Commentary and Stories :
In an anti-cataclysmic event, a solitary virtual pair separated into a new Universe, a mathematical point with no dimension at all. No inside, no outside, no time or matter, no up or down, just a philosophical instant in a theoretical space. At least for the first Chronon of the newly invented "Time".
The energy contained in the pair was literally all the energy the Universe could hold. Both all the positive energy and all the negative energy that could fit in a whole Universe. Way too much, in fact it was bursting full. Before the infinitely high amplitude wave could resonate even once, huge quantities had to be dispersed into trillions of direction, each a brand new dimension, of which creatures such as ourselves can only apprehend a few.
A significant amount of the energy was dispersed into the large dimensions which had, by random chance, a huge number of Planck lengths available. We see that in our Universe as the CMBR, the cosmic microwave background radiation. Light, shining through space in all directions.
Some of the rest of the energy went into other dimensions, with fewer or even negative numbers of planck lengths. The energy packed into what we call an "Electron" is in a dimension of somewhere between 1 and 100000000000 planck lengths. Almost all of the remaining energy is in dimensions we have no access to, where it makes infinitely diverse structures in directions we cannot look. Whole new worlds.
All of this energy is structured by filamentary channels which writhe and pulse with life, making and breaking trillions of connections every second. The ones we see create galactic webs, immense nebula clouds, planetary systems and the life on Earth. The ones we don't see interconnect between the Universe we know and realms which most of us cannot imagine.
Like the metal balls
in a Magnetix structure

It's a whole groovy thing he's got going on there. Check it out below.

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Read this story. Even though it's just a small part of a grander vision that may only exist in our minds.
I'm taking special notice of @internutter, because he produces so much fiction, of a consistently high quality, with incredible creativity and insight. If it would be fair, I could easily spend every day just writing commentary about his writing, because there's just that much of it. Most of it really good.
But I can't. I have to cover other people, and there are so many other people...
So when I do mention him I want to make that mention stand out. I'm not just buttering him up for some unknowable reason. He really writes a bunch of good stuff. I can't understand why he is not famous. But when he does inevitably become massively rich and famous, I hope he remembers this post.
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@internutter evokes the nexus of those streams of multidimensional energy. Each one is just a nexus, a connection, the spot of convergence between the paths we are on and the chaotic streaming of other, stranger dimensions. If you read enough of these flash stories, you begin to see a 3d Web of causality, some events and their participants are like us, others less so. The histories merge and cross, diverge and flow away. You may see someone you know, but existing in a different time and place. You may come to know new characters, who seem to mutate and grow as they move through other levels.
Footnote: My pronouns are ze/hir or a singular "they" if you can't handle the conjugation of the former.
I'm having my gender reveal party when I'm an international bestseller and not a jot before. ;D