She placed the heavily clad gold-diamond ring he’d used to propose their engagement in her jewelry box on the dressing table, how it adorned her finger,she thought. Its crystals sparkled as the fluorescent bulb shone brightly on it. All other jewels in the box seemed insignificant where it lay amongst them. She sighed…
It’d been six years…but the deep cuts and black lines of healed injury that masked her entire being gave it a decade at least or so…the unhappy lines that formed around the corners of her mouth, the dark circles beneath her eyes and the very deep worry lines above her brows said it all She was a failed marriage, if anyone was. But none of that measured to the fact that she was a lone star.
Tagging back through the years she’d had so many dreams, she was about accomplishing the first as a graduate when she met ‘him’. He’d promised her heaven on earth and all what not if she’d marry him. She had agreed as she was no Joseph to the wiles of he who seemed as Potiphar’s wife.
She had left her parents, friends and all and had gone with this man.
Large tear drops raced down her already swollen eyes. She had learned the hard way just like how unfortunate a wolf was to leave his pack, stars who stray away from their constellations end up lone stars who burn off without a sign.
No hopes up until now, all she had done was help him fulfill his. That’s one thing with being with the wrong person she thought, they drag you down their own alley, but she remembered the words of her mother “ if one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces, do not be afraid to pick up one of those pieces and begin again ” . Her husband was dead.
She stared long and hard at his photo which lay on the dressing table “thank you” she finally whispered..She was a lone star but was not determined to be one forever.
She picked up the few luggage she had, making sure to leave everything he’d given her behind. Life is what happens to you while you are making other plans..She would begin again, before life caught up with her once more.
Leaving everything she had struggled with him wasn’t an easy decision, but she had understood from life, to access the future, one must forget the past and make the very best of the present moment.
“If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces, do not be afraid to pick up one of those pieces and begin again” she remembered as her mum would always say. She made a journey in her mind tracing the footprints of her failure, causing her anarchy in her mind, war, in her spirit.
The clock ticked, sure it won’t wait for her, days came to pass. Prayers were answered and
mercies shown. She found the solution; it all started when she forgot about herself and only
chose to help her late husband fulfill his dreams. She said “I can do this!” with utmost happiness
and excitement, even with tears filled on her face. She learned she could start all over again, truly said by her mum. Life became delightful and blissful
for her.
You have a new life not only
when you were born but when you
decide to forget the past and
move on
The mind is willing but the flesh is weak. Could she really move on........
Well it's not always too late to start all over again, it won't be easy but in the end it could be worth it.
Nice one
The mind is willing and she can still move on as long as there's life there's hope