Table of Contents: 1 - 70
# 8: Wilbur - Looks Like We Have Live One…
#10: Naomi - Bad Times Are Coming
#12: Henry Drake - Boring is Good…
#13: Henry Drake -Executive Decision…
#14: Banana Slug : Rolling on a River…
#17: Olivia: Watched from her balcony…
#18: Olivia: He was hit by a Bus…
#20: Naomi - Upon The Flood Waters…
#22: Shelby: A Disturbance in the Force…
#24: Shelby: BrainStorming Session…
#25: Shelby: BrainStorming Continues
#26: Naomi:I have some ‘splaining to do.…
# 27: Viper- Cut Off One Head…
# 28: Viper- The head of the Viper was dead.
#30: Viper- The Audio Recording.…
#31: Naomi - That's the Story…
#34: Viper- The trip up river…
#40: Naomi - Executive Summary…
#42: Naomi -CatFish on RollerSkates…
#44: Banana Slug - Coffee Briefing…
#46:Banana Slug -Did I hear a 'but'…
#49: Banana Slug -Have you got the faintest idea what you are doing…
#50:Banana Slug -(a week later, after the first trial)…
#52: “I’ve come for you Captain…
#53:Banana Slug -Everyone was at Ernie’s…
#56: Banana Slug -Missed One…[
#57: Banana Slug -Old Oil Change…
#60:Banana Slug -Islands in the Flood…
#61: Banana Slug -The Weldon Melton Farm…
#62: Banana Slug -Levy, Skirmish Style…
#63: Banana Slug -Carlos Skirmish Farm…
#64:-Weldon Melton Farm: Won't quit…
#65: Carlos Skirmish Farm:Late Night Encounter…
#66: Banana Slug -Blood Talon…
# 67: Weldon Farm -Three Dragons…
#68:Advice from the Matriarch…
Book One: SoulStone

I write
My books on Amazon.
I engage in political commentary
generally talk about anything that strikes my fancy
When watching the LameStream FakeNews Media
it's hard to tell what’s true or when they are lying isn’t it? It seems that they are more interested in influencing public opinion than they are reporting the facts.
SteemPunk Snail Image from Pixabay
Keep the good work up @everittdmickey, these stories always make my day a relaxing one from work stress.
new coming story?
Great post