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RE: Fifty-word challenge: Last week's results plus a new prompt!

in #fiction7 years ago

I already posted mine in a comment here. But since there's no rule that disallows multiple entries.

I wrote another one. Here's the entry post: Ages Apart.

For those who don't want to click the link, here's the story below:

Ages Apart

Whenever I slept, I found myself in that empty space.
No colors, no shapes, no feelings, total void.

There stood a pale old man.
He asked for something, but every time I couldn't hear.

Only now I understand...
"You're taking the wrong path."
I was talking to my younger self.

The End

Would love it if you read and commented on my other entry "Big Fat Space" & my older stories like "Backyard."


You're right! There is no rule about posting more than one 50-word story for a prompt. And it seems you were inspired by this one!