Chapter 105:We continued our visits to the Browns.
on a regular basis. Most times to visit. Often to watch fights while eating cajun food. Sometimes just to work out. Shaniqua and Sally went off together one day. When they returned Sally walked over to me and gave me a BIG hug. "Thank you for saving our girl”
Roy didn’t say anything...then. Next visit he offered me his hand. I shook it. He looked me square in the eye and grinned. He knew better than to try the squeeze thing. After that we were OK.
One day in SkyHome Shaniqua pronounced herself healed, both mentally and physically. Whupping that guy’s butt had done the trick. Jenny and Kitty agreed. Then Shaniqua dropped a bombshell. She told me that she had had a really nice vacation with me but it was time for her to go back to work. She had a newspaper to run. .
“I guess I’ll be running along then” I told her. It was very difficult for me to say that. I’d grown quite fond of her.
“Not on your life.” she turned to me spitting fire.”You misunderstood what I said. Let me make it REAL clear. You’re no longer a free agent. I’ve found you. You’re mine. I’m not letting you go for anything.”
I grinned. "Why...why this is so sudden. That sounds like a marriage proposal.”
She blinked. "Well yeah. I guess it does. In fact it is. Do you accept?”
I blinked. I had been teasing. She wasn’t. She was dead serious. I thought about it for a LONG time, almost a millisecond before I said "YES!”
“Think about it” she grinned. Perhaps she’d not been expecting such a rapid response.”
“I have.” I replied. "Sometimes I think really quick”
“When he doesn’t I help him” Jenny chimed in.
“Bless you my children” Kitty appeared out of nowhere. "I very much approve of this betrothal.”
Then she was gone.
Previous Chapter
The Beginning
I write
I have other books on Amazon.
Sometimes I also comment on the news
Sometimes it's hard to tell fiction from the news.
And sometimes fiction goes beyond reality ...
isn't that the point of speculative fiction?
If THIS..then what?
pushing the envelope?
I don't foresee a little cottage and a rose trimmed garden in their marital future...
Why should there be, when Shaniqua's got a sky mansion? If not that, then eventual ascension to "godhood" and an asteroid of their own.
yeah, but roses are nice...