Fiction Trail - Feb. 20, 2018

in #fiction-trail7 years ago (edited)

Commentary and Stories :

After a long hiatus and with new and more limited goals, I am back to curate the best fiction I can find. However, I have a strong preference for speculative fiction and I don't plan to work against that urge. I insist on enjoying the process this time around.

So at least until I find a "partner in crime" to handle the other types of Fiction, you will probably see a strong tilt in one direction among my choices. That's just going to happen.

But the important part will be the discussion and sharing with others. At this point the Fiction-Trail vote is not as large as it could be, but it will be growing. And we do have the Streemian Trail votes coming back any day now, so that makes our position much better. We can actually affect the payouts and the visibility of the authors we (I) select.

That's what I always really wanted. I hate it when people write wonderful stories and nobody sees them. It feels like a kind of death to me, a whole Universe fading away into its own Heat Death.

So please, read, comment, vote and resteem the selected authors if you enjoy their work. Original, creative content is the real value of STEEM.

Yet Another Paramour

It's not the darkness we are afraid of, it's the monsters that wait in the dark.

@snowmachine makes real to us the base drives and avoidances that rule our lives. I have barely touched the series, but I'm interested in how this all came to be. What do I see in that darkness, why do I resonate with such a tale?

A Diamond in Her Eye

We are trying to encourage great content creation on Steemit by building a community of fiction writers. On the Fiction-Trail Discussion Group, writers can meet other writers, get feedback on their work, and help others improve their skills.

Please join us for discussion and lots of great stories under the #fiction tag.

Some people wander into our lives and stroll carelessly around, taking their meaning and form from -our- surroundings, the events of -our- lives. Then they just walk away, unharmed, untouched. What crimes might they commit? @wordymouth draws a picture of a brief encounter.


Thank you for the curation vote. This story came to me in just the fashion you described: How would a master jewel thief escape after getting nabbed? Let me know what you think.

I'm curious, how did you notice that I had mentioned you? We used to get a notification but I tried to test it and didn't get one for myself.

I’m using Steemify on my phone. I just happened to look over and see your post. Steemify only seems to work for notifications. I haven’t figured out how to post from it.

OK thanks. I was planning on writing a reply/notice for each story if notifications were not working, so I guess that's what I'll have to do.