Six-word story contest #2

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

baby shoes.jpg
This is the six-word story contest. You can write about any subject you want. No restrictions. Open to all.


Winner – 1/3 of the SBD gained from this post
2 x Runners-up – 1/6 each of the SBD gained from this post.

'Hey! What about the other 1/3?' I hear you say. Well, I'm promoting this with my own £££ so I think that's reasonable ;P


  • Upvote this post (the more money in the pot, the better the prize)
  • Write a story in six words
  • Include a copyright-free image
  • Post your story/image in the comments below

How to find copyright-free images

You don't need to resteem this post but it really helps if you do.

Contest will close in 7 days and everyone entering will be tagged with the results within a day or two of closing.

How I choose winners

  • It's an actual story, something that suggests action
  • It's interesting
  • It arouses an emotion
  • It inspires thought

Thanks. And good luck!
Anj :)

Visit @moneyinfant to find a list of the latest competitions.

FYI: the opening story -- For sale, baby shoes, never worn. -- Ernest Hemingway is usually credited as the author, though some doubt it. It's good though, isn't it. We can guess what's happened to the baby. It makes us think and it inspires emotions.




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Unless otherwise stated, all pics in my blog are either mine or freely available online (pixabay, wikimedia, pexels, flickr, public domain pictures,, maxpixel), labelled for reuse and doctored by me.

There are 2 pages

My six-word entry:
“Horse, stop eating and listen carefully!”

WINNER :D -- loved this so much: surreal, funny, other worldly :P

Thanks @anjkara. I’m happy to make you smile. 😊 Great contest. Appreciate wallet drop.

Ok! Now I just need to take my photo, I have a really great 6 word story that I spent way too long writing ;p

Hahah I look forward to seeing it :D

That made me laugh out loud!

I just came here to say this is not your work, then saw it is a contest and that is just an example. So now I am here to say I am looking forward to this, as restriction promotes creativity. I think you will have some great entries.

hahah I'm glad it got you to open the door, my suspected plagiarism. I do mention Ernest Hemingway near the bottom and give him a bit of credit ;P

Can't wait to see your entry. Good luck :D

Aw, you didn't put an entry in. Hope you'll play along in the next one :D

Aw so nice that you noticed 😊 , yes sorry I had the classic procrastination bug, kept thinking of something then was now how do I show that in a picture. But will enter the next one for sure.

You had a few good entries, goodluck in deciding

This week has been chuffing freezing
(Picture my own with a #FunkyEdit)

this made me laugh... yes it has been :D

Here is my entry

Types draft. Deletes. Retypes draft. Sighs

hahah yes, I know the feeling. Cheers Gray (oops, sorry about misspelling your name in another message)


Happens almost every-time

¿De verdad existirá un matrimonio feliz?

I have no idea if a good marriage exists. good point made though. Thanks :)

Don't walk in them, too big

aw, lol. The flip flopping off the back of the foot. I feel ya :D

I think I'm in! It sounds deliciously challenging!


"Spirits haunt everyone, why not you?"

Lovely, creepy, scary, provocative. Of course it was one of the winners :D

Bed slept in yesterday, now empty.

this made me feel so sad. Wonderful entry. Thank you :)

Change happens long before we notice

yes it does... I like the concept but couldn't quite feel a story. Thanks for entering.


Nice inspirational quote. I couldn't quite feel a story though. Thanks for entering.

No worries. I hear you, have a nice eve!


She played. No one noticed her.

This was really really close. I really felt the atmosphere and wondered why she was in this situation. Thanks for entering.

Hola esta es mi participación en este genial concurso:

¡Jaaaa! ¿Que significa "cheeeeese" papi?
Traducción: Jaaaa! What does "cheeeeese" dad mean?

This made me smile. The baby wondering what 'cheese' means. Awww super cute baby too. Thanks for entering.

I care you, if you owe


I couldn't find this as copyright free. Thanks for entering.

If only I had bigger mouth!!

Great pic, Oleg. It made me laugh. You really tried hard to get it all in. Well done lol. Thanks for entering :D

Thank you, Anj! Everybody laughs, when they see it! :D


Next time, she will be prepared!

This was really close. I could imagine her backstory. It made me think. Thanks for entering.

This is a unique contest which will get people engaged... It's very interesting to see the kind of stories made of six words participants will come up with... good idea :)

Thanks Nuridin. There are some brilliant entrants. It was so hard to choose. Thanks for commenting.

I had the story ready and also searched for the accompanying photo while coming back from office. Had planned to submit once I got back but completely slipped out of my mind. Now I am feeling sleepy, so my submission will have to wait.

Nice going @anjkara! I hope to put my entry soon. 😊

Sun greets her; he does not.

Really good entry. I wondered why 'he' doesn't greet her. What's gone wrong. Thanks for entering.

Thanks @anjkara! I was hoping it would be thought provoking and maybe a little sad. Glad it got the job done ☺️

Breathe: begining and end of life.
image credit

Nice entry but I couldn't find this as a copyright free image. Thanks for entering.

It's not rap* , it's surprise sex...

Hilarious! hahaha. I would've loved to have seen the image to go with it. Thanks for entering :D

Thanks, this is a great contest. resteeming this and hope to input mine too

992289_629183660439834_789242926_n.jpg source- sayee

Cuddle us or we shall leave

This is an awesome image. Gorgeous kittens. I like how we hear their voice. Thanks for entering.

welcome dear

@moneyinfant has added your contest to the list Steemit Writing Contests: Issue #35. The list is updated on a daily basis and your contest will remain on the list until its expiration - there's nothing you need to do.

The list was created to save writers the excessive amount of time spent searching through the #contest tag for writing contests. Now they can just come to the list each day, see new contests and use their time doing what they love - writing.

If you'd like to help spread the word about the Steemit Writing Contest List I'd really appreciate a resteem, but it certainly isn't necessary. The project is simply meant to help writers save time and contest creators attract more contestants.

P.S. If you know of any contests I've missed I'd love to hear about them. Thanks!


Third still born. Tenth pregnancy attempt.

This was so close. Such a great story. Sad. Thanks for entering.

I'm gonna fly and eat you

hahah this is crazy. You make me laugh Dawn. Cheers. Thanks for entering.

Care givers need care like this.

lol, poor carer getting lost in the machine. Thanks for entering.

Keep calm and watch your step

This was a strong contender. I felt the layers. Thanks for entering.

i will keep trying And Trying

This made my top 5. Thanks for entering.

Hermosa pero, ¡uuuum! huele a comida.

Hermosa pero, ¡uuuum! huele a comida.
Tigre meditando.jpg

hahaha brilliant. This is so funny. We can see he's torn between loving and eating her. Thanks for entering.

Time is money; Spend it wisely


Nice quote. I couldn't quite feel the story but thanks for entering.


my mind is thinking, thinking when I should be napping, napping.

The Brain thinking napping is key.

I feel this one lol. Nice piece of advice. Thanks for entering.

A good man, he fought evil.

sword 2.jpg

Nice, interesting entry. Made me wonder what the evil could be. Thanks for entering.

Bailemos toda la noche, sin parar.
luna baile.gif

Lovely phrase. It was nice to imagine why they'd wanna dance through the night. Thanks for entering.

Six words on:

I'm just a mop head cat


Funny image and caption. I couldn't quite feel the story but thank you for entering.

Haha.. @anjkara your reply is like the fortune has come rolling home...Thanks

I hope he has some flowers image

This was a really good contender. So much story to imagine here. Thanks for entering.


She still watches the horizon...

I really liked the story but the image was not copyright free unfortunately. Thanks for entering.

Gotta' Be Free... To Be Me.

Nice, uplifting phrase. I didn't quite feel the story but thanks for entering.

I didn't quite feel the story

;+)...There's a saying, "Butterflies are free."...That was the gist of the saying.

Thanks for chiming in.

Great contest, btw!


I didnt mean to hurt you!!

image source

This was a brilliant story. Unfortunately, the words in the pic tipped you over the 6-word limit. Thanks for entering.


Haunted by what could have been.

Nice story. We wonder what 'could have been' for the person in this image. Thanks for entering.

here you go, finally:

They dream dreams of false sunlight.

Image Credit

Actually made me cry. Wow. Such a tear-jerker. Of course one of the winners :D

Here is my entry. Photo credit: Katerina_Knizakova, Pixabay.

"Please honey, don't leave the altar."


Nice story. We feel his anxiety and wonder why he's insecure. Thanks for entering.

images (51).jpeg
Brume patted Jimmy and walked away.

This is a nice quirky dog. I wondered who Brume was and why he was leaving Jimmy. Thanks for entering.


The train woke the children. AGAIN!

Linda Anthony Hill 2018


This made me laugh. The use of capital letters lets us know the frustration. Thanks for entering.

because it was a true story. lol

eating juiciosos.jpg
Above dazed town, sheep graze unphased.

Behind the Scenes of this Six Word Story

I had a read of the extended 6-word story in your blog. Great stuff. You've got a lovely writing voice. Thanks for entering.


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Lol, nice job. You've been bitten by the steemit bug. You could write slogans for them. Didn't quite feel a story here but Thanks for entering.

Yeah, lol...thanks. just thought to try out. I'll be expecting the next contest. :)

There are 2 pages