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RE: Superstitious (An Original Short Story)

in #fiction2 months ago

Very very interesting. I usually struggle to read posts over 1000 words, but tha tone was pretty easy. Are you going to publish these as a collection like O'Henry or are you just kind of doing them as fun? If you are looking to publish, there was a point where he said he was going to read a page every ten days, but then there was this line:

reading one passage each day

I'm guessing I just missed something, but I wanted to point it out just in case.


Thanks and I'm glad it held your interest! I'll probably publish a collection of the stories at some point. This was one was actually a story I wrote in 2016 or so but I was never fully satisfied with it. I reworked it a little this morning and now it feels complete. I appreciate you catching that mistake! One of the things I changed was it taking him ten years instead of one year to finish the book and I missed that detail.

That is cool. It was definitely a really good story. I didn't want to be "that guy", but I also didn't want you to get to the point where someone else pointed it out and they may have been less tactful.

I'm always thankful for those kinds of corrections. The writing I put out here on Hive is usually recently drafted so there isn't a lot of editing done.