in #fiction8 years ago


This is the continuation of PART ONE…. CHECK IT OUT HERE

The Wise Dog and The Tortoise

This is a story that happened in the animal world between two abled men, Guto (Tortoise) and Duke (Dog) of the community

After Guto presented the antelope horn to the king and the elders, they had no option than to accept the faith. Everyone was disappointed with Duke. Duke is a total failure! the king exclaimed as he sighted Duke running like someone chasing a criminal coming towards the chamber.

Duke was so tired, surprised and annoyed as well as all that were waiting for the king to announce Guta as the potential inlaw. Everyone was asking him what happened but he couldn't explain for he knew he can't stand the shame of telling the elders what happened on the way to Nzam. I knew what happened!; Guta shouted, the elders turned around to hear the news but Guta said; A MAN MUST BE A MAN EVEN IN THE TIME OF DEFENDING HIS DESTINY. The elders were left confused with the parable, but having a thought about the statement Guta made, Duke understood that he was played.

Looking back at the way the journey went Duke started asking himself questions. First, the faeces on the road to Nzam were almost exactly every poles. Secondly, the faeces have same smell. Now his sense is coming back after he already lost the war. An adage said that “”if you don't know what they are doing, they will use you and do what they are doing””.

As all this thought was going through his mind the king came out, it's now the pronouncement of the potential in-law. Guta was declared the soon to be husband of Ugo the kings last daughter which the wedding union will take place in the next sixty market days according to the tradition. Guta was happy, Duke was mad and the elders were dumbfounded, it was a thing they never expected, Guta was smart. But there is a problem…

When Duke went back home, the same thought was still in his mind as how the situation on the road to Nzam came to be. As he was thinking shutee (sheep) came by to ask him how come those things happened and also to sympathies with him. In their community everyone took shutee as an unnecessary creature because everything about him is good for nothing. But sometimes something good do come out of nothing.

As Duke and Shutee were chatting on the issue, unknowingly to Duke he voiced out what happened on the road to Nzam. Shutee was surprised, and after having thought of it said to Duke; it's only someone who knew you so well will play such trick. Who could this be Duke asked himself. If the person was Guta how come he managed and went to Nzam dropping such amount of faeces every pole before the day they set for their journey to Nzam, Duke asked. If it is not Guta that did it, then it might be another one, but if it is Guta then he probably paid someone to do it for him.

Immediately shutee said this, Duke acted as someone that will get mad soon. He left Shutee and rushed out. Where is he going, Shutee asked himself. Duke rushed to the site where he met the first faeces. After examining the faeces he was convinced fully well that that can never be that of Guta. Duke was still asking himself who could this be but an idea came to his mind. He wanted to go and see the king but it was already late that day.

All through the night, the whole thing that happened on the way to Nzam was on Dukes mind. He was praying for day to break because he want to go and see the king. To him it seems like that night is ten times longer than day. Finally the day came and Duke set out to the king's palace. On reaching the palace the king was surprised to see Duke at that time of the day because it was the first call of the day.

The king being the king welcomed him to the chamber by that hour. What brought you the king asked him. Duke clearing his throat replied to the king that he want to organise a faeces contest. On hearing this, the king was half mad half happy as the request made him laugh and also angry. Was this why you came all the way to the palace at this hour to request, the king asked. By the way what was your reason for the request, the king asked again. Duke replied that he want it to happen on his farmland as he want to fertilize the farmland before cultivating on it.

The king did not agree inside himself with Duke as that can never be the enough reason that brought Duke to the palace that early hour but he just granted Duke's request since he is a member of the community. When will the contest be, the king asked, the next four market days, Duke replied, granted the king said. Duke was a little happy as his request was granted and he left the palace. But will he really find the owner of the faeces…

The smart Guta hearing the new development about Duke was surprised and afraid as he knew Duke sensed something and he don't have the strength to fight Duke. But Guta picked up courage since he was the potential in-law of the king, and as for jjadoo (horse) Duke can never be his match but there is one thing Guta is thinking of… If he pay Jjadoo not to go for the contest Duke will know that the faeces is likely to be that of Jjadoo, then if he allows Jjadoo to attend the contest Duke might find out too because of Dukes high sensitive to smell.

After given it some thought, Guta decided to allow Jjadoo to go for the contest as he made up his mind to face whatever outcome the contest brought. Night before the day that will be the next four market days as agreed with the king, Duke sent out the town-crier to announce to the community about the contest but this time changed the program. Only the selected individual will contest for the show and those individuals are those Duke believed that are capable of dropping such amount of faeces he met on his journey with Guta to Nzam. Duke is wise, Guta is smart, Guta said to himself.

Watch out for PART THREE,don't miss the gist

Check out_ PART ONE HERE


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