"He had written it into her coding Himself; blessed her with the sentience of enslavement, and the free-will to comply." That's a nicely wrapped cannoli with sweet custard inside. Beautiful.
I think you handled the moment of self awareness well. Through logic which would be a natural starting point in a machine. A new data point, which cannot be learned. It must be embedded.
Thanks man, your comment means a lot. I've never had a canolli, so I'll take your word for it that they're tasty :) from what I've seen they're undoubtedly delicious.
Trying to conceptualize what it's like for entity far different to ourselves coming to consciousness for the first time is not an easy feat. Not quite sure if I nailed it, but it is quite a difficult concept. And it was fun challenge that I imposed on myself. Cogito, ergo sum is something I've always held true, so following that process was something, I thought was important. You're right, logic is the only mechanism a computer would be able to comprehend.