Nathan March Investigations - Book Three: The Take Down - episode nine - The Finale

in #fiction7 years ago

episode one
episode two
episode three
episode four
episode five
episode six
episode seven
episode eight

Episode Nine

The Finale

Dede didn’t mean to listen in, and although she hadn’t hidden her presence in the corner of the dining room sorting the newly washed silverware at Liberty Street, she wished that she hadn’t heard any of it.

“Nathan that could get you killed, on the way to her, coming from her, or after she realizes the real reason for your dinner engagement with her,” said Dede looking perturbed as she spoke.

“As you know Nathan, I totally agree,” said Mickey pleased with Dede.

“I’m not sure how to take that. George, Sam and I are more than capable of keeping him safe, with you at the helm Mickey,” said John Barry looking totally confident in the statement he had just made.

“As protection Farley and I aren’t exactly chopped liver either you know,” said Ken Hernandez almost appearing slighted.

“I can vouch for that,” said Det. Taylor Davis.

“Mickey, I’m sorry but I think it will work, because Gillian’s feeling invincible right now because finding Carpetti and now the male Boyle family members all dead is being kept from every one,” said Nathan.

“Nathan, with all the commotion at St. Vincent’s Cemetery and the Boyle Funeral Home, how can you be sure that the discovery of all those dead bodies hasn’t reached Gillian’s ears already?” asked Mickey.

“Because we feds know how to keep that from happening, and we are very good at encouraging those involved to keep their mouths shut. With her enthusiasm at an all-time high, Gillian’s bound to make a mistake and we all know that pride does go before a fall, my friend. I’ve seen it happen far too many times not to believe that what I say is true. So I vote we put it all together with your usual gift for organizing these things,” said Special Agent Matthew Leone in his official capacity to a skeptical Mickey Stone.

The lunch the men devoured was takeout, because Dede continued to sit in her bedroom crying. John McArdle, the man she married and adored to the day he died would have agreed with her, she was sure. She didn’t want to lose Nathan or any of the team and her heart ached at the idea that they would all be put in harm’s way to bring Gillian Solomon down.

“Dede, it’s me,” said Mike pushing a wooden cart with their lunch on it.

“Of course Mike,” said Dede drying her tears.

“I expect you to drink your tea and eat your sandwich with me, because I’m famished,” said Mike receiving a big hug from Dede, who took a sip of tea and began to eat her Italian cold cut sandwich.

“This is delicious,” said Dede.

“That’s true probably because you didn’t have to fix it. For heaven’s sake lady you’ve kept us all in great condition to finish this whole operation up and head back to the future’s that awaiting us all,” said Mike.

“I just don’t want any of you harmed especially not Nathan. I hate admitting this but considering how short a time I’ve been widowed, I find it so unlike me to spend so much time fantasizing about Nathan. I think that’s why I kind of lost it out there, I was so afraid to lose him,” said Dede.

“He makes all of us feel safe and in your case you need that more than most of us, since you lost a spouse and won’t be going home to him. Actually you haven’t even had a moment in months to mourn him properly, and Nathan’s presence has helped you stall that process, by making you feel so needed and loved,” said Mike.

“So I’m not in love with him or anything?” said Dede.

“No Dede. You love the way he makes you feel, but it’s Jack’s absence that makes you need to feel that so much,” said Mike.

“Oh Mike, I know you’re right. I dread us all going our separate ways and even with Law school up ahead, I know that I still have some tears to shed for the Jack who gave me so much for so long,” said Dede.

“You know I’ve always believed that those we love who leave us in death are still involved in cheering us on through life. I know several times I’ve felt the presence of my parents, once on the cold ground in Germany and later in the hospital when I felt so alone and afraid. I believe we are given those experiences to know that death ends nothing but the appearance of the physical matter that contained the souls of our loved ones.

“Nathan’s right, you’re going to be one excellent priest young man. Seriously I’m hoping my house here in Houston, will be your way station like your parent’s home would have been, had they lived,” said Dede.

“Now you’re going to make me cry,” said Matthew letting his own tears fall, as Dede smiled knowing time would help her through her crisis, and happy that Mike Dempsey would be fine from here on too.

“Let me look at you,” said Dede to Nathan as he passed by the dining room dressed for an evening with Gillian Solomon.

“So do I pass?” said Nathan knowing that the black Armani suit worn over a royal blue silk shirt with matching tie, made him look stunning.

“You sir, look gorgeous and if I wasn’t wearing widow’s weeds, I’d jump your bones,” said Dede smiling broadly at the man she called her dearest friend.

“Jump away lady,” said Nathan happy to realize that his Dede was back full of fun and optimism.

“I’m okay Nathan. I said those things earlier because I love all the things you’ve been to me in these few months. I honestly couldn’t have made it this far without you and I got a little frightened about tonight. But right now I know that you know what you’re doing and it’ll be alright,” said Dede as Nathan took her in an embrace, held her awhile and then reluctantly let her go.

The Emporium Restaurant located in the outskirts of Houston proper, was not great to look at inside, however the service and the food brought everyone back for a bite, the meals were that good. The large maroon leather booths could seat six so that when Nathan came upon Gillian seated in one, he sat opposite her face to face.

John and George watched the large young man who looked menacing as he passed back and forward behind the curtain that separated the patrons from the restrooms at the back of the large restaurant.

Chet Lamont was more than a little ripped on seeing Gillian’s expression when Nathan March approached her booth. If she could have eaten him with her eyes she would have, and though he hated thinking it, Chet felt as if he wasn’t even in the same stratosphere as this well-known detective.

Just as he told Gillian, Chet could sense that this reunion was a huge mistake she’d live to regret, if she was lucky. Of course Gillian was not privy to the fact that Chet was put in place to be in a position to alert the Commission of any dealings made by her that endangered the hierarchy of the crime families. He hadn’t meant to fall for the lady, but he did, he really did.

Many nights he watched Gillian lead Tony up to her bedroom knowing what was going on between them. Luckily he also knew that Tony was stepping on the wrong toes to get ahead, and that meant Chet would get his chance with her someday soon, and when he did, he wouldn’t let go.

Now that Tony was out of the picture, they were just days away from pulling away from the family. Gillian’s marriage and voluntary leave from Houston’s underworld permanently would put her out of any danger of reprisal, especially since he’d be with her, surrounded by family members living in Naples.

“Gillian, you look marvelous,” said Nathan now at his most charming.

“Your phone call was unexpected to say the least Nathan,” said Gillian thinking how much she wished Chet had the man’s natural poise.

“That call wasn’t easy to make,” said Nathan knowing that was the truth.

“You don’t look any worse for the wear yourself, Mr. March,” said Gillian feeling the building ripples of her desire for this very debonair gentleman.

“Considering the circumstances that’s very kind of you to say,” said Nathan trying to sound humiliated that she’d outsmarted him.

“What no aces up your sleeve Nathan?” said Gillian arrogantly.

“None that I know of, this investigation is going to go down as a draw I suppose,” said Nathan looking mournfully into Gillian’s face.

Well it doesn’t have to be a totally unhappy experience for you. I do remember we did some fantastic things together for a whole weekend, many years ago. I can tell you quite honestly I’ve even learned a few new moves that I’ll happily share with you as a parting gift before you leave Houston,” said Gillian hoping that he would take the bait she was offering.

Sliding over next to her, Nathan bent to kiss her as Gillian moved in and responded passionately extending the kiss putting Nathan on notice that the lady was hoping for a total reunion.

Then it happened! The restaurant went white with cameras flashing in all directions. Now more than a dozen different voices shouted at them, “Are you two an item?” “Tell me Mr. March is she your reason for staying in Houston? “Ms. Solomon is Nathan March your new love?”

When Chet tried to intercept Gillian before the kiss, John blocked his way pretending to drop his wallet and knocking over a waitress station. The other four men who were there to guard Gillian had their own problems with George, Sam and Mickey Stone all acting drunk out of their minds.

Outside the others sitting in a plain black sedan owned by Gillian, had no idea of what was going on inside, as Ken and Farley simply observed them.

“Just give us some answers Mr. March”, yelled a reporter. “How about you Ms. Solomon is this the start of something big between the two of you?” asked a reporter. “Come on just one statement and we’ll all leave,” said another reporter.

“Can’t you see we are just two people who want to be alone to talk,” said Nathan.

“You’ve ruined the whole evening so leave us alone,” said Gillian.

As soon as the reporters broke up their siege of the couple, both Gillian and Nathan realized the night was over.

“Can you believe those bastards?” asked Gillian.

“They do remind one of vultures don’t they,” said Nathan innocently.

“Sorry Nathan but it’s time to head home, unfortunately I’m in no mood to rekindle anything anymore,” said Gillian.

“Then I’ll settle for saying you’re quite an opponent Gillian and I don’t intend to be a sore loser this go around,” said Nathan turning to leave, as Chet Lamont and he travelled the same length of carpet, in opposite directions, with Chet ready to explode.

Nathan arrived outside the restaurant and quickly was hustled inside his limo by Mickey as John, George and Sam joined the other two, and the limo headed back to Liberty Street, with Ken and Farley falling in behind them in another car, being followed by Matthew Leone and Taylor Davis, thoroughly enjoying pulling this evening’s theatrics off without a hitch.

“Something tells me Mike Dempsey and our Dede prayed us through that one,” said Nathan.

“For a minute there I thought you two would end us uniting on the surface of the table, if you know what I mean,” said George.

“You made an impression on her boss,” said Mickey.

“She gets excited over anything male and breathing,” said Nathan.

“Gillian maybe an adulteress, killer, drug dealer, thief, liar, pervert, and a slut, but she does look good for her years,” said Sam as everyone laughed heartily.

Long time favors owed him were called in so that the late morning editions of newspapers in Houston, Dallas, New York and New Orleans carried similar stories that basically fed the same rumor that a well-known detective was caught romantically interrogating an alleged underworld goddess for information.

The cable news outlets ran the story of the star-crossed lovers sneaking time together. The internet went even further with blogs carrying statements that made it clear everyone thought the couple was ill-fated because Nathan March was such a hero and Gillian Solomon was anything but a heroine.

Ronnie and Fletch were ordered to stay at the clinic downtown until further notice while Ken and Farley covered the clinics front and back door with some of the meanest looking men from the street, helping them protect Doc Fletcher’s Nurse Perry, from any reprisals.

By now Gillian had to suspect Nathan of using the media to put her in harm’s way. She also knew Chet was right and they needed to take off immediately, to beat any possible reprisals ordered by her mob bosses.

“Gillian any other time I’d go and get March and rip him to shreds, but we don’t have the time,” said Chet.

“If you love me, you’ll make the time. Just take a few of the men with you and put a hole in his head. That’s all I’ll ever ask of you Chet and then we can start all over,” pleaded Gillian.

“Baby for once in your life listen. I’m the man who loves you enough to put himself in the same danger as you, to be able to spend the rest of his life beside you. It’s either we leave now, this minute, or we never get to Rome,” said Chet.

“Alright Chet, let me just put my jewelry in my carry on, and I’ll be right out,” said Gillian.

When Nathan’s cell phone rang, he pushed the tape recorder attached once he saw the number and knew it was Gillian.

“Nathan March here,” he said.

“Hello Nathan. I want you to know I stayed awake all night and came to the conclusion that none of this insanity would have happened if my son David, hadn’t died.

“Keeping others from knowing that the men who received millions of dollars as a result of your work for them, still commanded you to kill your own son, is why everything happened as it did Gillian. Ordering someone to kill your child took the part of you that made you human and buried it along with him,” said Nathan taking no joy in his statements.

“That may be true but you can understand then, that if I could do that, if I could order a hit on my own son, than it proves that I am far stronger and more dedicated than you, my squeamish friend.

“Far more frightened I think is more accurate,” said Nathan.

“Why the hell didn’t you stay out of my life?” asked Gillian.

“I wouldn’t have come back into your life if Claude Dempsey, his wife and the Merricks were still alive. And the others like John McArdle a great cop and a good friend, Abby Carter deeply loved by my closest friend, and let’s not forget the teenage boy named Timothy Hart, who only wanted to make it to his football game on time,” said Nathan.

“Your friend Mickey squealed like a pig each time he took a punch did you know that,” said Gillian venomously.

“My friend lived to point the way to all those corpses, Gillian. Bet that made your bosses happy,” said Nathan remembering how Mickey looked that day when he was found almost beaten to death.

“You know I picked up that neurotoxin myself and to this day I don’t how you survived it,” said Gillian with her hatred for Nathan palpable even over the phone.

“You must remember to check expiration dates Gillian, it’ll save you a lot of headaches in the future that is if you really have a future,” said Nathan with no response from Gillian.

Gillian placed her cell phone on her bed, stood and tried to make out the sound she heard coming from downstairs. There was only a slight delay before she recognized that the bulletproof sliding glass door in the rear of the living room had been slid open. She was looking for her gun usually lying on her nightstand, when a figure filled her bedroom doorway and she saw the flash. The bullet missed her completely because she was moving but the next hit its mark and Gillian fell like a sack of groceries.

Her assassin cleared the distance between them and standing directly over the body, he shot another bullet directly into her brain. Now the assassin had his cell phone in his hand, took a photo and sent it to the New Orleans phone number given to him.

Nathan hung up after hearing a series of pops and then nothing. He knew what he was thinking had happened, did indeed take place.

Hours later, Detective Taylor Davis escorted Nathan and Mickey up the long staircase at the Solomon home and then down the hallway to Gillian’s bedroom. The head and heart shot she’d taken put her out her misery immediately. To Mickey it was far more merciful than she deserved.

Downstairs they’d passed the body of an unidentified man lying on the beautiful Egyptian tile floor, under a massive chandelier. Chet Lamont had been killed although he wasn’t included in the contract killing of Gillian. He had just gotten in the way of the assassin’s exit and both men actually killed each other.

Four days had passed since every member of the house on Liberty Street had moved Dede back to the McArdle home along with her permanent house guest, Mike Dempsey. The repairs that Jack McArdle hadn’t gotten around to doing were the repairs that John, George and Sam had completed. Ken and Farley chose to do the new exterior two tone paint job and the difference it made took Dede’s breath away. The new drapery fixtures and the new drapes now hanging throughout the house were ironed and hung by Ronnie Perry with the help of Dr. Fletcher Adams.

A talented contractor finished installing the tiles in the newly renovated bathroom that got a set of new sinks, a commode, a larger tub and a modern shower in just three days with the help of a great plumber and his three sons. The new kitchen appliances and the wonderful new living room set complete with a huge flat screen TV, managed to send Dede over the moon.

The barbeque being manned by George turned out burgers and chicken to die for. Ronnie took pictures of everyone including one group photo she promised to mail to each of them. In less than ninety minutes even the cleanup was done.

“No tears Nathan, you have just given me so much joy that it would be unfair of me to shed one tear. I will let you know how I’m doing in the fall and I expect that should there be anything I can do for you, you will call me,” said Dede looking so strong it made Nathan feel able to leave her, without shedding a tear or two, himself.

“Listen up gentlemen,” said Michael Dempsey, as the rowdy group grew quiet.

“God knows I will never forget your faces or your names, not one of them not now or ever. When I lost my Mother, my Grandfather and then my Dad, I truly felt like an orphan and I was so frightened, I could taste the fear in me.

“I’m told the tape of Gillian’s confession of ordering David Solomon’s murder for hire, has cleared my father officially of any wrong doing. That would never have happened without each and every one of you.

“In thirty days I enter the seminary, and I can do so with a clear mind, a healed body and a very brightly lit up soul, because some very wonderful people made me part of their family, so that I can now learn how to serve those families, which God in HIS wisdom will place in my path.

“Dede and her family, and I are going to go through the rest of our lives together on my days off. She and I want you to know, John Barry, George Lopez, Sam Watts, Ronnie Perry, Dr. Fletch Adams, Ken Hernandez, Farley Coombs, Detective Taylor Davis, Special Agent Matthew Leone, and especially Mickey Stone and of course Nathan March, we love you as family and not one day will pass without a prayer being rendered in your names for the rest of our lives. That’s a promise made before God on this wonderful day,” said Mike.

The group hug reduced everyone to tears and then in a very slow procession the men headed toward their vehicles.

“Hey guys, Fletch and I have to get back to the clinic because we’ve got some pretty banged up people needing us to look in on them. We told you when we got addresses from each of you today, that I’d mail you all a copy of our group picture, but we wanted you to know you’ll also be receiving our wedding picture so you can remember us. We’re eloping, so we can’t tell you exactly when you’ll receive it, just that you will,” said Ronnie.

“There’s one last thing I wanted you to know. This whole experience had definitely touched Ronnie and me beyond any other experience in our lives so far. So please don’t any of you forget all the love, the warmth and the honesty we brought out in each other, and let that be our gift to one another now and always. We love you guys,” said Fletch letting his tears fall with gratitude.

Hugs and kisses, pats on the back and long embraces came to an end in Dede’s driveway.

Now there were smiles all around inside the SUV carrying eight men back to Liberty Street. After packing their duffle bags, suite cases, and Sam’s equipment John, George and Sam assembled on the porch, where Taylor Davis and Matthew Leone shared a farewell beer with the group who had worked so well together to write a new ending to what had been a true tragedy.

In his room finishing zippering his two travel bags, Nathan felt a heaviness descend on him. He knew he needed to make the call he should make and now was as good a time as any.

“Hello Mr. March, it’s so good to hear your voice,” said Ann.

“You and Phil made it home alright then?” said Nathan.

“Yes, we did and all’s well with the children. They didn’t know her at all so it didn’t impact them a bit,” said Ann.

“I’m glad a full autopsy wasn’t necessary, so you could have some closure right away,” said Nathan.

“Yes, we buried her ashes with my grandparents, before we left for home, even my Aunt Sandra came to be with us for the burial. When we had dinner back at her home we were so impressed with her in-laws and my niece and nephew. They are quite the family and Sandra credits you for helping her arrive at a place where she is truly happy,” said Ann.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t there to be with you all. I couldn’t make myself go. I should have called and explained sooner, but I needed the time to sort things out. In all honesty Ann this wasn’t how any of us hoped things would work out. None of us ever intended that she be killed. I wanted you to know that,” said Nathan.

“This was the best possible ending Nathan. You got an innocent man cleared, the truth about his wife’s death revealed, so that their son could carry his name with the utmost pride for the rest of his life, because his Dad, like my Dad, was a very good man and now everyone knows it.

“Mother got the justice she deserved. You and I both know she would have been executed for her crimes had she been caught instead of killed. That’s the truth Nathan, as honest and real, as you are my dear friend,” said Ann.

“How is it I called to comfort you Ann and you’ve ended up taking the sorrow inside me away with your words? Is there anything you, Phil or the children need?” asked Nathan.

“No in fact according to mother’s lawyer I’m a very wealthy lady Nathan. I have decided to teach part-time and start a Non-Profit with several retired teachers. For years we talked about giving kids a place to come to do homework and receive all the extra help they’ll need in reading, science and math. All that ever was missing was the money needed to put it together. Phil will stay a Texas Ranger, because that what he loves,” said Ann.

“Please stay in touch Ann I want to hear about your program’s progress and about your personal life journey. You are so special young lady and I don’t want to miss hearing about all the adventures that happen for you and your family,” said Nathan.

“I will Nathan and thank you so much for calling. I can’t tell you how much I needed to hear from you again. Good bye,” said Ann Duncan.

Nathan joined the others on the porch now enjoying five different kinds of pizza. It was a warm and starlit night and again the laughter and the unity among them all, made the sadness he felt earlier, dissipate completely.

Both Taylor Davis and Matthew Leone knew they had formed a friendship with each other that would last the length of their careers and for that they each had Nathan March to thank.

“Well Nathan, time to get home to a wife who has been more than patient with the likes of me. We both know this isn’t goodbye, so let’s just say so long for now,” said Taylor.

“Sharon said to tell you now you owe her two dinners, and she isn’t the type to forget so don’t be surprised if she turns up in Vermont looking for them. In all honesty neither will I forget your wisdom, your help and encouragement. Nathan if ever you need the Bureau’s help and Sharon’s not around, I’m your man,” said Matthew.

“You two are the reason we’re done with this investigation. Honestly I owe you both. So promise me, both of you, that if things get rough or something comes up and you need help, financial or otherwise, you’ll remember that I’m in your debt,” said Nathan as the men shook hands all around and said goodbye one last time before Taylor and Matthew drove off toward their homes.

The restaurant they found open so early at Dallas-Fort Worth Airport put a smile on all their faces as Nathan and Mickey treated John, George and Sam to a huge breakfast the next morning. Mickey appreciated the coffee more than most as he did the driving while they all continued to sleep during their ride to Dallas from Houston, including Nathan. John, George and Sam’s luggage was already checked in for their flight in two hours so they were ready to eat.

“So John did you and Miranda pick a date for your wedding?” asked Mickey.

“Not yet but I’ll bet we will an hour after I get home. On second thought make that three hours after I get home,” said John with everyone laughing knowing how much he missed his sweetheart.

“Tell me George think you’ll miss the PTA?” asked Nathan.

“Hell Nathan, I don’t want to cry on my pancakes,” said George.

“Believe me all that’s been going through my mind is the fact that the times we’ve spent together working with you and Mickey, have been some of the most exhilarating times of my life. I’m not saying I was never stressed out you know because I wanted so much to do everything right, but Nathan honestly I always felt appreciated and valued, that meant a lot to me,” said Sam.

“Personally I’m never going to forget pulling Nathan out from under those heavy wooden boards in that huge attic, remember Nathan?” asked George.

“Please I couldn’t believe it when I came to and saw you three monsters trying to decide what part of me you were going to carry. You scared the bejeepers out of me that time,” said Nathan as they all laughed remembering.

“That’s when you and Naomi got together,” said Mickey.

“Oh please don’t remind me, he drove Sam and I nuts talking in his sleep kissing his pillow and the rest I won’t tell you over breakfast,” said John.

“You fell pretty hard didn’t you,” said Nathan.

“I’m still falling Nathan. Naomi’s got this way of slowing me down, making me believe that I can do anything I set my mind to doing. I just have to look at her and everything rights itself. Life is funny, you think that money, a great job, a fabulous car, or a big house, will make you happy and they do for a time. But what lasts is the love you feel like when you see your wife holding your child and both of them are fast to sleep. Nothing beats feeling that kind of love and knowing they love you the same way,” said George.

“I love it when I can’t sleep for one reason or another and Rebecca makes us a cup of tea, no matter how late it is, and she asks me to tell her about my day. That woman listens to everything like it’s the most important information she could ever receive, seriously. She doesn’t pretend to understand everything, but she always seems so interested just the same. I’m a lucky guy and I know it believe me,” said Sam.

“The first time I told Miranda I loved her, she sat there quietly and after a few minutes she asked me why. When I couldn’t answer at the moment, she just smiled and then she said she knew why she loved me. When I asked her why she said, I was the reason she reached higher today, than yesterday and why she would reach even higher than that tomorrow. She said I gave her the gift of faith in herself and the courage to strive toward what she wants in life. Because I was there beside her, she felt invincible. I sat with my mouth open before I could tell her that she’d spoken all the reasons why I loved her too and it was the truth. Scripture says “and the two shall become one” and now I know that married or not she and I had become one,” said John.

“Hey Naomi will tell you, you get tight with a Lopez and it is all gravy my friend,” said George.

“So now that you’ve dissolved a partnership, you can concentrate on a friendship based on memories, old and new, dreams you share and the loyalty that has brought you through so many times in your life, when just knowing the other was near gave you strength.

Nathan reached into his sport coat and withdrew three envelopes. Handing one envelope to John, George and Sam his eyes filled up.

“When I decided to do this work, Mickey did his best to find good souls who could put up with my eccentricities and my deep devotion to every case I accept. He told me about you three and I thought these guys can’t live up to the buildup I got, but I said bring them aboard. Seeing you three for the first time something inside me said we’d all do well together and we have gentlemen.

“In those envelopes you’ll find your salary and a token of my appreciation of your talent, your devotion to each other and the different investigations we undertook so many times together, and brought to a conclusion that bore witness to a unified and noble effort. I will miss each of you and ask only that when your heart prompts you, you’ll be in touch because you’re important in my life,” said Nathan.

“Ditto,” said Mickey.

Tears fell from every set of eyes, as they all walked to the security section, and hugged like brothers.

“I’ll be in touch Nathan, with you too Mickey cause there’s a wedding coming up,” said John.

“Call me if I can be of any technical assistance, no charge,” said Sam.

“I won’t forget either of you, Naomi won’t ever let me,” said George.

Nathan loved driving in the early summer air and even pulled over to treat a sleeping Mickey to an ice cream cone. The motel they slept in was in Roanoke, Virginia some eighteen hours later. Between the wonderful dinner and breakfast, they knew they could complete the remaining hours of the trip before sun down. With Mickey at the wheel the SUV pulled into the March Manor just over eleven hours later.

During the forty eight hour trip, thirty of which they actually spent on the road, the two men were never lacking for something to discuss, a TV program to watch or a radio station to listen to for the whole trip home. That was testament to both men that they were each other’s best company.

Dina and her husband Dennis loved seeing the two men return who made their day to day life so full of adventure. Mickey’s call home always alerted Dina what meal they’d arrive in time for and tonight Milt Pierce would be joining them to hear the details of the case. Tonight’s dinner was Nathan’s favorite Prime Roast severed with fresh baked sour dough muffins with pecan pie and whipped cream for dessert. The banter about the Dempsey case went on for over two hours with Milt Pierce mesmerized by the characters that made up the investigation, until he left a short time later.

After talking with Leslie to let her know he was home, and verifying her vacation when she’d spend two weeks with him, he disconnected the call feeling refreshed from hearing her voice.

Now in his office Nathan could feel the relief settle in and also the sadness of saying goodbye to some of his best operatives. The events in Houston were so bizarre with his poisoning and Mickey’s own near-death encounter that it would be a while before the triumph actually set in.

Several months had passed since the investigation had begun, during which time he could account for every moment and so could everyone involved in the case. It was such a deeply intense experience and one which the participants all needed in order to bypass their indecision and move them toward the changes they knew were worth making in their lives.

“Still unwinding I see,” said Mickey entering Nathan’s office.

“Actually just replaying some of the aspects of our investigation in Houston and I must say I doubt I’ll ever be able to forget this one,” said Nathan.

“Dina handing me an overnight mail we received. It seems we received an extremely large check from Gillian Solomon’s lawyer who sent it at the request of her daughter Ann.” said Mickey.

With the check in hand, Nathan became still and that secret space where he mentally drifted toward was now where he spent a few minutes in total thanksgiving for Jack McArdle and Abby Carter, the two lives lost which both he and Mickey valued so much. Next he experienced an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the many more decent lives that would be spared because Gillian Solomon was no longer in a position to harm anyone ever again.

“Normally, I’d tell you to send this check back, but somehow it seems appropriate that Gillian’s own money should end up paying for all the expenses incurred in her take down,” said Nathan.

“Now that’s a happy ending I can get behind,” said Mickey, pouring them both some blackberry brandy.

“Yes, that does make it a perfect ending,” said Nathan, as the two men raised their glasses saluting the official close of a truly brutal, but very satisfying investigation.

August 15th found old friends and new together in the beautiful and very large garden outside the home of Emmanuel and Louisa Lopez in Worthington, Ohio to witness John Barry exchange vows with their daughter Miranda Lopez. Because the formal vows were exchanged at 8:00AM at St. Augustine’s Catholic Church earlier that morning due to the requirement that couples be married inside a church, the bride and groom slowly repeated their vows perfectly in front of the same priest to the joy of their guests at 1:00PM that afternoon.

During the outdoor reception under a massive white tent, John and Miranda, George and Naomi and Sam and Rachel, got a chance to meet Leslie Sawyer for the second time on the arm of Nathan March. All three men told Mickey Stone that they finally understood why Nathan always took time off during a case to visit with the lady. Of course all three women chimed in that Nathan’s great looks, intellect, warmth and empathy were the reasons that the lady allowed such a random arraignment.

It was Miranda’s older sister who kept Mickey Stone occupied and almost made him miss his flight home.

Leslie’s two-week visit with Nathan at the manor house in Vermont brought a renewed closeness to the couple who walked for hours, took several small trips and sat side by side reading together in the warmth of each other’s company. The two knew beforehand that while they always welcomed those brought into their lives, there was no one else either needed to completely satisfy them in every way.

In October, Fletch and Ronnie Adams accepted the invitation offered to them to visit Vermont during the height of foliage season for some of the most breathtaking views in the country. Nathan with Mickey travelled with them to see Broadway shows in New York, whale sightings in Maine, enjoyed the Italian faire in Boston’s North End and went apple picking in New Hampshire. On leaving Dr. Fletcher Adams and his new wife Ronnie hated to say goodbye to Nathan and Mickey and Fletch told them so at the airport assuring them that they would never forget their wonderful New England vacation.

By Thanksgiving Nathan was all smiles, as John, George and Sam announced that babies were on their way to all of their houses just months apart. That news really was cause to give sincere thanksgiving thought Nathan.

At Christmas Nathan learned that John was doing excellent in his Master’s Degree program and loved being a temporary teacher in the Junior High School just blocks away from his pregnant wife Miranda’s work place.

George had taken over all of Naomi’s duties at Solutions, moving their agency out of the home but only five minutes away by car, so that he missed nothing important to both of them.

Sam’s new confidence and very professional appearance in the photos Rebecca sent, totally proved to Nathan that he was going to be more successful than he could imagine with two of his techno-gadgets receiving patterns and doing extremely well already.

Detective Taylor Davis, was now Chief of Detectives in the HPD and the Christmas Card with pictures showed how very happy he and his wife were with his new promotion.

Dede McArdle was at the top of the world with her first semester grades at Law School giving her a perfect 4.0. In her Christmas card, she told Nate that she credited Mike Dempsey for helping her with her homework, on his days off. She also mentioned how happy he was with his choice of the priesthood.

Nathan had to laugh because in his Christmas card, young Mike had written that he didn’t know how he could make it without his adopted mother Dede’s compassion and generosity.

The day after New Year’s found Mickey Stone in Albuquerque, New Mexico with Ruby Carter the now 87-year-old Aunt of Abby. The five days Mickey spent in the company of such a gracious lady, put the last of the healing touches on his heart and when he left to return to Vermont, he knew Abby’s reappearance in his life was his making and not his breaking after all. Now he moved forward in peace with the memory of Abby and Trinity a source of joy.

Nathan March’s book “Just Reward” was published in early spring and travelling the book-signing tour was wonderful, because Leslie on a three-month leave of absence travelled everywhere with him, while Mickey took on his first case on his own using operatives recommended by George Lopez’s intelligence agency.

Over time Nathan didn’t recognize Mickey. There were no weekends he went missing in the company of one of his many ladies and no conversations that weren’t rich with new facts he learned and a sense of his growing wisdom. Nathan finally insisted that Mickey find them a driver and join him in the back seat so they could use the travel time to discuss those they’d select to join them on their next investigation.

Enter Annette Gavin, a twenty-eight year old marshal artist with degrees in education and anthropology, who hadn’t found her niche and applied for the job of driver and bodyguard along with dozens of others, she easily won both Mickey and Nathan’s approval.

Just over a year since the Houston case, with a dozen cases completed since then, Nathan, and Mickey celebrated Annette’s year anniversary of joining them at the manor house with Dina and Dennis who felt the added enthusiasm and optimism that young Annette had brought with her.

Their list of multi-talented operatives ready at a moment’s notice and the fact that Nathan always functioned in the company of the best souls available to work beside, made Nathan March Investigations, Inc., a haven for those in need of the best and most committed investigators available.

The End