeks before Claude Dempsey’s execution. They were Patrolman Barry O’Connell, Patrolman Richard Nunez, Detective Barney McKenzie, and Detective Joseph Schultz. Without a doubt all four became deeply entrenched in the Dempsey case and it somehow cost them all their lives.

“How about letting me read the names to you from the C-17, and you check each name against the two lists you have,” said Nathan, as he entered the den with coffee for them both.

“Thanks for the coffee and you’re right that would be much easier. As you can see, I’ve already checked the first twenty names off, so start at twenty-one,” said Mickey.

“That name is Cpl. Leonard Gagnon,” said Nathan, pausing to let Mickey check his lists.

“Nope, go ahead,” said Mickey.

“Lance Cpl. Timothy Monroe,” said Nathan.

“Nope, keep going,” said Mickey.

Private First Class, Alan Moses,” said Nathan.

“Nope, keep going,” said Mickey.

Sgt. Donald Drummond,” said Nathan

“Nope, keep going,” said Mickey.

“Second Lt Carmella Nunez,” said Nathan.

After a brief pause in which Mickey went from list to list, he said “Nathan, she’s on Avery’s list of staff members. She was very recently given a transfer stateside. I’ve also got an Officer Richard Nunez from HPD who is one of the two patrolman that John’s friend Abe said found Detective Schultz dead and then was killed himself in a botched robbery, remember?” asked Mickey.

“I sure do and that means she’s back in Houston by now. Let’s find Sam while we still have time before our flight for him to hack the HPD’s personnel files for any of the names of Richard Nunez’s family members,” said Nathan.

“Richard Nunez, and Lt. Carmella Nunez were indeed brother and sister,” said Sam.

“Sam you are a wizard,” said Mickey as the entire team felt relief for the first time since Mike’s attack in Germany.

“So one of patrolman who supposedly found Detective Shultz’s body, had a sister on the transport taking Michael Dempsey home,” said Nathan.

“Did I just here supposedly?” asked Mickey.

“We all know that Shultz’s death is listed as suicide because it was felt that he deliberately aimed his car into a tree and died instantly. But suppose a young police officer is offered a large sum of untraceable cash, and a fast-paced career advancement, to help get rid of a Detective with a very big and very dangerous secret. Since we draft all cops from the human race, you have to admit bribery is always possible,” said Nathan.

“So the young cop runs Schultz’s car off the road and into a tree, cleans up the scene including skid marks until it is pristine, and then calls it in,” said Mickey.

“Unfortunately the kid cop doesn’t realize that he’s a lot easier to get rid of than an experienced Detective with secrets to tell. They hire a lowly gang banger to off him in a phony robbery attempt, and Nunez is now no longer a problem,” said John.

“The gang banger isn’t killed because who is he going to tell that he murdered a cop, another cop? No for certain, besides he could be useful again sometime in the future. However Nunez dies after killing Schultz because he could use the information he had to make a deal, if he was ever caught. On the other hand Schultz was murdered because he knew for certain that Claude Dempsey was innocent and kept upping the ante to keep quiet about it,” said George.

“Okay as far as it goes it all fits, but what’s with Nunez’s sister, the second Lieutenant?” asked Mickey.

“Sam, tell the man what else you learned about the Nunez sibling,” said Nathan.

“She’s a college grad, Vassar no less with a degree in Business. No one knows where the college money came from, but before entering the military at age 23, she did a lot of plastic surgery from her nose to her bottom and here’s the outcome,” said Sam holding a color photo of Carmella in a red bikini from which she was almost pouring out.

“Good job Doc,” was all George could say.

“Yes sir, he gets my recommendation,” said John.

“She can certainly elevate a man’s blood pressure don’t you think?” stated the female voice of Abby Carter in a slow deliberate tone. The beautiful copper headed, green-eyed young woman with a body most women would die for, took a seat after entering the den at the manor house without drawing any attention.

“Mickey dear, after speaking with you at length earlier, I had the luck of speaking to Cpl. Gary Ralston, who works in the Colonel’s office. It would seem that after taking part in a very lengthy phone conversation with his wife, who’s stateside of course, the Colonel approved an immediate emergency transfer for the very lovely lady known as Carmella Nunez,” said Abby smiling into Mickey’s face.

“You mean the Colonel and her were doing the horizontal tango?” asked George.

“My, my you are a handsome one. To answer your question they were regularly de-stressing each other and every one on base knew it,” said Abby.

“Excellent work as usual Abby,” said Nathan with a smirk on his face.

“Thank you my fearless leader. Now Mickey, won’t you please introduce me to these three gorgeous male containers of so much testosterone?” said Abby as the three men came forward to greet her.

“Let me advise you, not that you’ll care, but they are all in committed relationships Abby. First meet John Barry who retired from the Navy Seals after thirteen years, and is really good at rescuing folks by air, water, or land. He’s comfortable flying a plane, handling a boat, or driving anything or shooting anything for that matter. John’s lady’s a teacher and an absolute knock out.

“Next meet George Lopez formerly a member of the Special Forces. He’s the father of a beautiful daughter and husband of a very stunning wife. He’s a master of languages and knows how to interrupt the human life cycle permanently, using some very quick moves.

Finally meet Sam Weiss, our recently wedded computer whiz with a wife lovely enough to give him great incentive to solve our mysteries ASAP so he can get back home to her. Sam has hacked us through several of our most difficult cases,” said Mickey.

“Fellas I can’t tell you how nice it is to meet you all. I’m Abby Carter, a lady whose been acquainted with Mickey for five years with nothing to show for it, even though I’m easy on the eyes and much softer to the touch,” said Abby.

Her clipped speech and amazing attributes had the men totally aware that her attention directed at one of them, could cause them a world of trouble at home. Nathan knew Mickey learned how true that was one on one with the lady and still hadn’t recovered.

“That performance gentlemen, is why Mr. March here contacts me every time there’s a male in a vital position who is unwilling to cooperate with one of his investigations. After high school graduation I served a hitch in Afghanistan myself and after eight years in the Air Force I completed my education at Yale, with a Master Degree in History thanks largely to Nathan. That about does it and again really nice to be working with you,” said Abby.

“I like her Nathan,” said Sam.

“She’s got my vote, said John.

“Can’t imagine any guy holding back anything from her, which is okay with me,” said George.

“Just to keep the air fresh and clear you three might need to note that Mickey doesn’t like my contribution to most investigations. I believe he’s told me in Nathan’s presence, that I’m nothing more than a “man trap,” so obviously sometimes his feelings get in the way, where I’m concerned,” said Abby.

“There are no feelings were you’re concerned Abby, I’m team leader and you follow my instructions the way I follow Nathan’s. Is that clear?” said Mickey uncharacteristically void of any warmth in his voice.

“It is,” Abby responded.

“Make sure it is Abby. Mickey’s never let me down, so he alone has my total confidence and you will give him your total respect,” said Nathan sternly.

“Yes sir,” said Abby now sure she underestimated Mickey’s lack of enthusiasm for her participation in this investigation.

“Nathan we were discussing Carmella Nunez’s connection to Mike Dempsey’s near death assault,” said Mickey.

“My reasoning tells me the lady is connected to someone powerful in Houston, people she still owes. After getting the boot from her military boss which probably included a promotion to a desk in D.C., she boards the transport and spots Mike Dempsey immediately. She uses her cell to call Houston. Now she has a contract to take him out which pays her debt completely.

“They arrive in Germany where she collects some of her cash and finds two lowly PFC’s looking to earn a grand each, maybe less, maybe more. She knows the West gate is on civilian property and not heavily trafficked so a drugged Mike Dempsey is taken there. When the coast is clear the two solders begin their brutal beating of Mike with rifle butts. Because advancing foot traffic is spotted they scatter with all three certain Mike’s dead,” said Nathan.

“History tells us that murder does run in families, and so do highly sadistic personalities,” said Abby.

“Hate to break this meeting up but I managed a sixth first-class reservation for the flight to Houston and you need to load up the van so I can get you all there in time,’ said Dennis.

In less than forty-five minutes the six-first class passengers were boarding their plane as Dennis and Dina stayed to watch the flight lift off for Houston. All of Sam’s equipment minus his laptop was locked in heavily protected aluminum cases labeled to alert any handlers that it was unable to be opened and alarmed to go off if anyone tried to do so.

On the drive back to Guilford, Dennis filled his wife in on all the conversations he’d taken part in. Dina had everything straight in her head about the case so far, and was silently saying a prayer that Michael Dempsey would pull through.

Aboard their flight, Mickey noted that no matter how many times it happened it always surprised him that surrounded by younger and more physically powerful looking men, a woman’s attention was always drawn to Nathan, and this flight was no exception.

Even though Abby Carter sat beside him, the females in first-class including the flight attendants, continued to introduce themselves with one even handing him her phone number.

“Nathan they ought to clone you so the ladies can have one of you to themselves,” said Abby sincerely.

“I’m sure that’s a compliment, but my mind is on a certain Nurse Practitioner back in Boston who’s got everything I want,” said Nathan honestly.

“Leslie’s a lucky lady, beautiful and beloved,” said Abby.

“Beautiful and beloved, that fits her perfectly,” said Nathan.

“Look at Sam there typing his brains out on that laptop, no wonder you’re always in the loop,” said Abby as Sam spun his seat around to face them both with Mickey sitting beside him looking anything but happy.

“You want to tell him, or should I Mickey,” said Sam.

“Go ahead Sam,” said Mickey.

“Nathan this case has just got even more squirrelly. My connection at Lackland AFB texted to my smartphone that First Lt. Carmella Nunez, missing from the base for over five hours, was struck and killed in downtown traffic in San Antonio, Texas, not more than an hour ago,” said Sam waiting for Nathan’s response.

“Another string all tied up,” said Mickey looking frustrated.

“I’m afraid so,” said Nathan.

“Looks like she trusted the wrong people and it got her killed,” said Abby.

“That’s only half of the news. Last night I accidentally encouraged a resource of mine to hack into the Military Police’s computers at Ramstein Air Base in Germany. His text just now on my smartphone included a German newspaper article reporting that last night, two G.I.’s, probably the same two who did the job on Mike Dempsey, were found dead before they could use their two-day passes. One was taking a shower when he was shot, and the other was found hanging from a fence post outside their barracks. A search of their personal belongings turned up two crisp thousand dollar bills in each of their wallets,” said Sam.

“Christopher Columbus, now we know for sure that those Houston folks are not fooling around, they want things over and done regarding the Dempsey case. That means the minute we step off the plane in Houston, we’re all moving targets,” said Abby.

When John and George heard about the two deaths along with Carmella Nunez’s demise, any humor they were sharing as they sat together in first class, dissipated.

Nathan knew that the recent changes in each of his team’s personal lives made them more conscious of the fact that they might not make it home, without keeping a sharp focus on their surroundings. Now it was paramount that they all stay alert regarding each revelation in this case.

Not all the news from Germany was negative. At Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, at Ramstein Air Base the touch of the young nurse’s hand on his seemed to stir Michael Dempsey’s responses enough to alter his vital signs, if only temporarily.

She’d seen miracles happen with seriously injured patients who responded to a voice or a touch in the past. Now the young nurse took his hand in hers whispering encouraging words to him as she vigorously rubbed the top of his hand. Again his vital signs began to climb and soon his eyes flickered and opened. Once they were open, Mike Dempsey fought with everything he had left, to keep them that way.

“Mike, your breathing tube is out and your vital signs tell me you’ve earned a flight to Lackland, would you like that?” asked his doctor hours later.

“Yes sir,” he whispered before he fell into a normal sleep.

The warm three o’clock sun lit up Houston’s airport as the Nathan March crew of six looking very intense, retrieved their luggage and headed for the rented SUVs Dennis had procured for them. For certain many pairs of eyes looked over Abby Carter dressed in a mauve linen suit with matching heels, while the copper-haired beauty held on to Nathan’s arm, while he too was perused by other arriving passengers.

The sight of five tall, great looking and very ample men lead by Nathan, all dressed in dark suits wearing sunglasses surrounding Abby as they walked toward the parking garage and their vehicles, made the men handling their luggage while walking behind them, feel just a little inferior.

The aluminum container with all of Sam’s doohickeys for electronic sleuthing was being wheeled behind him, by him, after he was certain no harm had come to its contents. Every so often, camera phones were photographing them all, the phone’s owners presuming the large men were guarding a celebrity who was incognito.

The sight of Captain John McArdle of HPD and two other plain clothes detectives was welcomed by Nathan, as the two men embraced and the introductions began.

“Nathan if my Dede knew I was coming here to meet you, she wouldn’t have slept a wink last night hoping I’d take her with me. Miss Carter my wife is barely able to contain herself around this man and he’s five years older than I am,” said Captain McArdle.

“Well I don’t know Captain, I think you have quite a bit to recommend you as well,” said Abby fully in fem-fatale mode.

“May I return the compliment, Miss Carter,” said McArdle.

“That’s so sweet of you, sir. Nathan I suppose you and Mickey will want to chat with the Captain alone so I’ll just head to the hotel with the others, if that’s alright with you,” said Abby taking John Barry’s arm.

“Certainly,” said Nathan as Mickey nodded his approval and watched her walk away with John and the others, as the movements of the lower half of her body, stupefied the three police officers, totally ticking Mickey off.

“Now that is a lady I’d like to come home to,” said the youngest of the three men from HPD.

Nathan saw Mickey’s jaw tighten and the vein in his neck stand out, so that once again he realized Mickey was hardly over Abby and his feelings were nearly raw already despite the fact that they’d spent no time alone together so far. While Mickey had no desire to even acknowledge her, Nathan knew without a doubt that Abby was still very much in love with him.

Captain McArdle’s town car being driven by one of the two plainclothes officers in the front seat was the perfect place to talk as they headed to the Hyatt Regency downtown, in front of the SUVs carrying the rest of the team.

After a few minutes the driver slowed down to a stall, put the car in park and stepped out to find out what was going on up ahead. When he returned he reported fire trucks and ambulances were blocking their way forward and there was nothing he could do, but let the on duty cops handle the two-car accident.

With a sound proof glass partition in place, Nathan decided to bring his trusted friend up to date on everything to do with this investigation.

“Holy shit Nathan, Claude Dempsey wrongly executed, two patrolmen, two detectives, Mr. and Mrs. Merrick, Lt. Nunez and two PFC’s murdered makes it ten dead, with Mike Dempsey in critical care. This is pretty serious stuff, not that I don’t believe Gillian Solomon isn’t capable of setting it all up without anyone else’s help. She is one miserable lady to deal with even in the best of circumstances. We use to tease about her husband being happily deceased so he could get some rest from her,” said John.

“I guess I’m curious about how her husband died?” asked Mickey.

“He accidently shot himself in the back of the head, after Gillian learned he had a mistress twenty years younger than her,” said the Captain.

“Oh my, the lady does have a temper then doesn’t she,” said Nathan not able to keep from smiling.

“My friend her temper is nothing to laugh at, she’s filled a lot of plots in our local cemetery with those who did, not that I could prove it then or now,” said the Captain.

“Compared to Gillian, Ma Barker was Mother Theresa I guess,” said Mickey.

“There wouldn’t have been a Ma Barker if she had Gillian’s millions to give to her boys,” said the Captain.

“Tell me about David Solomon, the David you knew, not the one his mother sanitized for the public,” asked Nathan.

“He was one rotten human being, especially to those closest to him. He broke his youngest sister Karen’s arm, when she showed David’s pornographic pictures to their father. When his father found out about Karen’s arm, David responded by holding his own father off with his mother’s gun until his mother secured a promise that David wouldn’t be punished. That time he spent the summer in a “special” hospital in Atlanta.

“The following Christmas his sister Karen was electrocuted. Jacob Solomon found her in the bath tub with her TV in the tub with her, still plugged in. That was one heartbreaking funeral and Jacob Solomon took to the guest house from then on, unable to convince Gillian that David had done the deed.

“Then when a maintenance worker spotted David smoking on school property at thirteen, he turned him in to the principal. Within a few days a ladder he was using outside the building to clean the building’s gutters swayed wildly, and that same maintenance worker was left paralyzed after he fell.

“It was David that was sought because he fled the scene immediately after the fall according to witnesses. However, in Juvenile court the witnesses all lost their memories and the maintenance man’s outstanding mortgage was miraculously paid in full.

“David attended no less than four private high schools, each of which requested him to leave, even when Gillian showed up with high priced lawyers in tow. In the presence of uniformed police officers, the schools simply paraded the other kids he’d wounded, or intimidated in front of her and threatened police action if she didn’t leave their property with her son permanently.

“It was a Catholic High School that accepted him in his junior year and wailed on him for the next two years, with his father’s permission, until David’s will was broken and he changed his outlandish behavior and finally graduated.

“I didn’t mean to digress. To the shock of us all, David did finally turn his life around. He graduated College and became a CPA and with Claude Dempsey acting as his whipping boy, the clients came rolling in to their firm.

But about seven years into their partnership, rumor had it that David was up to his old tricks with his nasty mother cheering him on. He’d beaten several charges of abuse against his live-in girlfriends, who disappeared before trial thanks to his mother’s generous bribes. He also had a serious car accident while under the influence, resulting in the other driver’s death. Once again, come court time the breathalyzer evidence was lost, the officer giving the test was too confused to remember the results, and then we heard that the dead man’s widow took Gillian’s money and ran.

“Dempsey and Solomon CPA firm was the result of Claude’s intellect and Solomon family money. Clients avoided David because he failed to produce tax returns on time, they found mistakes when they examined the returns he did prepare, and the advice he gave his clients regarding what was and was not deductible, cost them fines in the hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars.

“Had young Dempsey not been such a good-hearted and respected man, the company would have folded. Claude redid David’s work before tax deadline, admitting to any mistakes to his clients and when necessary in person before the IRS. Soon he’d been advised to go out on his own because it was him and him alone, who the affluent clients here in Houston trusted.

The client David screwed the most was Alden Whitcomb, a wonderful man who although he was from an extremely wealthy family himself, chose to be a professor of Ethics at the University. Alden told me he came to the firm because of Claude Dempsey’s work for several of his fellow professors. At the same time many in local law enforcement openly questioned whether David Solomon was under the influence of cocaine or heroin, because he couldn’t focus, he still drove like a maniac and he looked like the wrath of God, as he was thin and gaunt in appearance.

“The professor went to Claude with his complaints and relayed several other stories he’d heard about David’s unhappy clients, and Claude worked his butt off around the clock for six weeks clearing up David’s mess. When he told David he wanted out of the partnership, it all hit the fan with David found dead days later, and Claude imprisoned for his murder twice, until his execution some fifteen years later,” said the Captain.

“Were there any other children?” asked Mickey.

“David had an older sister Ann who had run away at sixteen and didn’t come home until her father’s death. After twelve years of being away from the sick family she grew up in, she couldn’t handle her family for more than a week. So she left after gathering up her inheritance, and only returned with a husband and child years later to attend David’s funeral, during which she didn’t shed a tear.

“I’ll tell you David did something unspeakable to that girl, that she never forgot I’m truly sure of that. Even at the request of her mother she wouldn’t return to Houston permanently after David died. It was whispered around Houston, that had her husband not been a Texas Ranger, Gillian would have had him and their child killed to get Ann back to Houston and under her thumb. Rumor has it no one she asked would take the job of killing them both, for fear of the whirlwind they’d reap as a result.

“Exactly where did Mrs. Solomon’s money come from Jack?” asked Nathan.

“Gillian’s maiden name was Fortunato as in Guy Fortunato famous as Houston’s not so public Mafia don. His college-educated wife Alex Kaufman was the daughter of two multi-millionaires who knew nothing about Fortunato except that he was clever and charming and walked away with their only daughter.

Gillian was the first of four children, two died of scarlet fever as young toddlers and her sister Sandra was born the same year that Gillian delivered her son.

“Someone estimated Gillian’s wealth at around 500 million dollars, but I was told the figure is closer to a couple of billion according to the Feds. You won’t believe how well preserved the lady is at 50 plus. I brought this magazine with a few shots of her showing off her palatial home, take a look for yourself,” said McArdle handing the magazine to Nathan.

With both Mickey and Nathan studying the lady, the town car started to speed up and in seconds it was travelling at normal speeds again, after awaiting the police’s permission to travel past the two-car accident scene.

“She’s more than a little attractive for any age,” said Mickey noticing Nathan seemed to be studying her as if remembering something about her.

“Jack I’d like to keep this magazine if I may. It would seem that Gillian Fortunato, aka Gillian Solomon, was once known to me as Jill Bennett, a name I knew wasn’t hers, but the circumstances at the time we met didn’t call for total disclosure, if you know what I mean,” said Nathan remembering two nights that were not entirely unpleasant, a very long time ago in Boston.

“Sure,” said the Captain.

Mickey’s cell vibrated and when he answered he listened and then a broad smile crossed his face. “That’s great news Sam, I appreciate the call,” said Mickey.

“Boss, Mike Dempsey is conscious and out of danger. He will be headed to Lackland from Germany, before dawn tomorrow morning under military guard ordered by General Clayton Pierce,” said Mickey.

“Now that’s great news,” said Nathan relieved to know he’d get to meet the young man after all.

“Well it would seem gentlemen that once again, the game’s afoot,” said Captain John McArdle, smiling and more than a little delighted to be a part of a Nathan Marsh investigation once again.

The black town car and three black SUVs pulled up in front of the Hyatt Regency. The “drinks before dinner” crowd made it to the bar area and appeared to be more interested in the display of masculinity pouring out of the four vehicles than in any liquid libations. When the town car’s doors opened, there was almost a hush as they watched Mickey and Nathan in black suits and sunglasses, join the other three men and a gorgeous redhead who took Nathan’s arm, as they headed to the front desk and ordered their luggage brought to their rooms.

Captain McArdle and his men recognized the two men standing off to the side as Gillian Solomon’s employees in fact, he was certain the one talking on his cell phone was talking to her, at the present moment. Neither man missed the large aluminum case Sam was hauling behind him, nor the arm holsters bulging under the suit jackets of all five men.

When the two men recognized McArdle as HPD they rapidly traveled through the hotel and out the back entrance. Captain McArdle didn’t like the fact they were waiting for Nathan and his people to arrive. How was it possible when he told no one, except the two cops that accompanied him now?

Suite 711 was Nathan’s suite and when McArdle arrived at his front door he looked totally frustrated as he entered and saw the entire team was there.

“Two goons who work for Gillian Solomon were waiting for you all in the hotel lobby. I need to check my cell phone because I think someone’s tapped in to it. That’s the only way they’d have known you were coming Nathan,” said McArdle as he took the cell apart and found a very sophisticated tiny bug.

“Sorry Nathan but it’s all clear now,” said McArdle as he patted his cell phone.

“Nathan this case is going to make you some serious enemies, and not all of them will be goons like those who work for Gillian. They’ll be cops sent by D.A. Frost to scope out your investigation and trip you up in any way they can.

“So don’t let anyone from HPD haul you downtown, because believe me not everyone who heads there, makes it out in one piece, and some don’t make it out at all. It’s rare but it happens when the cops involved, also work for Gillian. Call me before you go with anyone but me, and I’ll see to your safety. Don’t forget to stay together, not one of you should head out alone for any reason.

“The best way to stall a successful investigation is with a lead that looks good but only serves to have you chasing your tails. That way you can be picked off one at a time using various methods, including murder. That’s Gillian’s MO, so please be on guard. On this case the life you or one of your team members save, very well might be their own,” said Captain McArdle promising to see Nathan early the next day, before leaving the suite.