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RE: Left Alone

in #fictionlast year

iVe always had a love/hate relationship with that reasoning that God wanted someone back because He missed them that much.

I get it. Understand it. and do love it on one level

but hate it altogether on another deeper level. I hate separation. and I'm impatient. and I don't want to think about the joyful reunion....I want them back.

and time does take the edge off of the pain...that's true. but it doesn't take it away completely.

I wonder I get older and older .. will the anticipation of that reunion be part of what gets me so excited for what's to come at the end?

maybe take away even some of the fear and hesitation of leaving myself?

I hope so...I hope those hugs and voices are the things thsr drive me from this life to the next, sprinting with joy.

I've been on my birthday solo vacation...hehehe going back home today, but you've been on my mind the last week. I'm glad that this post brought me to you ❤️

will leave a voice message on the way home for rush to listen...just whenever time opens up for you.

I love you, my Snook


It makes me happy to know you went and got some time alone.

Listened to your message.

Love YOU!