Nathan March Investigations - Book Three: The Take Down - episode six

in #fiction7 years ago

episode one
episode two
episode three
episode four
episode five

Episode Six

The clinic’s caretaker, Marcus Dees made a great impression on Nathan, because the man never complained about the state of his health and never made anyone feel the need to take care of him. He did have strong opinions but never failed to listen to the opinion of others which he did that morning as he put on the fine new suit, shirt, tie, socks, and fancy shoes that Nathan insisted he have, despite the fact that Marcus’ social calendar seldom called for wearing a suit. After thinking a bit he told Nathan it would be his burying suit and that he was sure his sweet wife would be thrilled to see him attired decently, when next they met.

Three days had passed and now in the early afternoon, a simple but meaningful funeral was held for Nettie Larson. Marcus Dees told Nathan, who was the only bona fide Private Investigator he had ever met, that his friend Nettie deserved the wonderful sendoff Nathan in his generosity, had afforded her.

The minister and the dozen well-dressed mourners at the grave site gave her burial a dignity that had been taken from Nettie because of the choices she made and regretted nearly instantly. But her end served a purpose that would save a fine doctor’s practice by revealing a secret about activities going on under the busy young doctor’s nose.

“Mr. March sir, my soul is not at rest because of what happened to Nettie. Had I just got up when I heard the muffled sounds maybe I could have helped her, instead of rolling over and going back to sleep,” said Marcus.

“You’re a human being Marcus and you were tired, that’s not an excuse it’s a fact,” said Nathan.

“Well it still hurts because I’m thinking that what she wanted to tell Doc was what our friend Cecil told me about earlier today. Cecil is lots older than me and he goes to the clinic every morning to check his diabetes and to take his shot. Once when he had to see the new Doc because Fletch was handling an emergency, the new Doc wrote a prescription and had Cecil fill it and bring it back to him at the clinic. Cecil said the Doc gave him twenty dollars so he kept it to himself, until Nettie found out about him and the others doing the same, and she told Cecil never to do it again or else he might go to jail,” said Marcus.

“That’s probably why Nettie didn’t tell you about it herself, more than likely my friend had you known about it too, you might have ended up with her in that dumpster,” said Nathan.

“True, but at least she’d have known someone cared like she did, if you know what I mean sir,” said Marcus.

The sumptuous evening meal served the guests at Liberty Street could be smelled before one entered the door each night. “I wonder why your cousin Eric declined dinner again tonight,” said Nathan to Fletch, who was enjoying dinner with Ronnie and the others as usual

“Well to be truthful with you, much as I know you’ll miss me at dinner time, I’ll be back to sandwiches and doing round the clock care soon, as my cousin is planning on leaving this weekend. He finally landed the position he interviewed for some time ago, with a much higher salary and far better hours.

“I’m not as disappointed as I thought I’d be, the work load for me got lighter with Eric here, but as Ronnie can tell you he’s not much at documenting all the pharmaceuticals he hands out for free, including the narcotics. That can get the clinic into a lot of trouble with HPD and the as well,” said Fletch.

“Honey, you’ve been far too trusting of your cousin, besides the man’s rude and short-tempered with the voluntary help who staff the clinic. If I didn’t know better I’d say the problem with our drug inventory’s the result of him helping himself,” said Ronnie.

“Don’t say that Ronnie, I told you the guy’s had some bad breaks recently and beside I did talk to him about his behavior with the help and he did apologize,” said Fletch.

“Right, but he lied about those men who keep coming to the clinic looking for him. No way are they colleagues of his. He’s in some kind of trouble and it has nothing to do with his divorce, so I’m glad he’s leaving soon,” said Ronnie.

The long pause had those sitting at the table trying hard to pretend they hadn’t heard the first real argument between Ronnie and Fletch, but it was not hard to see the pain visible on both their faces.

“Now I’ve got to be honest Fletch. A few days ago, I had my people run a check on your cousin, right after Nettie was found murdered and I’m glad I did. Your cousin has nearly lost his license to practice medicine twice before and he didn’t leave his last position voluntarily, he left to stop an investigation into missing drugs. His divorce was his wife’s final effort to get rid of him and his drinking and drugging as well as his gambling significant amounts of his salary away.

“When I spoke with her she was terrified thinking I was one of the people who had been threatening her and her children. She said they came by for weeks looking for Eric until she told them where he was. She said she wasn’t proud of doing that, but she couldn’t seem to find a way to make them stop coming to her home,” said Nathan.

“What would Nettie’s death have to do with my cousin? Alright so maybe he’s a drunk and does drugs and even gambles excessively, that does not make him a murderer,” said Fletch nearly ready to run and hide his shame and confusion.

“Fletch, I owe you my life, remember. You’ve got to know I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you and that I would go to any lengths to protect you and your medical practice. You’ve never had even a hint of scandal coming out of the clinic until your cousin came, that’s why I decided to look into your cousin more closely.

“Ken and Farley are sitting outside the clinic in an unmarked car. Detective Davis is at the pharmacy across from the clinic to watch the foot traffic going in for a prescription and returning to the clinic with that same prescription. If Marcus misunderstood or I am mistaken, tonight should give us proof and you’ll have my full and sincere apology if I’m wrong,” said Nathan.

Fletch got up from the table looking as if he’d been hit in the face. “Trouble is Nathan, I’m only too certain you’re going to end up right and my cousin is going to end up in jail, or beaten to death by whoever it is he owes so much money to and it’s killing me because he’s family. I’ve tried to talk with him, but he’s beyond my help and he just about told me so after the first time pills and vials of pain medication went missing and I questioned him about it,” said Fletch.

Near the clinic, Detective Taylor Davis finally crossed the street from the pharmacy after four patients over three and one half hours filled prescriptions for the powerful narcotic Oxycodone and then returned and re-entered the clinic with their prescription. At the HPD’s detective’s request, the pharmacist had checked his computerized files and 24 prescriptions out of the Free Clinic had been written in the past three weeks, and the prescribing physician was always the same.

The sight of the three plain clothes detectives brought Fletch up behind them as they headed for Eric’s office where a patient was just leaving. There would be shouting and recriminations, but in the end Dr. Eric Adams sat sobbing, knowing it was no longer a choice of rehab or jail, he was a murderer and his freedom, maybe even his life was in danger of being forfeited for his cruelty in the death of Nettie Larson.

With a lawyer present, the statement Dr. Eric Adams made at HPD headquarters confirmed the reason for the prescription scam was to sell them and use the proceeds to pay his gambling debts. He revealed that when a patient who had no problem doing his bidding in the past recently refused, mentioning in front of his mobbed-up debt collectors that Nettie knew about the whole set up, he was certain they killed her.

Holding such a high opinion of Fletcher Adams, the young doctor who started the Carney Street Clinic some years ago, it wasn’t difficult to encourage all concerned about the phony prescriptions and drug thefts from the clinic, to allow Dr. Eric Larson’s testimony against the two men who murdered Nettie Larson, and the surrender of his medical license and the courage it took to do both, to dismiss all charges against him without a trial or any media involvement.

Eric was fortunate that the feds arranged for him to undergo drug rehabilitation under an alias he’d use in the Witness Protection Program. Fletch didn’t get to say goodbye to his uncle or he would have known that Eric Larson wore a smile leaving the Federal Building under guard one night on his way to his new location, knowing this time he’d make the most of his second chance.

The following day, Detective Taylor Davis brought copies of the death certificates of Albert and Tameka Merrick with him to the house on Liberty Street. With the cause of death ruled by gun shot and the manner of death ruled a Homicide in both cases, the reason behind the homicides was clearly to keep either or both Merrick’s from clearing the name of Claude Dempsey.

In possession of a the newly amended Death Certificate for his mother with the manner of death changed from accident to homicide by auto, Mike Dempsey sat with Nathan, Taylor and Mickey in total silence. His father’s death undoubtedly came at the hands of the same people. Now the third and final painful fact was that the same murderous reprobates convinced Albert Merrick to sell his client’s freedom and then his life, for cash and a successful law career

With all the evidence of that written in Merrick’s own words done to cleanse his soul, Mike now had the absolute truth. That truth helped him mentally sort things out and release his anger. No longer blocking the total healing of his injuries by holding onto revenge, he now could concentrate on the spiritual awakening he felt was transforming his capacity for violence into the wish to life a life that matters.

“The evidence that Claude Dempsey was wrongly convicted, after two trials which the newspapers and two TV news specials put before the public, isn’t making D.A. Montgomery Frost happy at all. I’ve heard that despite the County D.A.’s request, the Third District Court in Austin has refused to intervene in the local court’s conducting a formal hearing of inquiry into Claude Dempsey’s conviction and execution,” said Detective Davis.

“Frost has got to be losing his mind because his whole future depends on his being able to defend that conviction, and he really can’t with Merrick’s documented testimony already published and read by the entire state of Texas,” said Mickey.

“It’s amazing how all that information got leaked to the newspapers and TV news, it’s a real live mystery my friends,” said Dede McArdle feeling very good about outing D.A. Frost and his possible connection to Gillian Solomon.

“George and I have been talking and we will never understand why in the middle of an investigation where things are finally going in our favor, you decide that we all need some down time,” said Sam Weiss as John headed the rented boat, a cruiser, to the middle of Houston Lake, in the pre-dawn hours.

I’d explain if I could but I can’t quite put it into words,” said John.

“Try anyway my soon to be cousin-in-law,” said George drinking his coffee as if it were the nectar of life.

“You both know that like Nathan I meditate daily. It came to me during meditation, that answers we needed to some questions on this our last case together, were out here somewhere to be found,” said John.

“Okay I’ve got faith. After all the worst that could happen is we go back with fish enough for dinner and Dede makes us clean them,” said Sam with a smirk.

The three men who’d been together now for nearly a dozen years, “off and on” and for nine years totally “on” had the time of their lives under a Texas sun that was beaming down on the silvery lake where they fished and drank ice tea, as each retold their favorite adventures for nearly three hours.

The larger cruiser had been anchored less than a mile to the east of them for the last few minutes, when the yelps coming from it got loud enough for John, George, and Sam to respond by starting their motor and racing toward the other craft.

“What’s the problem,” said John easily maneuvering onto the deck of the other boat as two boys were being hugged by their mother while their father merely pointed to the boat’s aft without speaking a word.

George took hold of the uneven length of rope after seeing the reflection of something just below the lake’s surface possibly attached to it. With one yank a chair with a body attached to it which looked as if it were feeding the fish, fell onto the boat’s deck. With Sam’s help the other two chairs each with bodies, joined it, to the horror of everyone at the scene.

Ninety minutes later the discovery of the bodies of Lt. Stan Abbott of the HPD, Carmine Ortega and Victor Scanlon were positively identified through fingerprints. Nathan was sure that the forensic pathologists would be having nightmares for months after seeing the expression of terror and fear on the faces of all three corpses as they received equal punishment for their crimes.

Slightly after midnight HPD’s Detective Taylor Davis had resolved the kidnapping and assault on Mickey Stone, as Mickey identified two of the corpses brought up from the lake’s bottom, as the kidnappers who beat him.

The detective while rereading his notes, remembered that Mickey testified to him that thinking he was still out cold, both men joked about the role they played in the homicide by auto, carried out against Captain John McArdle and Abby Carter, using teenager Timothy Hart’s car as a projectile.

Since Carmine Ortega’s print was taken from the casing found at the Merrick murder and arson scene, and his partner Victor Scanlon the driver of the car was positively identified by Ronnie Perry as leaving the Merrick address, two more murders and arson were solved as well. The cases of kidnap, one attempted murder, five actual murders and arson to cover murder at a residence, each done for hire, were all solved but not closed pending Gillian Solomon’s prosecution for conspiracy in each one of them.

Nathan’s senses told him that Lt. Stan Abbott was a dirty cop who along with the other two corpses worked for Gillian Solomon. He felt certain it was Abbott dressed in a patrolman’s uniform he borrowed from an unlocked police locker, who in all the confusion of finding ten bodies in the church’s basement that afternoon, used the deadly neurotoxin supplied by Gillian Solomon on him.

The Lieutenant’s own exposure to that chemical Nathan was told by the forensic pathologist, might still be evidenced in an autopsy. Nathan was thanked by that pathologist for making his suspicions known after hearing the news that Lt. Abbott had taken a week off, suffering “flu-like symptoms” around the same time Nathan was fighting for his life after being more directly exposed to the lethal chemical agent. That connection made the pathology lab take precautions in the autopsy procedure and the storage of the corpse itself, before harm could be done to the Medical Examiner’s staff.

Now the question in Detective Taylor Davis’ mind was who dumped all three men alive, into Houston Lake and how would he prove it?

Montgomery Frost would not go down without a very loud whimper and Gillian Solomon knew it. The HPD was now connecting the right criminals alive or dead to the right crimes which she’d ordered done. She needed access to the County D.A.’s office more than ever to be certain neither she nor her bosses caught any flack coming at them from the past. That meant she’d have to once again begin the process of making Monty believe that he was in no danger since they’d both been too careful and had done a superior job at cleaning up after themselves.

Cleaning house was Gillian’s forte, knowing that there was no honor among thieves or murders, just the need to stay one step ahead of those capable of doing her serious harm. For certain the police might have their suspicions, but they had no real proof because after the newspaper’s account of the method of each victim’s death, no one close to the case was going to be brave enough to testify and risk their own lives.

Luke Spano was a professional so there was no concern about the man flipping on her. Those who threatened her bosses in New Orleans, such as those whose final rest had been in the basement of an abandoned Catholic church, were no longer able to threaten anyone. Also the people involved in their demise, had recently perished themselves.

The federal agencies involved in investigating the deaths of the ten men still troubled her because she should have used fire to destroy all evidence of them months earlier, just as ordered by her boss in New Orleans.

However her seduction of a very good looking and very intelligent F.B.I. agent had gone well, and although she desired a lot more than she was currently obtaining from him tonight would be different. While she would offer him the kind of money most people would never see in this lifetime, it was always sex that guaranteed the loyalty of the men in her life.

“Of course I’m going to do her. I’m single, she’s single and if that’s the way I get her to pillow talk I will,” said Special Agent Matthew Leone,” to his superior.

“Be careful Matthew, the lady won’t hesitate to take you out and make it look like an accident if she feels used,” said Special Agent in Charge, Sharon O’Brien.

Hours later, those words were ringing in Matthew’s ears as he moved against Gillian’s body knowing she was stone cold killer. The next morning Special Agent Matthew Leone dumped a briefcase full of money onto his superior’s desk.

“The lady’s generous when she wants to be,” said Special Agent Leone.

“I’m thinking you gave her your best,” said Special Agent in Charge Sharon O’Brien.

“Not really, there’s something about a very aggressive woman in bed, that bothers me,” said Matthew.

“You’re old-fashioned Matthew, and there’s nothing wrong with that,” said his boss.

“She’s hard to figure, so gentle one minute and almost out of control the next,” said Matthew.

“Gillian Solomon is a sociopath, and don’t forget it. You’re a means to an end, so play it carefully and authentically because she’s not dumb by any means,” said his boss.

“I told her everything you told me during our lengthy date, and I think she really liked the idea that the agency couldn’t seem to gather anything of merit to get her into a court of law,” said Matthew.

“Keep her believing that Matthew, and I’ll be praying we get more than enough to take this murderous lady down, permanently,” said his boss.

When her door opened to a very tall, handsome and distinguished looking man with fabulous hazel eyes who smiled down at her, Sandra Frost met his eyes and knew this was Nathan March.

Casually falling into step with each other as they travelled to her large home office, Nathan couldn’t help but be entranced by the exquisite lady with blonde hair down to her waist, bright blue eyes and her cleavage barely covered.

“So this is the lady Montgomery Frost through over for her sister, the man’s brain had to be addled,” thought Nathan.

Unfortunately when she spoke from her beautiful mouth, the spell between them broke immediately as she spoke with a monotone that was very practiced and horrible to listen to with any seriousness.

“Forgive me Ms. Frost but I can’t believe that’s your real voice,” said Nathan looking directly into her eyes.

“Are you trying to humiliate me sir,” said Sandra.

“No, it’s just that I need the truth about your sister, but using that falsetto voice isn’t going to make it easy to listen to you,” said Nathan taking a seat in front of her desk.

“I was sent to a voice coach by my literary agent who told me that my accent was too southern to make others take me seriously as a writer,” said Sandra in her authentic voice.

“You agent was wrong! I think that your natural voice is an asset not a liability Ms. Frost,” said Nathan.

“Thank you sir,” said Sandra revealing a natural smile.

“How is the writing going, since your first novel hit the Best Seller’s list?” asked Nathan.

“It’s going well actually. My second book is a saga and won’t be out for another five months, but I have a sense it’ll do well too. I entitled it “Satan’s Cousin”. I’m ten chapters into my newest book, “A Widow’s Prayer” and I must say lots less sex and lots more story, this time around,” said Sandra smiling.

“It does get easier, or at least it seems to, the more you write and rewrite. At least that’s what I found,” said Nathan curiously feeling protective of this young woman.

“I’ve read all eight of your books, and you are an inspiration. I struggle with everything, guilt, shame, and the fear that the truth will come out and destroy me in the end,” said Sandra honestly.

“Ms. Frost, then you need to tell the truth about it all in a book of your own, without guilt or shame just with the intent that someone learn from you or your story and do something really meaningful with their life,” said Nathan.

“I have a son and a daughter who live with their grandparents because Monty and I never really parented them, in fact we left it to others to do. That’s another lingering regret,” said Sandra.

“My favorite prayer is the Serenity Prayer, do you know it?” asked Nathan.

“Yes of course,” said Sandra.

“It’s worth saying I think,” said Nathan.

“Let see, I think I remember the ending. “…and the wisdom to know the difference”. That’s certainly what I need to be praying from now on, because with all I possess I’m still so fragmented spiritually,” said Sandra.

“I don’t get that sense at all. You’ve been wounded repeatedly, and you need time to mend,” said Nathan.

“I let my sister and my husband, take so much away and in my self-pity I destroyed the image of a mother that my children could respect and honor. That’s what I cannot change, and it does haunt me,” said Sandra.

“Gillian Solomon has no power but the power others give to her. In her own right as an older woman she really hasn’t achieved half of what you have already because power’s all she desires, and power is only ours temporarily.

“If I’m any judge of things, and I’m told I am, your husband knows what a fool he was to give up his integrity and morality for a woman who doesn’t value either. In our first days here in Houston I read about your successful first novel so believe me he knows now that his biggest mistake was letting you go. Something else Sandra with both of them out of your life, you are the winner,” said Nathan.

“The trouble is that I could have stopped my sister a long time ago and I didn’t,” said Sandra.

“Tell me about it now, because I’m going to stop her and I’m here as I told you over the telephone because I need your help to do it,” said Nathan.

Sandra Frost only needed Nathan’s hand in hers to feel strong enough to tell her secret and with sobs, and pauses in between, she did.

“David Solomon and I were born only months apart. At fifty my father was ecstatic to be a father again and my mother reaped the rewards of making him so happy, that I was treated like a fragile porcelain doll.

Gillian and Jacob were already in serious trouble as a couple which affected their oldest daughter Ann, who I adored. David added immensely to their problems and was even suspect in his baby sister’s Karen’s death by electrocution.

“From that time on David was cranked up on drugs or alcohol and my sister not only played deaf and dumb where he was concerned, she actually covered up for him, until she couldn’t any longer.

“Jacob and she had separated following Karen’s funeral and talk around our home over a year later was that he was in love with someone else and wanted a divorce.

“Gillian’s attention was constantly being draw away to David who she hoped was now drug and alcohol free, because her New Orleans bosses were not happy with her son being so loose with his tongue.

“When Jacob died, I knew Gillian had arranged it, but I couldn’t prove it. Many HPD members placed her at a charity auction, giving her a rock solid alibi for the time of his death which I didn’t understand since his death was ruled a suicide, so she didn’t need one.

“However here’s the part I’ve kept to myself. Both our parents had died and I was finally finishing my senior year at college, when a beautiful lady came to visit me there. Her name she told me was Amanda Estes, I recognized her name immediately because she was a wonderful artist who was celebrated internationally for her people-centered canvases. In fact many of her outstanding portraits hung in the finest homes in America. She was also Jacob Solomon’s mistress who he planned to marry, once he and Gillian were divorced.

“She said Gillian made her well-planned act of revenge no secret to Amanda one evening as she left the University in Houston in the dark of night, after teaching a class in Art Appreciation. Gillian told her that night in the parking lot that she was going to die very tragically and very soon because of her affair with Jacob. Gillian promised her that eventually she would have the pleasure of watching the life drain out of her husband’s mistress.

“Amanda left me that day knowing I believed her story and said she left the country shortly afterwards for Kenya and later travelled to other African countries, pursuing her painting. She gave me her email address and phone number to stay in touch, and I did. Within a month I received a large package, it was the portrait of myself that you can see there,” said Sandra pointing to a spot behind Nathan’s chair.

Nathan stood and turned to see the watercolor portrait of Sandra, young and smiling before she felt the need for all the plastic surgery.

“Oh Sandra what a marvelous portrait your friend did of you,” said Nathan retaking his seat.

“We did become friends after that and that’s when the stories Jacob told her about Gillian started and I realized that my sister was a monster that no one really knew, except perhaps David who adored his mother in spite of her cruelty.

“At Christmas two years later, Amanda was due to come home to Houston for an award ceremony during which she would present the award to the most promising students in Art, at the University. I was thrilled but it never happened, at least no one here in Houston ever saw her again. She’d taken her flight alright and after a stopover in London, she continued on to Dallas.

She visited friends there and then hired a rental car to drive to Houston. She never arrived. What amazed me was the fact she’d called the University to say she wouldn’t make it to the ceremony due to stomach trouble and asked them to accept her regrets as she would be on a flight to Pretoria, after seeing a physician in Dallas.

“I returned from the award ceremony terribly disappointed and was intending to call her, when I retrieved two messages left on my answering machine by Amanda.

“I had them both put on disc so they wouldn’t be inaudible after so many years of storing them. I’ll let you listen to them Mr. March and then you tell me what you think,” said Sandra opening a side drawer in her desk and retrieving a disc from its plastic container and playing it on her computer.

“Sandra it’s Amanda, I made such a mistake coming back for the ceremony, now they’re following me, I’m going to call the police if I can, but I wanted you to know the license plate number is GMS 888, it’s a black sedan, with two people in front and one in back. I’ll call back.

“Sandra, God Sandra help me! My car’s in a ditch and they’re coming for me. Sandra, Gillian’s with them, oh please get me some help please………,” said a terrified Amanda screaming into her cell phone before it died or was taken from her.

“I checked with the Police and she didn’t call them for assistance in either Dallas or Houston. Of course that was before 911 came into being as an emergency line, so maybe her cell phone kept dropping the call before it could be connected. That’s my assessment anyway,” said Sandra.

“Did she return the rental,” asked Nathan.

“Yes and it was in pristine condition the rental agent said,” replied Sandra.

“Was he the agent who rented Amanda’s car to her?” asked Nathan.

“No he was not. The agent told me that it was a woman who returned the car using the proper identification, so they presumed her to be Amanda Estes,” said Sandra.

What about her friends in Dallas?” Nathan asked.

“Emory and Cynthia Sedgwick told me that Amanda mentioned having the feeling she was followed from the Dallas airport. Emory even had his private security team check the front of his estate for strange vehicles and there was none, so they all had a laugh over it and let it go,” said Sandra.

“That was over twenty-five years ago, and no one’s ever heard from Amanda again?” said Nathan.

“I was still in college when the press covered her disappearance but there really were no leads at all. I mentioned it to Monty years later without mentioning the answering machine tapes, hinting that finding out what happened to her would be the greatest gift he could give me. For a long time I thought Amanda may have gone into hiding after being threatened by Gillian again, but then we both know my older sister probably didn’t leave her breathing,” said Sandra.

“Sandra, I’d like friends of mine at HPD to listen to that DVD too. I also would feel lots more comfortable, if two very large and very talented bodyguards stayed here with you until I can tie all the pieces together on this investigation,” said Nathan, as he lifted his cell phone to his mouth and spoke into it.

Finally Sandra’s tears fell, as she realized she had aired a secret that tormented her for years and luckily she had done so in the company of Nathan March.

John Barry was reluctant to stay in the very large home of Sandra Frost, even with George and her own security in place. If Gillian Solomon had as many eyes and ears as he felt she did, she already knew Nathan had been to see Sandra and what that possibly meant for her chances of staying free.

After sharing his suggestion with Sandra and getting her approval, John’s call to Nathan explained that with enough space at the Liberty Street site to accommodate Sandra, he believed that’s where she should be, until the case was over. It was much easier to police and Sandra would be in excellent company for the duration.

Nathan agreed and within the hour, Sandra Frost sat beside Mike Dempsey at the dinner table under the scrutiny of all within the household.

That Mike was immediately taken by the beautiful lady was obvious and her warmth toward him was genuine as was the resurrection of her sweet nature.

She listened to the conversations going on around her and for the first time in eons she at least tasted everything on her plate, complementing Dede’s cooking as she did and when Fletch arrived to join them she smiled recognizing him immediately.

“Dede I know I’m a pest, but since the clinic is empty of patients for the first time in its history due to the police investigation a short while ago, I decided to take advantage of your cooking, while I still can,” said Fletch, pulling a chair up beside Ronnie Perry, who beamed with the joy of seeing him.

“Fletcher Adams, I didn’t know you headed the clinic,” said Sandra as Fletch immediately smiled into Sandra’s face.

“Sandra Fortunato you’re even more beautiful than I remember,” said Fletch.

“That’s Sandra Frost these days underneath a lot of plastic surgery. What a wonderful reunion of two of the biggest misfits at the University years ago,” said Sandra.

“You two were misfits in college?” asked Ronnie.

“We both were only the biggest misfits in sophomore year. I was so skinny my glasses kept slipping off my nose and I was blind without them. Fletch here was such a nerd, with perfect grades, that we were bound to become best friends,” said Sandra.

“Frost, you’re County D.A. Frost’s wife?” asked Fletch.

“Former wife, yes, and Gillian Solomon’s sister,” said Sandra.

“You’re related to Gillian Solomon and you were married to Montgomery Frost?” asked Mike Dempsey.

“That’s right and you are Evelyn and Claude Dempsey’s son, who by the way were very good human beings, even Monty found it hard to call your father names,” said Sandra compassionately.

“Did he tell you a lot about the case?” asked Mike Dempsey.

“We weren’t married when he tried your father for murder both times, but I did meet your father’s lawyer who visited Monty at our home several times, which I thought strange because of the appeals Merrick was filing. Albert Merrick seemed like a very decent man, but Monty felt he was a disgrace as lawyer’s go,” said Sandra.

“Your former husband bribed him to lose both cases as well as to file the weakest appeals possible. Merrick left proof of that,” said Mike.

“I don’t understand Monty didn’t have that kind of money,” said Sandra.

“No maybe not, but your sister did,” said Mike.

“Right, I should have known their affair was going on longer than I suspected and yes she would have financed such a thing,” said Sandra.

“We have proof, but Gillian has the ability to slip through all the airtight cases mounted against her because somehow the evidence never sees the light of day,” said Mike almost mournfully.

“That’s because she kills her opposition, or has them killed,” said Ronnie, as Fletch’s dinner plate was placed in front of him by Dede.

“Well I can tell you that both Monty and Gillian became nearly sick each time Angelo Testa her boss from New Orleans came to town, which he always did under cover of darkness. Monty used to come directly home from the office, the entire time the man was in town, and Gillian’s hair turned grey at the roots, by the time he left. I thought it was funny that Monty only shared his time and affection with me when that Mafia chief was around,” said Sandra sadly.

“Sandra both of Mike’s parents died as a result of Gillian’s orders, and he was nearly beaten to death so he couldn’t help us re-open his father’s case, so it’s no surprise that Mike’s still so raw from it all,” said Nathan.

“I’m so sorry Sandra, both D.A. Frost and Gillian are your family and I should have kept my big mouth shut,” said Mike as Sandra placed her hand over his.

“It’s okay Mike really and from what I’ve learned from Nathan, this investigation is moving toward a totally successful conclusion. Further, if there’s a God in heaven, and I believe there is, than once it’s over you are due to meet one very beautiful woman who’ll be as anxious as you are to rebuild your family,” said Sandra smiling so radiantly that Nathan knew she herself was undergoing a healing of her own.

“He’s very useful to me at the moment Monty, so just chill,” said Gillian.

“In and out of bed I’m thinking,” said Monty sick to his soul about this woman.

“Lots less slack for you to have to handle, so no complaints,” Gillian responded.

Monty had been quite a challenge in the beginning, but now their love making was more his way of winning her over each time she let him into her bed. That sudden overwhelming need coming from a man with so much power at his disposal made him weak in her eyes which didn’t help their sex life at all.

Experiencing such remorse, Monty was right to mistrust his lover at the moment, as Gillian found Matthew Leone more satisfying than any man she’d had in years. Matthew Leone’s reports were full of details that Gillian would only have revealed under the sexual ministrations he provided to her. The records he had read indicating she was over a decade older than him, he felt certain were in error because not only was she wrinkle free, but her body was supple and she had energy for numerous lengthy couplings during the night.

After a long distance phone conversation had all but ruined her night Gillian knew she had to keep it together even though her anger was mounting by the minute. Despite the orders she received she wanted Matthew and she would take all he could lavish on her. Looking at herself into her floor-length mirror she could see how well she looked in the satin black negligee embossed with tiny gold sunbursts and the black satin thong that revealed a very firm buttocks, thanks to the recent plastic surgery she had undergone.

However the same taste of metal at the back of her throat that she always felt when she had to issue orders to kill those she once held in high regard, was present now as she gargled attempting to be rid of it.

Her associates from New Orleans would not take her disobedience well. When they specified a hit was to be carried out within forty-eight hours, and it always was within forty-eight hours, she knew they meant it. Nothing stood in the way of her relationship with the powerful men who allowed her the privilege of living a life most could only dream of, but she always had to pay her dues. Still she wanted one more night with the man who made her come alive like no other lover, in her life.

“We’ll talk about money later Gillian,” said Matthew Leone, as he peeled away her negligee and tossed her to her bed. They went at each other that way all night until both were holding each other in an embrace that Matthew had to admit felt genuine. However he left abruptly as the sun came up, and Gillian found herself alone again and knew that after tomorrow, she have to get used to it.

In the early morning hours at the office of the County D.A., Montgomery Frost sat putting together a request for the grand jury to be convened for a serious child abuse case. Only in the past few months had he realized that he liked his job and did it very well before Gillian’s entrance into his life. Last week Gillian felt she had the feds under control so that even their best investigative tools would lead them away from them both. Monty sensed that with very little acrimony perhaps he and Gillian could part company, both having achieved all they could together and that pleased him.

However during a bitter disagreement Gillian initiated just a day earlier, Monty had to make it clear to her that as the mother of his children, Sandra was untouchable. Of course he knew his plea probably had fallen on deaf ears because he knew Gillian and she wouldn’t hesitate to take out every one he loved, if she felt betrayed by him at any time.

Her remarks that day like those she made before the Merricks were murdered, made Monty want to resign his post and contact Nathan March himself. He wasn’t a murderer but he knew that his part in the Dempsey trial had begun his decent into madness where no one but Gillian mattered to him.

Now he knew she was toxic and deadly in many ways. Every day he lived in fear of exposure and the criminal charges that would put him away for life. That is unless he could offer the feds enough to be given immunity from prosecution and a guarantee he’d be placed in witness protection.

A sense of urgency wouldn’t allow him to ignore calling Nathan March and despite his first-hand knowledge of Gillian’s wrath, he picked up his cell phone and dialed the cell phone number snail-mailed to him weeks ago.

“Nathan March here,” said Nathan.

“Mr. March this is D.A. Frost and I am hoping you can help me,” said Monty.

“Perhaps if I understood what prompted this call, I could advise you,” said Nathan.

“I don’t trust phones or people for that matter, but you have a reputation for doing what you say you’ll do. I’m in a position to help you immensely and to help the feds even more,” said Monty.

“Why the sudden change of heart?” asked Nathan.

“I’m certain Gillian’s way of ending our relationship means ending my life. It seems a FBI Special Agent by the name of Matthew Leone is now her favorite bedmate. That along with a recent disagreement we had about the fact that she’s gunning for my ex-wife and I greatly disapproved, puts me in her sights too,” said Monty.

“You know Sandra’s under my protection, don’t you?” said Nathan.

“I know you need to get her away where she’ll be safe until this is all over,” said Monty.

“I can do that,” said Nathan.

“Good. When and where can we meet?” asked Monty.

“In about thirty minutes two HPD officers in a black sedan will pull up behind your Porsche while two of my security team will lead you here. You’ll have about ten minutes with Sandra before she’s driven to Dallas where she’ll board a flight out of the country,” said Nathan.

“Fine,” said Monty as he disconnected Nathan’s phone call.

“I’ve always wanted to go to the British Isles,” said Sandra to Dede, after Nathan directed her to pack her bags. Dede had made reservations for them both at a wonderful resort where they could both enjoy the first days of Summer in total safety under the protection of a few of Nathan’s loyal Canadian friends.

Even Mike Dempsey could feel the genuine attachment between Montgomery Frost and his ex-wife Sandra as the two walked and talked outside together. The County D.A. didn’t bother hiding his tears and Sandra’s embrace of the man told Nathan that she’d forgiven him and now wished him well.

The entire household would surely Miss Dede McArdle, but the fact was that as a cop’s wife she’d learned a lot about listening and being of assistance and that’s what Sandra needed now.

“So Nathan I’m finally out of your hair,” said Dede as Nathan rushed to her and held her tightly thanking her for her help with making Liberty Street such a comfortable place to be for them all.

Sandra Frost’s highly emotional state was obvious as she kissed and thanked Nathan profusely for his help in re-directing her life. Next she and Dede hugged everyone goodbye and then the two headed for the SUV being driven by John, with George and Sam riding shotgun.

Sam Weiss already had the PTA’s Canadian counterparts awaiting them in Dallas to guard the women for the duration of their flight, to be replaced by three others at the final destination point, who would remain guarding the women, until their return home whenever circumstances permitted.