Nathan March Investigations - Book Three: The Take Down - episode eight

in #fiction7 years ago

episode one
episode two
episode three
episode four
episode five
episode six
episode seven

Episode Eight

Closely observing the house, Gillian Solomon under the influence of oxycodone and marijuana, sat in a black limo adjusting her clothing and the black mesh stockings she wore. Luke Spano could do nothing to stop her and his face bore the scratches from his attempt to do so as he sat beside her and they both looked out on the house at 223 Liberty Street.

Gillian’s presence was noted by Sandra who rose from her seat on the porch surrounding the huge house, as Nina and Theodore Frost prayed there would be no trouble.

“I didn’t come to start any trouble, so tell your gorillas to stand down,” said a very wobbly Gina Solomon.

“This is private property and you are definitely not welcome here,” said Sandra.

“You’re forgetting who it is you are speaking to,” said Gillian defiantly.

“You’ve forgotten the meaning of “private” Gillian,” said Nathan.

“I wanted to pay my respects to the children of the man who loved me dearly,” said Gillian mocking her sister.

“I see, and you chose to do so more than half-crocked,” said Nathan.

Gillian’s attempt to slap his face ended in her arm being twisted by her younger sister, who said “Leave Gillian and enjoy whatever time you have left, because it’s a lot shorter than you think,” said Sandra.

Seeing the flash of silver in her sister’s gray eyes made her aware that Sandra meant what she had said, and Gillian shivered as if someone had crossed over her grave.

In the past it was always Sandra standing alone against Gillian and all of her very high priced bone crushers. However, today Sandra stood protected by a dozen of the biggest men Gillian had ever laid eyes on, and the sense they would snap her neck like a twig if she didn’t change her attitude, hit her very hard, as she walked back toward her ride.

Her feelings of genuine grief were no longer numbed by the drugs in her system. Once again, she had no choice but to order a hit because Monty couldn’t be allowed to testify in open court about all he knew. Angelo Testa didn’t even attempt to be gentle with her instead he let her know that she was now on borrowed time herself, until she proved her worth so that she could continue breathing.

When Gillian slid beside Luke Spano in the back seat of the limo she looked out the tinted windows of the limo knowing what was to follow. Her escort seated on Luke’s other side, waited patiently until they were on the highway. Luke never felt the head and heart shot that entered him on his left side. Chet Lamont, Gillian’s tall, dark and handsome new number one and Montgomery Frost’s assassin, would place Luke’s body in a deep hole full of lye, covered by layers of concrete pebbles with pounds of dark earth under which he’d spend eternity decomposing surrounded by the dense woods on government property not far from Houston’s airport.

Unlike Tony Carpetti, Chet who had longed for his chance with her for over five years was crazy about Gillian and on return to her home after handling his last task, he was certain he wouldn’t end the day without a long time spent with her.

“If you were smart you’d save yourself the worry of my ever testifying against you like Tony wanted to. I mean a husband can’t be forced to testify against his wife,” said Chet as the two showered together the next morning.

“Marry me Gillian, because no one’s going to love you the way I do,” said Chet to a woman a dozen years his senior, as he covered her mouth with his.

Gillian had to admit she loved the way he made her feel about herself and although they’d only been together a very short time, she knew she wanted him to be there for her for the rest of her life too.

“Are you sure Chet?” she asked.

“Oh yes Gillian, I’m sure,” said Chet.

“Chick, what would you say if I told you that I want to move to Naples and live there as your wife?” said Gillian.

“Gillian, I’d live on Mars with you if that’s where you want to go,” said Chet without a moment’s hesitation.

“I’m serious, I’ve always dreamt of living in Naples in the beautiful home my father left to me. I’ve spent two weeks there each year ever since, but you’ll be the first man I’ve brought there,” said Gillian.

“Naples sounds wonderful baby. What about your sister, what do you want to do about her?” asked Chick.

“She’s no threat to us Chick, because Monty shared nothing of any value with her for years. She may hate me intensely and wish me only unhappiness, but she’s got two kids and a career to occupy her mind, so she’ll get over her anger,” said Gillian.

“If you’re sure she’s no threat then we leave her alone,” said Chick.

“Okay then, you handle closing the house down, we’ll each pack and I’ll have a friend update our passports,” said Gillian happier than she’d been in years.

“Tell me Nathan what does it take to land a man like you?” said Sandra as the two walked hand in hand together on her property, in the warm sunshine.

“Lady once you put yourself out there, I’ll be just a fleeting memory as you beat off your gentlemen callers,” said Nathan laughing.

“There was a time when I found it so easy to trust myself, to dream without feeling ridiculous, and to believe that right always triumphs over evil. Monty was always teasing me about being a “Mary Poppins” personality, but I knew down deep he liked the fact that I had faith enough for the both of us.

“When Gillian began going after Monty, I never believed there was anything going on between them, until in a rage he told me that she was the woman he’d always wanted. That was nearly ten years ago now and I suspect that’s when I began to shut down emotionally so that I could survive,” said Sandra.

“What do you really want out of life now, Sandra?” asked Nathan.

“I want to be happy. I would like to leave Houston and find a place to start all over again. I’m not talking about running away or anything, just a new slate where I can use all that I’ve learned over all these years to build a better life for the kids and myself,” said Sandra.

“You don’t have to move to start all over again Sandra, in fact you stand the best chance of solidifying your family by showing Houston that none of you have anything to be ashamed of because you are all honorable human beings. You have to convince yourself to let go of the past, to welcome the future because the future is where your opportunities are limitless and your potential for greatness is awaiting a meeting with your inner faith,” said Nathan.

“Oh Nathan, I want to believe that,” said Sandra.

“Then for the children’s sake, won’t you try?” asked Nathan.

“You know I will. I guess you’re looking forward to returning home to Vermont now that this investigation is its waning days,” said Sandra.

“Yes I am. I spoke to our housekeeper there putting in an order for all her best meals and I made plans to have my lady take two weeks of her vacation to spend there with me so we can unwind together,” said Nathan.

“Good for you my friend. Did I mention that Monty changed his will and left me everything, so financially I will be able to support the children and their grandparents can spend their money on themselves,” said Sandra.

“That’s proof to me that until Gillian started grooming him to become the nation’s Attorney General so that the mob could have a highly-placed political connection, Monty was committed to his marriage and his family.

“I know he was back then. I’m glad everything’s winding down but I’m sad that we won’t be seeing you any longer, even though that’s as it should be Nathan. Detective Davis told me it’s more than likely that the man responsible for Monty’s murder whoever he is, is dead now too or soon will be, because that’s the way the people Monty got himself involved with, end up.

“For us the nightmare’s over and we just need to heal. I want you to know that being with all of you at Liberty Street helped me regain the more genuine emotions I have had in hiding for a long time. Something tells me, that with time it’s going to be alright again,” said Sandra standing on her tiptoes and dropping a kiss on Nathan’s mouth that made him smile from the inside out.

Knowing that the investigation was heading into its final phase, and that their attention needed to be on each and every detail assigned to them from now on, the three members of the Protective Titans Association took time out to call home again as they did regularly, to be sure all was well with their better halves.

“George Lopez you had better be as domesticated when you get home as you appear to be there in Houston,” said Naomi Lopez to her husband who she missed, something fierce.

“What! I just topped Dede’s meatloaf with cheese and ketchup,” said George laughing.

“Well tell Sam to stop making up stories about your feeding the whole house there every day, or else you’ll be asked to do it daily when you’re back here,” said Naomi teasing her handsome husband.

“Who are you kidding, between my mother and sisters when will I ever get the chance to get close to the stove,” said George, missing them all.

“I miss you my sweet man. I’ll talk to you tomorrow,” said Naomi.

“Sweetheart I’ll be home in a week or so, so no calls until I’m on my way, just say a few prayers, okay?” said George.

“Will do George,” said Naomi.

“Miranda don’t say those things to me when I’m this far away,” said John smiling into the phone swearing he could smell her perfume.

“Well because I want to be totally honest with the man I’ll be marrying after the school year is over, I want you to know that an admirer brought me a long stemmed rose today,” said Miranda laughing into the phone.

“Why do I think he’s a little too young for you,” said John.

“Because you are not just handsome, totally sexy and extremely intelligent, you’re also a good listener and you remembered little Anthony is bonkers for me,” said Miranda.

“Well you get some sleep my love and the next time I call, in a week or so, I‘ll be telling you I’m on my way home,” said John.

“That will be a most welcome call. I love you John Edward Barry with all my heart,” said Miranda before disconnecting the call.

“Don’t worry Sam, when you get home in a week or so, you’ll see for yourself that I did get a great price on the drapes and the carpeting, and they are so beautiful. Besides Daddy’s paying for it all,” said Rebecca.

“Well then, I guess it’ll be fine honey, I just don’t want to spend too much buying fancy furniture and stuff honey. I mean you did say you wanted a bunch of kids and kids are not born domesticated any more than animals are, and besides I’d like to pick out some things too,” said Sam.

“I’m sorry honey, it’s just that when I’m feeling blue, I shop and when I shop Daddy’s always paid for it all. I promise no more purchases unless you are with me and agree to them, okay?” said Rebecca.

“No, that’s not fair and besides you have excellent taste,” said Sam.

“Thank you Sam. You can’t imagine the “X-rated” dreams I’ve been having about you Mr. Weiss, if you know what I mean,” said Rebecca.

Sam most definitely did know what she meant and as soon as they finished talking, he needed a very long and very cold shower.

Dede’s week-long burst of energy had the house on Liberty Street looking spotless and today, everyone’s bedding was washed and replaced and the smells from the kitchen filtering through each room of the large house returned things to normal for all the houseguests.

“Mail’s in Dede and someone’s got a letter that looks pretty official if you ask me,” said George plopping the envelope into her hands.

Off she went out to the porch holding her breath. Although she had taken the required College English and Math evaluation required weeks earlier, it had only been ten days since she filled out the information for her references and had her old college transcript mailed to the Law School, both representing the final part of the application process. She didn’t want to build herself up for a letdown of any kind so Dede thought it was best to just tear the letter open and read it.

The loud exclamations heard in the dining room coming from the porch had John, Sam and George beaming as Mickey stated “Gentlemen I think the lady’s going to Law school in the fall.”

Dede’s smile and laughter made their day as she couldn’t believe she’d made it into the University of Houston’s School of Law. Since George rescued the meatloaf dinner the night before because the eager lady had waxed herself into a corner, he automatically went to the kitchen to find that the wonderful catfish dinner she was preparing, was baking just fine at the moment. Dede was told to sit down as she accepted all the congratulations from her bunkies, and was presented with a glass of wine, just as Nathan entered the house, with Mike Dempsey, Ken Hernandez and Farley Coombs.

“Who’s minding the store?” teased Ken.

“Listen Dede with the vast amount of salary I’m paying you, I expect you to man that oven 24/7,” said Nathan breaking himself up as he said it.

“Put down that glass woman and attend to your kitchen,” said Farley rushing over and kissing the cheek of the lady of the house.

“The lady’s officially accepted to Law School, we’ll have you know,” said John.

With that Nathan stood Dede up, embrace her softly against him and kissed her a kiss that lasted over thirty seconds. When he released her Dede nearly fell down, to the amusement of everyone watching, especially Nathan.

“Are you alright,” asked Nathan sincerely.

“Depends are you’re going to let me take a shower with you later,” said Dede as Nathan’s mouth dropped open and this time she got to laugh long and hard with the others.

“Go wash up you heathens, dinner’s nearly ready,” said Dede as she headed to the kitchen to finish cooking the evening meal.

“Wait just a minute young lady, what I just witnessed was blatant disregard for the public’s right to expect behavior more becoming a woman of your maturity,” said Taylor Davis as he and Matthew Leone came through the front door and into the dining room.

“Nathan if you wish me to press Federal charges against this woman for lascivious acts perpetrated against your person, I’ll be happy to,” said Matthew Leone as Dede’s face was now the deep crimson color her late husband so enjoyed inspiring.

“George Lopez there’s an apron in the kitchen with your name on it, so come follow me,” said Dede as she left the lot of them laughing out loud.

Nathan noted that the energies had changed in the house bringing a sense of impending closure alongside the enthusiasm that comes with new beginnings. Each of the people now at the dining room table enjoying a wonderful dinner as well as the good-natured banter going from one to another, could feel the heightened awareness that a future investigation that included all of them, would never happen again.

This was simply a moment in time after which the case would move toward its conclusion and lives temporarily separated from each other would soon be reunited. On the other hand, close relationships had become changed already with major characters voluntarily switching to a minor role for the good of all, and minor characters although still unsure of what the future held for them, decided to accept the risk and rewards of taking a major role in someone else’s life.

All the time spent together, would inspire a cash of memories that even after years had passed, none would ever forget. The Claude Dempsey reinvestigation served each of them well, redirecting them toward their heart’s desires, rearranging their priorities and reminding them of how precious love is and how brief and fragile it can be. No one’s role was finished because an ending wasn’t written yet, but Nathan knew that asked one by one, not one of them would opt to have missed this time together.

At 5’10” tall and weighing barely 150lbs, Angelo Tesla with his jet black hair, dark brown eyes and narrow shoulders was not intimidating in the least until one caught a glimpse of his pockmarked face, the scar across his chin and his twisted smile. Everyone in the New Orleans crime family feared him because once he ordered something done, he never changed his mind.

He had ordered the killing of his own younger brother for bad drug deals he put together against policy, and years later his father’s sister, for keeping company with a cop. Both hits gained him respect and no one crossed him.

The only person to make Angelo Tesla feel vulnerable was sixty-year old Carlo Thomasina a Sicilian who stood 6’2” tall, with pure white hair, ice blue eyes and a smile right out of Hollywood. Carlo presided over the Commission, in New York so his opinion always ruled the day. When one was brought before Carlo, it was a very serious matter and many times a one-way trip.

“So we can’t locate Luke Spano, is that right Angelo?” asked Carlo.

“Yes it appears so Carlo,” said Angelo.

“Is it your considered opinion that he is still alive, Angelo?” asked Carlo.

“I don’t mean to sound irresponsible, but I have to say I honestly can’t guess where he is. You know sir what a dependable man he is, so it must be something important that’s kept him from being in touch,” said Angelo.

“You know what I think, Angelo?” asked Carlo.

“No sir,” said Angelo feeling a wave of nausea as he spoke.

“I think Luke may have died from lead poisoning, which he caught in Houston, from his goomah,” said Carlo.

“This I can’t believe, Guy Furtado’s daughter wouldn’t hurt Luke, she used him to put things right more than any of us did,” said Angelo.

“Okay then, let’s talk about your godson Tony Carpetti, do you know where he is at the moment”” asked Carlo.

“I heard perhaps he disappeared,” said Angelo.

“I’ll bet Guy Furtado’s daughter wishes he’d disappeared instead of finding feds to help him retire while he is still alive,” said Carlo.

“You’re losing me here, I really don’t understand,” said Angelo.

“May I bring Angelo up to date?” said George Lentini.

“By all means,” said Carlo.

“Luke Spano told me at a sit down not too long ago that Gillian told him that Tony Carpetti was possibly seeking immunity, to testify in open court about all he heard, saw, and took part in while working for her.

“Pretending to be as drunk as he was one night, Luke directly asked Tony about his becoming a snitch. Tony told him the only reason he even thought about it was because he couldn’t discuss how much he despised Gillian and her lack of honor, with you because you were so defensive. No disrespect intended Angelo,” said George.

Stunned into silence Angelo tried to stop his heart from racing as he closed his eyes shaking his head in disgust.

“Angelo, you and Guy were like blood I know. You have to admit this woman, his daughter has gotten away with a lot more than we would have taken from any of our people because she was his daughter. She’s a good earner but nothing special, and although she was promising in the beginning, face it she never lived up to her potential, and she picks and chooses what rules she’ll follow and those she won’t,” said Carlo.

“You saw on the news how they identified members of our organization who had to be disciplined permanently, because they placed our organization in peril by disobeying orders and in some cases taking more than their fair share. I submit to you, that had Gillian Solomon destroyed the remains of those traitors when she was ordered to, no one would be looking in our direction for the guilty parties,” said Paul Martino, another member of the Commission.

“Did any of those traitors escape and testify against any of you? No they didn’t because she took care of them using her people. You are right she should have destroyed all evidence of them, but there was someone she intended would join them. That someone was more dangerous to us all then any of the others, because he was a County D.A. It was unfortunate that the police stumbled onto the burial site, I don’t deny it. But the man I speak of died just last week, at Gillian Solomon’s command despite all the heat on her.

“And that makes everything okay? I’ll tell you what. I’m wondering when we’ll get the news the lady has decided to testify against us to save her own carcass,” said Paul Martino.

“So what do you want? You want to close her down, kill her, replace her, what?” asked Angelo.

“We want you to tell her that she has forty-eight hours to prove to us that Tony Carpetti is dead. She does that and she gets a clean slate and starts all over with us,” said Carlo Thomasina.

“And if she can’t get to him?” asked Angelo.

“If she can’t, then you will arrange a not so pleasant passage from this life into the next for her. No arguments, no bargaining, just a done deal,” said Carlo.

An argument that had started earlier in the evening between Fletch and Ronnie, instead of calming down seemed to heat up with every minute that passed.

“You misunderstood me Ronnie,” said Fletch.

“I don’t think so,” said Ronnie tears rolling down her face.

“All I meant was it‘s hard to plan future things like marriage and family with a lifestyle like mine. I’m a doctor who is on call 24/7. I practice my medicine, I sleep and I eat here. I breathe the same air as some of the most dejected and seriously ill human beings in the city. I’m all they have, because they certainly aren’t insured, they don’t often eat, they aren’t always sober and some of them reek so bad no one else will touch them. Ronnie these are the people I serve, and I feel privileged when they keep a second appointment, or when they hand me change because it’s all they’ve got to pay for my services, and they do want to pay, believe me,” said Fletch.

“Fletch, over the last nine weeks I’ve learned that all you just said is true, and I haven’t run away yet, have I?” said Ronnie.

“No, you’re the best nurse I’ve ever known,” said Fletch.

“What I think happened is that while you were trying to show me how much you appreciated my work and sharing my company, I was thinking you were falling in love, just as I was,” said Ronnie.

“Oh Ronnie dammit you know I love you,” said Fletch.

“So loving me means sparing me from sharing your life as your wife, is that it Fletch?” asked Ronnie.

“Well, when you put it that way, it does sound pretty ridiculous doesn’t it?” said Fletch holding her in his arms and gently kissing her.

“Fletch I know that most couples spend a long time deciding things, but we are not most couples. You’re white, I’m black, you were raised with wealth, I was taught to get my own wealth, but together we’ve held more lives in our hands than either of our families would ever believe. From sun up to sun down we’re surrounded by the neediest and the most wounded people in Houston, as well as the most grateful patients one could ask for.

“You use an inheritance that should be yours and yours alone, to keep the place open and stocked with supplies. Hell baby, we live every moment of each day happy to serve whoever it is that comes through these doors. None of that’s a problem to me, and I honestly don’t believe that because I want to continue a relationship with you that includes becoming your wife you should push me away. This is the life I want, I belong here because the one I love beyond anything else in this entire world, is here with me,” said Ronnie.

“So I guess this is where I say, will you marry me Ronnie,” said Fletch now down on one knee.

“Yes, I will Dr. Fletcher Adams,” said Ronnie.

“I’m hoping we find time for the wedding plans,” said Fletch smiling into Ronnie’s face.

“No big plans needed if we elope, Dr. Adams,” said Ronnie.

“Sure, that’ll work. Ronnie are you sure we should, I mean most women want a big wedding with everyone there,” said Fletch.

“I want you, and I just know we can put something together to satisfy the family and friends that will make it a point to witness our nuptials, whenever and wherever we hold them,” said Ronnie knowing the fight was over.

“Up late again Mickey,” said Nathan.

“Yup. It was fun tonight with everyone feeling something special for each other and I was just wondering what might have happened in my life if things had turned out differently,” said Mickey.

“You mean if Abby hadn’t died and she was here with you?” said Nathan.

“That’s it exactly. It keeps running through my mind that we had a baby that we made together when we were so damn in love with each other, it should have all worked. She should have told me and gave me a chance to be her husband and a father. I did love her Nathan more intensely and completely than I’ve ever loved anyone else. That’s why her leaving hurt so,” said Mickey.

“I knew that Mickey, I could feel your love for her, just as I felt her love for you, and I do feel your pain now. All I can tell you Mickey is that Abby and Trinity are going to be with you always, and the way you deal with their deaths is to live for them both every day. Squeeze every drop of awe and wonder from every sunrise and sunset, and treasure all that occurs in between living it all for them. Do that Mickey and someday not too far away, you’ll remember Abby and the daughter she bore you, only with joy and no regrets,” said Nathan.

“No regrets, thanks Nathan,” said Mickey now off to bed knowing he’d sleep tonight recalling the precious moments he did have with Abby.

“Casey, I swear to God if this is some kind of joke you’ll be unemployed so fast you won’t know what hit you,” said Bill Ogden, the manager of St. Vincent’s Cemetery, the largest Catholic Cemetery in Houston.

“Bill I swear I laughed at him too when he told me about hearing music coming from the Riley mausoleum, but it’s not a joke,” said Izzy Taylor, Casey’s grounds keeping partner.

The ornate edifice that for years had held selected members of the Riley family was flanked on either side by beautiful juniper bushes and Mr. Ogden seemed pleased with the pristine condition of the grounds surrounding it as he headed to the front wrought-iron gate and used the large key to open it. He hadn’t even finished turning the key when he became aware that indeed music, although muffled, was coming from behind the wooden door inside.

What would follow, would validate Casey’s reason for calling his boss, and simultaneously ruin Bill Ogden’s day completely. Dozens of police personnel and vehicles, local, state along with FBI were joined by the coroner’s office and numerous high-ranking law enforcement officials as well as forensic personnel there to photograph the scene. Leading them to the discovery was an ultra-thin cell phone inside the coffin Tony Carpetti occupied with another body. It kept playing the song “Almost Paradise,” and thanks to the excellent acoustics in the mausoleum, when the doors were opened, one could discern the tune quite clearly.

It didn’t take long for the FBI to bring in Dennis Boyle, owner and his children, all employees of the Boyle Funeral Home. The very expensive cell phone wasn’t hard to identify and when Scooter Boyle, Dennis Boyle’s daughter was located and brought in for questioning, she hardly was able to stop crying long enough to answer any questions. At barely five feet tall, the dark-haired browned eyed twenty-three year old, was actually quite adorable looking, as she dried her tears and licked her lips like a five-year old.

“Ms. Boyle this phone in this evidence bag is not only yours, but the dozens of messages on it, text and otherwise, are also directed to you. So what we need to know is how did it get into the coffin of one Margaret Riley, who was sharing her final resting place with a known mob hit-man clad only in his briefs?” asked Special Agent in Charge, Sharon O’Brien.

“Crips, I don’t know. You mean there were two bodies in that casket?” asked a totally confused Scooter Boyle whose expression nearly broke up everyone observing her interrogation.

“That’s right the hit man’s name was Tony Carpetti. Does that name ring a bell?” asked the FBI Special Agent.

“Well the truth is we did know each other but it was quite infrequently. I can’t believe Tony’s dead, he was in such excellent condition, if you know what I mean,” said Scooter.

“What’s to keep us from charging you, your father, and your four brothers with Tony’s murder?” asked Sharon O’Brien trying to be firm but finding it nearly impossible because Scooter was such an intellectually- impaired suspect.

“Hey you wait just a minute. We’re no murderers and I didn’t know who was in the casket. Look it all happened because my father’s despises my friends and he’s a real pain in the butt about my taking calls during working hours so I’m not allowed to bring my cell to work. I got around him by going out back where the supplies are to take calls, because he never looks for me there.

“Well one day my cell vibrated with a call I had been waiting for. I went out back and before I could finish the call my Dad opened the door and started heading for where I was standing. I had been leaning against a casket while on the phone and I didn’t even realize it. I knew he’d kill me if he saw me out there talking on my cell instead of curling a client’s hair elsewhere. So, I opened the lid and I dropped the phone inside figuring the worst that could happen was I’d lose the phone and that was a lot better than having my father find me with it.

“Next, I grabbed a few Mortuary Cosmetic Kits and pretended not to see him. He’s not stupid so when I ran into him, he checked my pockets for my cell and when he didn’t find it, he smiled and let me get back to work. Minutes later my father told me that he and my brothers were headed for St. Vincent’s to deliver and seal the coffin of a client in the presence of the manager of the cemetery. I thought for sure it was the same coffin where I’d placed my cell phone and when they’d left I checked out back and I was right. All I could do was pray that my cell didn’t go off while they were at the cemetery. Later, when I asked how it all went, Dad said it went just fine, so I thought I was home free. I got another cell phone and made sure friends all had the new number. I must have forgotten one or two,” said Scooter still quite upset.

Unlike his daughter Scooter, Dennis Boyle knew the drill after all the years of working with the mob’s casualties, as did his four boys who all requested an attorney immediately. The story Mr. Boyle was telling along with his sons, was that after observing the casket brought to the mausoleum, unknown individuals without doing too much damage, evidently broke into the private mausoleum, placed the body of a murdered mobster into the casket of Margaret Riley, his deceased client, and then resealed her casket.

Further he stated that he had no idea his daughter had placed her cell phone inside the Riley casket before they entombed it although he could understand that she feared him finding her with it, because he’d so strongly warned her about using it during working hours. With a straight face and exactly enough sincerity Mr. Boyle stated through his attorney, that he didn’t know who, or why anyone had disturbed Mrs. Riley’s final resting place.

Scooter Boyle would come to learn how lucky she was that her father sent her to live with her Aunt and Uncle in Flagstaff, that very next day. Unfortunately the bodies of her Father Dennis Boyle and each of his sons would be found, occupying their own caskets inside their own funeral home, later that same day.

"Sorry Mike,” said Special Agent Matthew Leone to Claude Dempsey’s son.

“Oh don’t apologize Agent Leone, I’ve come to expect anything to happen when Gillian Solomon’s a part of the picture. I’ll bet she was breathing a lot easier with Tony Carpetti dead,” said Mike.

“Maybe she was at the moment, but we still have a card to play,” said Nathan.

“You are intending to share that card with us aren’t you Nathan?” said Detective Taylor Davis to his friend who seemed very focused at the moment.

“Of course you and Matthew are a vital part of it along with John, George, Sam and Ken and Farley and of course Mickey,” said Nathan.

“I’m being left out?” asked Mike Dempsey.

“No yours is a more spiritual role and each of us needs you to pray it through to its final conclusion,” said Nathan knowing Mike understood.

“Out with it Nathan, we’re all ears,” said Matthew Leone.

“As you wish agent Leone, let’s see what you think of this plan,” said Nathan.

“Before you start Nathan, I want to go on record as opposing it completely,” said Mickey sternly.

“Already noted earlier Mickey,” said Nathan.

“Gentlemen some time ago Gillian Solomon and I had a week end together and although she used a different name in those days, she was as ruthless then as she is now.

“I intend to reintroduce myself to her by appealing to her good nature, which of course has long since dissipated completely, and assuring her that I like a challenge and I also am a big enough man to admit my defeat.

“My intent is to make this statement in an out of the way environment leaked to the press, who’ll be snapping pictures and telling the story of her secret rendezvous with a very old friend, in the next day’s newspapers.

When we leak it we can make it seem as if she was very upset to be caught with me, because she was sharing information about the Dempsey case in order to save her own skin. That gentlemen should make her bosses more than question her loyalties. If so we might just find the lady banging on our front door, looking for a place to hide,” said Nathan.