Nathan March Investigations - Book 2: Murder, After the Fact - episode 7

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

episode one
episode two
episode three
episode four
episode five
episode six

Book Two

Murder, After The Fact

Episode Seven

When Laurie Gibbs returned to the interrogation room and opened the door, Nathan was in the middle of putting on his suit jacket in order to look proper when he brought the newest name deciphered to the attention of Detective Ryan upstairs.

His smile as she closed the door tore at her heartstrings and although she should have been ashamed that a very sweet young police officer she’d been seeing for a year would be livid if he knew what she was thinking, she still smiled back seductively.

“This time Martin came through with a name for “black olive,” said Nathan as Laurie ignored his words and reached for him and on her tiptoes placed a warm kiss on his mouth while she made sure she was close enough to feel his body next to hers.

When Nathan’s mouth didn’t move against hers, and his arms stayed by his sides, Laurie withdrew her mouth from his and moved away from him.

“So, I guess this means that ours was a one night fling two years ago, and there will be no repeat performances,” said Laurie defiantly.

“Something like that Laurie,” said Nathan.

“Too many woman, too little time,” said Laurie, “Just my luck,” she added.

“Laurie I’m told that I’m not good at games, so I‘d like to undo a misconception I think you seem to have about me. Two years ago we both were under the influence of exhaustion, booze and raging hormones, so we let them lead us where otherwise we might never have gone. However today we are being asked to bring the person or persons responsible for five brutal deaths to justice for the sake of their loved ones. I’m not here to gratify myself even with a very beautiful female police officer. And in all honesty I’ve mellowed quite a bit in the last two years thanks to a lovely lady back home,” said Nathan.

“Good for you, and I mean that,” said Laurie feeling stung as Nathan left for the meeting upstairs.

The brass sat in on Detective Peter Ryan’s conclave in the second floor conference room. Looking refreshed and every inch in control, he brought everyone up to date on the work still needed to solve this case. All Nathan could do was admire him for his ability to put everything in sequence giving everyone involved the credit each was due, and then assigning new tasks they were to start on immediately.

“When this case began I went outside to private channels to reach for help. I did this not because you weren’t capable of doing your jobs effectively, but because during a routine seminar I attended, I met a gentleman who most will tell you is singularly the best ever known at locating rock solid evidence in all manner of criminal cases. At this time I’d like him to take any questions you have about the case and form your own opinion,” said Peter.

“Sure he gets tired of talking and I get to do the hard part,” said Nathan as the room filled with laughter.

“Mr. March since I’ve been working the case I’ve felt like Mrs. Dickenson had to know she was pissing off some very dangerous people. Sooner or later she had to figure she was going to end up dead. So why’d she do it?” asked the young investigator.

“Money for most people, a lot of money, brings power with it. But unless you’ve developed good instincts, and nurture altruistic goals for both the money and the power, one can overstep some forbidden boundaries. That’s what I believe Collette Dickenson did. She wasn’t foolish about it at all. She took one powerful client for his or her money while making them aware that if they threatened her another powerful client would hurt them. Obviously something went wrong the last time she tried it,” said Nathan.

“What red flags should we be looking for?” asked another police officer.

“The need for secrecy in each of their lives is why her victims succumbed to Collette’s blackmail, despite their powerful status. In some area of their past or present they were involved with something that they don’t want brought to light. Whoever values keeping the shadows in their lives to themselves the most, is risking everything and nothing’s standing in their way so far. Our five victims are proof of that. But we are getting close and that knowledge is what may make the perpetrator of this case make a very big mistake we can use to find him or her,” said Nathan.

“Do you think it is easier to get information as a private investigator,” asked a young female officer.

Nathan smiled when he answered,” Most definitely. I’d be lying if I told you it wasn’t true. For instance I can ask questions that you might get in legal trouble for asking. I might also try some slicker tactics that might be just on the edge of legal, which I’m sure you’d never attempt. So just as being a good looking female police officer gives that officer an advantage over a not so attractive grumpy police officer, a private detective can be handy to have at your service too,” said Nathan.

“I’ll say,” said the female officer as the room erupted in laughter.

“Do you think that whoever it is has finished with the killings?” asked an intense looking young detective after introducing himself.

“I wish, but NO he or she won’t stop until it’s done and unless we move with skill and determination to match the killer, it’ll continue,” said Nathan, “I‘m confident of that,” he added.

The note handed to Detective Ryan informed him that Armand Oulette’s body was just found. Checking to verify that the brass had already left the conference room, he told his people the news and asked them to keep Oulette’s death quiet for as long as possible. He and Nathan would take the lead and bring them all up to date ASAP.

Despite the bad news, on the way to the crime scene Nathan assured Peter that his people had what it took to put it all together, and he said he was certain they were all on the same page and acting as a team.

Nathan also pointed out to his friend, that even with all the money and unlimited resources the perpetrator had available, he was betting that the sheer determination he saw on the faces of the police officers they had just left, would be what brought Peter to the final solution of this case. Peter listened and the turmoil that threatened to take away his focus, dissipated under the weight of Nathan’s words of encouragement.

“He didn’t see that coming,” said Nathan as he and Peter Ryan viewed Armand Oulette’s body from the front of his parked car. He was slumped in the driver’s seat wearing an indistinguishable look on his face. Nathan concluded it happened so fast, Armand hadn’t the chance to finish a thought.

“It’s for sure he didn’t expect a nine millimeter to bring all his dreams to an end. Frankly though I would have thought that if I had killed my blackmailer, and I knew their lover was still alive, he’d have been my next target. So why was he number six,” said Peter to Nathan.

“Can’t answer that either my friend,” said Nathan.

Sitting at Colette’s desk at the estate, Reggie’s attorney Emmett Doucette was losing patience with her more and more as the days passed and she seemed less and less interested in her mother’s estate. Martin Dickenson, at Lena’s insistence let her alone so Reggie could have a chance to digest the fact that paparazzi, bodyguards, and security teams, were now part of her everyday life, for the foreseeable future.

Having Mickey Stone there with her, allowed her to bounce it all off of someone who had been around the very rich and famous for a long time. He had explained to her that after a while she’d adjust and learn to ignore a lot of things as Nathan did, after a case broke and the media descended on him. As it was for Nathan, life began after she closed her front door behind her, and gathered those she loved close to her, Mickey told her.

“No chance I could steal you away from him, is there Mickey,” she asked only half joking.

“You’re right again,” said Mickey who advised her to find her own personal body guard and let herself, and he or she really mesh together domestically before venturing out into the public. Trust was such a big issue on both sides, because client and bodyguard both had to sleep under the same roof and read each other’s moods, which wasn’t always easy.

“A seasoned bodyguard learns to judge when it’s safe to pull back a bit and when a client’s privacy must be sacrificed for their safety. Any mistakes in judging which circumstance required additional scrutiny could cost a life,” Mickey reminded her.

Standing in front of a jewelry case full of diamonds at a prestigious jewelry shop for the very wealthy, Lena felt as if she would burst with joy. Martin encouraged her to let the ring she eventually selected reflect her emotions at the moment and when she did as he advised her, the perfect ring showed itself. A princess style setting of a single solitaire set in gold was her choice. When it was registered by the jeweler, and photographed and insured upstairs at an Insurance company coincidentally owned by the jeweler’s son, Martin put the two carat diamond ring on her hand, as Lena nearly broke down.

Next they lunched at Truman’s Bistro and although Martin was slowly devouring a wonderful steak, Lena could hardly eat a bite.

“Darling please try and eat,” said Martin.

“You can’t blame me for losing my appetite Martin, so much has happened including our night together after many years,” said Lena.

“We were good together weren’t we?” said Martin.

“We are excellent together. That’s how I know you won’t be angry with me if I help Nathan with those last two names from Collette’s bank statement. I can’t seem to put it all out of my mind,” said Lena.

“Okay,” said Martin looking a bit distraught.

“And the moment the case is solved, I’m going to take you home and show you some of the moves I learned on the Internet that you aren’t going to believe,” said Lena with a sparkle in her eyes.

Martin laughed at the prim and proper lady wearing his ring, and picturing her on adult web sites getting sex tips, he couldn’t be serious again.

Soon Lena realized that her lunch was now almost half eaten. All it took was Martin’s laughter and letting go of her fear.

While Reggie was sightseeing and walking the beaches with Mickey, trying to accept the new life that awaited her, Emmett Doucette had to spend more and more time at the estate, since presently Reggie had abdicated her role as the estate’s mistress. He felt for certain that some of Collette’s soon-to-be former employees might be tempted to remove her assets as each took leave of the estate over the next four days.

Therefore yesterday, following his orders and using last year’s inventory list, security teams had identified valuables present in each of the stone cottages. When completed the inventory of each was absolutely identical with the objects placed in labeled boxes and moved to the main house’s library where they were now under lock and key.

Today, ten security officers took on the main house beginning at six o’clock in the morning. It wasn’t long before going from room to room they counted every piece of artwork, furniture, appliances large and small, dinnerware, vases, lamps, silverware, china, crystal, numerous chandlers, and linens, and learned that a great number of objects listed on last year’s inventory were already missing. Sadly some of them were antiques from the Dickenson family which Collette got in the divorce and even the roadster in which Martin’s grandmother drove him to school, kept in perfect condition by him for years, was not in any of the garages on the estate.

Two of Emmett Doucette’s office staff using a money figure assigned to each article on last year’s inventory, took their time to accurately present the total loss to the estate. Asking to redo the totals one more time, they finally informed Attorney Emmett Doucette, who had to take a seat on learning the news, that two and one half million dollars’ worth of the estate’s assets were now missing.

When he had been called away to Armand‘s death scene, Nathan had been at his laptop to do some internet investigating on his own. When he couldn't get back into what he had been doing, he reached for his cell phone to contact Mickey who was with Reggie enjoying a latte, when he got the call. Nathan informed him about Armand Oulette’s murder and insisted that he and Reggie return to the estate because the possibility of trouble close to home was extremely high.

Emmett Doucette was left dumb struck when Nathan called to give him the news of Armand’s murder, earlier in the day. Grateful for the news that Reggie and Mickey were on their way back to the estate, Emmett was still concerned for Martin and Lena, as was Nathan himself as he disconnected and then phoned Martin.

Nathan’s news dampened the excitement that both Martin and Lena felt at being engaged to be married. It also heightened Martin’s concern for his bride-to-be. When he hung up from Nathan, he called his driver to bring the car to the front of the restaurant and they were on their way back to the estate as he dialed Nathan’s phone for her.

Continuing the celebration of their formal engagement, Lena and Martin Dickenson enjoyed a quite dinner at the table in the large kitchen with Reggie, since the estate’s dining room was currently occupied. Lena’s diamond glistened under all the lights and every member of the household staff that entered the kitchen, hugged her and sincerely offered the couple their congratulations.

Neither Lena nor Martin were as happy as Reggie, who realized that her trip around the world, a fantasy she’d nurtured since her early teens, was finally going to be possible now that her Dad would not be left alone.

She would use the remodeling of the estate as the perfect excuse to be gone for a year, and her Dad and Lena could be trusted to monitor the work being done there, while she was gone. The spirit of joy all three projected almost seemed irreverent considering the current circumstances, but Martin Dickenson was determined that all three of them would have their chance to start over again, since nothing they could do could change all that had happened in the past.

Mickey’s first choice of all the specialty teams they had used over the years were the members of the Protective Titans Agency who were three of the biggest and meanest looking gentlemen one would ever see in a lifetime. The three human monoliths, whose heights started at six foot three and topped off at six foot seven, threw in together to provide special security for high profile individuals and had stayed busy ever since.

A smile always broke out on Mickey’s face as he remembered the first time he met them with their size 18 necks, wearing navy blue sweats that passed for their uniforms. The letters PTA in gold were printed on the front and the slogan “We were trained by the best, to be feared by the rest,” was printed in gold on the back. They often bragged that no one ever made a comment about their slogan, and Mickey sensed that no one ever would who enjoyed maintaining good health.

Sporting a blonde crew cut was John Barry whose specialty in the Navy Seals for about a dozen years had been retrievals, and no one envied those who tried to interfere with John, while he was on a mission. He was more than a capable team leader he was a weapons specialist, a pilot, could operate smaller marine vessels and used a photographic memory to learn anything that would enhance his performance. His genuine spiritual leanings, made him follow his instincts and that knowledge, had saved his life more than once.

Nathan had commented to Mickey at one time that when a handsome and huge Sam Weiss sat in front a computer, his size made it appear as if he were playing with a Lego. Although the comment cracked Mickey up, Sam’s computer skills made it possible to correctly assess the needs of those under protection and time and time again his accurate research included obtaining data hacked at the highest intelligence levels imaginable. He utilized his own sophisticated GPS systems, filled in any communication gaps, and also identified any traps to be avoided.

George Lopez, the third member of the team, always wore a wonderful grin. The twinkle in his brown eyes and his confident manner belayed the fact that George knew more than a hundred ways to kill silently, and had used a few of them at one time or another. His language skills were another asset to the team as he wrote and read seven languages and spoke nine.

As Mickey, John, Sam and George sat in the dining room, Naomi Katz owner of an enterprise called Solutions, out of Manhattan, New York, entered the dining room on Nathan March’s arm. Although they’d only worked together briefly on several occasions, all four young men were feeling a rush that was detected by both Nathan and Naomi herself.

Naomi was thirty-three years old, stood 5’10 inches tall, with soft brown skin and a drop dead gorgeous smile. She had shiny black hair to her waist, hazel green eyes, and a body most men would happily go to war over.

However it was George Lopez, who had drawn her attention every time she visited Nathan in Vermont during a case. Unfortunately George seemed too busy to notice that she wanted to know him very well.

Naomi’s private intelligence agency was nothing short of outstanding on cases demanding undercover work. On the half dozen cases she worked for Nathan her people managed to cut the investigation time in half gathering non-refutable information, which led to the confession of some notable culprits.

She loved the drama, and so did her six employees who ranged in age from 22 to 40 all of whom were endowed with nerves of steel. It was Nathan who suggested to Naomi that her people learn how to safely deliver subpoena’s as the money was good and in lean times that activity could keep her operation afloat. Her Dad, Judge Owen Katz, a Superior Court judge in Vermont and Nathan’s friend for years, had told her to trust Nathan and she was always grateful that she had listened to him.

As Nathan and Naomi took their seats, Mickey slid two photos one on top of the other toward Naomi, in order to begin giving the details of each person’s part in the investigation already underway for two weeks.

“I can’t tell you how good it is to see the four of you again because this case is jammed packed with leads, going in what will be six directions very soon. Having said that, let’s meet the suspects in Collette Dickenson’s murder, each of whom had motive, opportunity and means to strike her down for a perceived threat to their career, their family, or to their finances. Resolving her murder we’ll understand why others connected to her, one by one, met such horrible deaths.

“Each of you are going to simultaneously handle two investigations linked to each other. First we’ll discuss “The Murdered”. With their “bios” in hand, each one of you will have your own murder case to investigate making it your task to determine what it was your murder victim did or what he or she knew, or what it is he or she may have simply stumbled into, that made them a candidate for murder.

“Next it’s on to “The Blackmailed”. Each of you will have a brief report put together by Sam produced from notes compiled on each blackmail victim, so that you can interrogate the blackmailed person assigned to you and learn whether he or she possibility graduated from victim to assailant.

“The first murder victim which brought this case to Nathan’s attention was Collette Dickenson who was blackmailing six individuals only five of whom are identified.

“John you will thoroughly investigate the murder of victim number two, Attorney Douglas Mayhill, and interrogate Collette’s blackmail victim Colin Darcy.

“Sam you will thoroughly investigate the murder of victim three, Troy Holden, and interrogate Collette’s blackmail victim Andrew Fisher.

“George you will thoroughly investigate the murder of victim four, Jenny Hart, and Collette’s blackmail victim Jeremy Pitts.

“I drew murder victim five, Pamela Hart, and Collette’s blackmail victim Violet Watkins.

“Naomi you will thoroughly investigate the murder of victim six Armand Oulette, and interrogate Collette’s blackmail victim Adam Rose

“Now that you’ve got your assignments let’s hear from Nathan,” said Mickey.

“Often a case I work on gets discouraging when it exposes dreadful situations that throw a dark cloud over one’s mood. I have found myself lucky enough to have Mickey here to remind me of some of my own beliefs, which I’ve shared with him over the years. That’s called eating my own words and it‘s a good thing for my sake, that he really listens.

“When people take the trust given to them by a client, friend or whomever and try to profit from it, that intention starts a destructive process and everyone involved suffers. That I believe is what happened here. Collette Dickenson I believe had been blackmailing her clients for some time and some recent event, maybe an increase in their monthly fees for her silence, brought about the decision by one or two of them to punish her for her betrayal.

“Perhaps the Seconal in her system was her solution, her way of stealing an opportunity from her enemies to satisfy their anger by killing her themselves. In some freak order of events, what was meant to happen was a deliberate suicide orchestrated by Collette herself. Before the drug was able to do the job, a person or persons unknown entered Collette’s bedroom, gently held her down and delivered a large dosage of insulin in the form of an injection into her stomach and left. Then another assailant arrived and slit the psychic’s throat. The cause of death was the overdose of insulin which blocked absorption of the Seconal, making it and the throat wound unnecessary.

“When the perpetrator is found they will be charged with first degree murder and the second perpetrator who never noticed she was already dead before he or she cut into her neck, will face attempted murder charges.

“Five of the six murders were collateral damage, which I believe may be at its end now. I’m hoping we’ll be given the time to thoroughly put it all together for a friend of mine Detective Peter Ryan of the Atlanta P.D. Peter is trying to keep the brass content, comfort a pregnant wife, be a loving father to three other kids, and successfully solve six murders.

“I’m delighted because at this time I can begin to take the opportunity to handle this case using my best assets that are nourished by a soulful prospective that results in keeping me in spiritual mode and able to see on many levels. Therefore, as you know from our past associations, Mickey will be the point person who you should utilize, so that we are on the same page.

“With the most recent death appearing to be a professional hit, for safety sake I’d like everyone settled in the main house here at Collette’s estate, so Mickey will show you where your quarters are. We’ll all be rolling up our sleeves to cook and clean up after ourselves as tomorrow ends the employment of Collette’s staff. So we will be the only occupants of the main house.

“Again I thank you for making yourselves available at such short notice for such a dangerous case. I urge you to rest well, eat well and above all please stayed tuned into the Big Holy,” said Nathan.

“Now to learn the identity of the person referred to by the term “healer” said Nathan several hours later when everyone including the PTA and Naomi Katz, Reggie Dickenson and Lena Phelps along with Martin Dickenson, were moved into the main house, filling it to capacity.

There was an uncomfortable silence as if Lena was pulling up information from a storage facility located in her head.

“You’re going to like this Nathan. Do you remember at the memorial service, a group of nuns were speaking to a gentlemen dressed in bright orange light weight woolen robes?” asked Lena.

“Sure I do,” said Nathan.

“Later he and Armand were speaking together, and believe me he was not as soft spoken, as he was with the nuns. His name is Madhav Swaartha he is a Sufi and I know that because Armand practically dragged me into their conversation, using me as a buffer between the man and himself. I felt strange about it because I recognized the name and knew that Madhav Swaartha had eight sessions with Collette always at 6:00AM and she told me she never billed him.

“Nathan that’s important I’m sure because she billed her fifteen minute visits at $1,000.00 each and his visits were ninety minutes long. And another thing I remember is that his was the only client folder I ever filed with his last name printed neatly on it in Collette’s handwriting. One last thing, his last name Swaartha, Collette told me herself it’s the word that’s closest meaning is “to heal,”” said Lena.

“Martin or no Martin, I’m kissing you lady,” and that’s what Nathan did while Martin, sitting beside her on the chaise lounge, sat and beamed at the two of them.

“My goodness Nathan, you surely can kiss a lady,” said Lena whose face was as red as an apple.

“Now I have my own suspect and need to concentrate on Madhav Swaartha and that kiss cleared my head so I can do it,” said Nathan.

“While you are investigating, my contribution to you and your staff’s best efforts will be my cooking skills, such as they are,” said Lena.

“Such as they are, why Lena you could put a lot of chefs to shame with your home cooking, believe me,” said Martin. “Why in the heck do you think I’m rushing you down the aisle,” he added.

“Congratulations again you two,” said Nathan.

“Thanks so much Nathan. My Reggie has told us that she will be busy putting together her redecorating orders for the contractor to complete while she travels the globe in a first class cabin for a year,” said Martin obviously happy about everything working out for them all.

“I think that’s excellent and just think of it, you two will have a whole year to rediscover all the things you love about each other before she returns home and starts seriously looking to settle down and make you both grandparents,” said Nathan.

John Barry and Sam Weiss watched from the hallway as Naomi Katz strutted through the open door and into their large bedroom moving purposefully toward George Lopez. Once she was inside, John and Sam moved to either side of the door way in order to listen, without being seen.

“Mr. Lopez I have to tell you that I’m disappointed in your lack of interest in all the flirting I’ve done with you. I’m trying hard not to be too bold, but you’ve got to give a girl some encouragement or she might think you don’t like her at all,” said Naomi smiling at him.

“Well then, I guess I should advise you Miss Katz, that we are professionals and need to keep our very mutual attraction in check. Because otherwise this is what’s likely to happen,” said George as he pulled her up close and kissed her long and hard. When he broke the kiss Naomi could only stare up at him while she found her voice again.

“Lopez you may be slow on the uptake but once you focus, you are definitely worth the trouble,” said Naomi genuinely happy with this outcome.

Before George could respond, both John and Sam made their presence known as they sauntered into the bedroom that all three men shared.

“Hey Naomi,” said both John and Sam.

“Hey yourselves,” said Naomi.

“Naomi and I are going to take a long walk the way you two did, so we can get an idea of our surroundings. Isn’t that right Naomi,” said George.

“Yes of course. I was just going to change into something more comfortable first. I’ll meet you down stairs in ten minutes,” said Naomi as she shut the door behind her.

“Isn’t it getting a bit dark to be wandering around the property bunkie?” said John with a smirk.

“When he’s right, he’s right,” said Sam Weiss grinning as he did.

“I hadn’t noticed but I probably should go to Ms. Katz’s room and discuss postponing our walk. Who knows maybe it will take a while to explore other options for getting to know our surroundings better,” said George as he left the room heading down the hall, hoping that he was right.

Mickey’s knowledge that he was enjoying his last bit of freedom before his new responsibilities kicked in, had him invite Amanda Newman for a private dinner in his room. When she arrived she was busy studying the inside of the Dickenson mansion. However once they arrived at Mickey’s room her kisses had Mickey postponing their late dinner for a while longer.